Here, I’m presenting my code I used to clean text data for my fake news detection project. I hope it is useful!

Organize with EDA

from freq_utils import * # This is my personal library which contains frequently used packages and functions
from nltk import pos_tag
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
from import upenn_tagset
from nltk.tokenize import TreebankWordTokenizer

from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize
from nltk import pos_tag, RegexpParser
from nltk.corpus import stopwords, wordnet

import regex as re

from collections import Counter
import time

pd.options.display.max_colwidth = 200
df0 = pd.read_csv('data/True.csv')
df1 = pd.read_csv('data/Fake.csv')
# Drop data we don't use (learnt from eda_raw.ipynb)
df0.drop(['text','subject','date'], axis=1, inplace=True)
df1.drop(['text','subject','date'], axis=1, inplace=True)


df0 = df0[df0.title.str.split().str.len()>2]
df1 = df1[df1.title.str.split().str.len()>2]

df0['org_title'] = df0.title.copy()
df1['org_title'] = df1.title.copy()
# Useful function to display rows selectively
def print_sentences_with_this_string(this_string, column_to_look, df_list, df_names, 
                                     print_words=False, print_set=False, sent_token=False):
    n_dataFrame = len(df_list)
    pat = re.compile(this_string)
    set_list = []
    for i in range(n_dataFrame):
        df = df_list[i]
        df = df[df[column_to_look].str.contains(this_string, regex= True, na=False)]
        count = df[column_to_look].count()
        if count==0:
        if print_set:
            df = df.sample(min(len(df),1000), random_state=20)
            df = df.sample(min(len(df),20), random_state=20)
        corpus_list = df[column_to_look].to_numpy()
        index_list  = df.index.to_numpy()
        example_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['index','selected_text','selected_words'])
        for row in range(len(index_list)):
            if sent_token:
                sentences = sent_tokenize(corpus_list[row])
                display_text = ''
                display_word = []
                for sentence in sentences:
                        display_text += sentence+' '
                        display_word += pat.findall(sentence)
                example_df.loc[row] = [index_list[row],display_text,display_word]
                    display_text = corpus_list[row]
                    display_word = pat.findall(display_text)
                    example_df.loc[row] = [index_list[row],display_text,display_word]
        if print_set:    
            #word_set = set()
            word_set = list()
            lst_list = list(example_df.selected_words)
            for lst in lst_list:
                word_set += lst
            word_counter = Counter(word_set)

        if not print_words:
            example_df.drop(['selected_words'], axis=1, inplace=True)

        display(example_df.sample(min(len(df),20), random_state=20))
        if print_set:
    if print_set:
        return set_list
def replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp='_no_arg_', verbose=False):
    if verbose:
        print_sentences_with_this_string(old_exp, 'title', [df0,df1], ['True','Fake'], print_words=True, print_set=True)
    if not new_exp=='_no_arg_':
        df0.title.replace(to_replace=old_exp, value=new_exp, regex=True, inplace=True)
        df1.title.replace(to_replace=old_exp, value=new_exp, regex=True, inplace=True)
        if verbose:
            print(old_exp,'replaced to',new_exp)
            print_sentences_with_this_string(new_exp, 'title', [df0,df1], ['True','Fake'], print_words=True, print_set=True)
# To test
exp_list = []

First handling itmes

  • Items requiring irregular treatment.
  • Process least interfering cleaning item first.

Replace N. Korea, N.Korea to North Korea

  • This word occurs frequently, so its expression better be unified.
  • Do this step before removing single words.
# Replace N. Korea, N.Korea to North Korea
old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[N][\.]?[\s]?Korea'
new_exp = ' North Korea'
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

Remove single letter capical word

  • Usually middle names, which is not necessary.
  • Remove such words after treat N. Korea stuffs.
# Remove single letter capical word (e.g. middle name)
old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[A-Z][\.](?:[\s]|$)'
new_exp = ' '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

Abbreviation before PoS tagging

  • Unify different abbreviation for a same word.
  • Do this step before removing dots.
  • Abbreviation items:
    • Remove a dot at the end of a Month word starts with an upper case. (Jul. -> Jul)
    • No. <number> to _number_
    • UN, UK variations : U.N. and U.K. then _u_n_ and _u_k_ after PoS tagging
    • Rep. : Rep
    • Sept. : Sep
    • Sen. : Sen
    • Gov. : Gov
    • PM : PM, then _prime_minister_ after PoS tagging
    • P.M. and p.m. (post meridiem): p.m., then _pm_ after PoS tagging (same for a.m.)
    • US, U.S, U.S. or U.S.A.: U.S., then _u_s_ after PoS tagging
old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[N][o][\.]?[\s]?[\d]+'
new_exp = ' _number_ '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[U][\.]?[N][\.]?(?:[\s]|$)'
#new_exp = ' _u_n_ '
new_exp = ' U.N. '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[U][\.]?[K][\.]?(?:[\s]|$)'
#new_exp = ' _u_k_ '
new_exp = ' U.K. '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[U][\.]?[S][\.]?[A]?[\.]?(?:[\s]|$)'
#old_exp = '(?:[^\w]|^)[U][\.]?[S][\.]?[A]?[\.]?(?:[^\w]|$)'
#new_exp = ' _u_s_ '
new_exp = ' U.S. '
replace_regex(old_exp,new_exp, verbose=False)  

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Rr][Ee][Pp][\.]'
new_exp = ' Rep '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Ss][Ee][Pp][Tt][\.]'
new_exp = ' Sept '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Ss][Ee][Nn][\.]'
new_exp = ' Sen '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Gg][Oo][Vv][\.]'
new_exp = ' Gov '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[P][M](?:[\s]|$)'
#new_exp = ' _prime_minister_ '
new_exp = ' PM '
replace_regex(old_exp,new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Pp][\.][Mm][\.](?:[\s]|$)'
#new_exp = ' _pm_ '
new_exp = ' p.m. '
replace_regex(old_exp,new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Aa][\.][Mm][\.](?:[\s]|$)'
#new_exp = ' _am_ '
new_exp = ' a.m. '
replace_regex(old_exp,new_exp, verbose=False)

# Remove a dot at the end of a word starts with an upper case.
old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Jj][Aa][Nn][\.]'
new_exp = ' Jan '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Ff][Ee][Bb][\.]'
new_exp = ' Feb '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Mm][Aa][Rr][\.]'
new_exp = ' Mar '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Pp][Rr][\.]'
new_exp = ' Apr '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Jj][Uu][Nn][\.]'
new_exp = ' Jun '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Jj][Uu][Ll][\.]'
new_exp = ' Jul '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Aa][Uu][Gg][\.]'
new_exp = ' Aug '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Ss][Ee][Pp][\.]'
new_exp = ' Sep '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Oo][Cc][Tt][\.]'
new_exp = ' Oct '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Nn][Oo][Vv][\.]'
new_exp = ' Nov '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Dd][Ee][Cc][\.]'
new_exp = ' Dec '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

Special characters, before word tokenization

@ : Digital source or swearing

Replace any word with \@ to a tag word

old_exp = '[^\s]*[\@]+[^\s]*'
new_exp = ' _mytag_at_ '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

* : Slangs

Replace any word contains * to a tag word

old_exp = '[^\s]*[\*]+[^\s]*'
new_exp = ' _mytag_slang_ '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

\/ : Date (9/11, 24/7), or clickbait (e.g. video/image)

Replace \/ to a space

old_exp = '[\/]'
new_exp = ' '
replace_regex(old_exp,new_exp, verbose=False)

Parentheses [] () {} : Clickbait or emphasis

~Replace to a tag with enclosed text~ Replace a parentheses to a space

#old_exp = '[\[\{\(\]\}\)]'
#old_exp = '[\[\{\(][\s]?[\w]+[\s]?[\]\}\)]'
#new_exp = ' '
#replace_regex(old_exp,new_exp, verbose=False)

% : Percent

Replace to a word “percent”

old_exp = '[\%]'
new_exp = ' percent '
replace_regex(old_exp,new_exp, verbose=False)

$ : Dollor or slangs (ignore few slang cases)


old_exp = '[\$]'
new_exp = ''
replace_regex(old_exp,new_exp, verbose=False)

\&: “And” or special words (e.g. “Q&A”, “AT&T”)

Replace to a word “and” if spaced, replace to an underbar otherwise

old_exp = '[\s][\&][\s]'
new_exp = ' and '
replace_regex(old_exp,new_exp, verbose=False)

old_exp = '[\&]'
new_exp = '_'
replace_regex(old_exp,new_exp, verbose=False)

# : Either special noun or number (e.g. hashtag, tv show episode, website address)

Replace to an underbar

old_exp = '[\#]'
new_exp = '_'
replace_regex(old_exp,new_exp, verbose=False)


Replace to a space

# dot dot, dot dot dot, or dot dot dot...
old_exp = '[\.][\.]+'
new_exp = ' '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)


Replace to _, with space

old_exp = '[\-]'
new_exp = ' _ '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)


Replace to a space

#old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[\'\"]'
#new_exp = ' '
#replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

#old_exp = '[\'\"](?:[\s]|$)'
#new_exp = ' '
#replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)


Replace to a tag

old_exp = '[\d]+'
new_exp = ' _digit_ '
replace_regex(old_exp, new_exp, verbose=False)

Remaining special characters

print_sentences_with_this_string('[^\s\w]', 'title', [df0,df1], ['True','Fake'], print_words=True, print_set=True)
[^\s\w] in title 
 True : 15009
[('.', 750), ("'", 652), (',', 369), (':', 321), ('"', 14), (';', 9), ('?', 8), ('(', 4), (')', 4), ('’', 2), ('‘', 1), ('\u200b', 1)]
index selected_text selected_words
890 18518 Saudi king to start Russia visit on Thursday: state news agency [:]
694 7436 Netanyahu sees U.S. _ Israel ties 'reaching new heights' after Trump victory [., ., ', ']
798 20257 In Mexican town, women and 'muxes' take charge after massive quake [,, ', ']
147 1214 U.S. condemns Venezuelan elections as neither free nor fair [., .]
858 21357 British foreign secretary visits Libyan strongman, backs ceasefire [,]
446 20948 Colombia's Golfo crime gang willing to surrender, president says [', ,]
634 5048 Watchdog presses U.S. lawmakers to probe Icahn's role with Trump [., ., ']
127 1058 Twitter to label election ads after U.S. regulatory threat [., .]
812 13014 In break with decades of U.S. policy, Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital [., ., ,, ']
438 2812 MSNBC host leaving the Republican party, becoming an independent [,]
747 20239 Draining the swamp: Hard _ hit Everglades town mops up after Irma [:]
528 13165 Former Egypt premier says he's 'fine' and still mulling election bid [', ', ']
558 5040 CIA contractors likely source of latest WikiLeaks release: U.S. officials [:, ., .]
592 3131 House speaker optimistic on tax reform prospects this year: source [:]
499 16124 U.S. urges cooperation after Kurdish leader's resignation [., ., ']
505 8497 Trump's remarks on gun rights, Clinton unleash torrent of criticism [', ,]
45 4647 Kremlin says bank's meeting with Trump son _ in _ law was routine business [']
20 17891 Pledging to tackle inequality, U.K. PM May seeks identity beyond Brexit [,, ., .]
306 746 CBO estimates ending Obamacare mandate would increase uninsured, premiums [,]
62 12059 Gunmen assassinate mayor of Libya's biggest port city [']
[^\s\w] in title 
 Fake : 21060
[('’', 639), (':', 415), ('”', 256), ('[', 253), (']', 253), ('…', 248), ('“', 242), (',', 225), ('(', 209), (')', 209), ('!', 185), ('‘', 146), ('.', 137), ('?', 84), ('–', 34), (';', 10), ('+', 2), ('″', 1), ('—', 1)]
index selected_text selected_words
890 17727 BOOM! SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS Sets Media Straight On Difference Between Trump Volunteer’s Meeting and Clinton _ DNC Paying Millions For Fake Russian Dossier [!, ’]
694 13218 WATCH HILLARY SUPPORTERS Weigh In On The Second Amendment…Yikes! [Video] […, !, [, ]]
798 23371 Exposed: The U.S. is an Oligarchy Ruled by Billionaires and Dictators [:, ., .]
147 12447 BREAKING: PRESIDENT _ ELECT TRUMP Meets With President Obama [Video] [:, [, ]]
858 9242 JUST IN: “Pit Bull” Attorney For Special Counsel Robert Mueller Attended Hillary’s Election Night Party [:, “, ”, ’]
446 10851 SHERIFF DAVID CLARKE Picked For Key Position In Trump Administration Aren’t We Lucky! [’, !]
634 23236 Yahoo caves in to NSA, FBI – and secretly monitors customer email accounts for U.S. Gov’t [,, –, ., ., ’]
127 9912 When The View’s WHOOPI GOLDBERG Told Hillary Why She Lost To Trump…Even HILLARY Was Surprised [VIDEO] [’, …, [, ]]
812 18537 THIRD _ RATE ACTOR Who Called His _digit_ _ Yr Old Daughter A “Rude Thoughtless Pig” Defends Liberal Pig “ISIS Kathy” Who Attacked Trump’s _digit_ _ Year Old Son [“, ”, “, ”, ’]
438 19309 HYPOCRISY ON STEROIDS: Check Out HATEFUL Trump Bullies In Anti _ Bullying Ad For Kids [VIDEO] [:, [, ]]
747 15697 MOOCH FOR PRESIDENT? Surprising New Poll Shows How Michelle Stacks Up Against Hillary In _digit_ Presidential Bid [?]
528 17505 HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? LATINO IMMIGRANT, ANTI _ TRUMP Activist Group With Ties To George Soros and ACORN Awarded More Than _digit_ MILLION In Taxpayer Funds [?, ,]
558 13364 BREAKING: HERE’S WHY HILLARY’S “Khan Man” Just Deleted His Law Firm Website…Backtracking To Hide True Agenda [:, ’, ’, “, ”, …]
592 5816 Fox Host: Don’t Ban Assault Weapons Because Terrorists Would Just Use Crock Pots (VIDEO) [:, ’, (, )]
499 18014 BIG MISTAKE? MASKED ANTIFA COWARDS Target KID ROCK’S DETROIT Concert Opening Of Little Caesars Arena Tonight [?, ’]
505 14153 UH OH! BILL CLINTON Unloads On Obama! [Video] [!, !, [, ]]
45 9044 FL ‘Responsible Gun Owners’ Shoot _digit_ _ Year _ Old Girl During ‘Celebratory’ New Year’s Gunfire (VIDEO) [‘, ’, ‘, ’, ’, (, )]
20 2687 WATCH: Hypocrite Mike Pence Calls Democratic Obstruction Of Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee ‘Unprecedented’ [:, ’, ‘, ’]
306 9194 NEWT GINGRICH Slams DOJ’s Sessions: “It’s time for the Attorney General to step up to the plate and do his job.” [Video] [’, :, “, ’, ., ”, [, ]]
62 12202 GREAT! PRO _ COAL OKLAHOMA AG Tapped For Head Of EPA [!]

Word tokenization and Part-of-Speech (PoS) taggins

Tokenize and PoS tagging

Use TreebankWordTokenizer

Abbreviation with dot

  • Some abbreviations contained dots for proper PoS taggings
  • Now, remove dots in the abbreviations

Stopword and short word removal

  • Remove stop words
  • Remove 1-2 letters words
def convert_pos(pos):
    tag = ''
        # get first two letters of PoS tag
        tag = pos[:2]
        tag = 'n'
    if tag == 'JJ':
        tag = 'a'
    elif tag == 'NN':
        tag = 'n'
    elif tag == 'RB':
        tag = 'r'
    elif tag == 'VB':
        tag = 'v'
        tag = 'n'
    return tag

def gen_organized_list(title):
    Apply to the title column
    lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
    tb_tokenizer = TreebankWordTokenizer()
    stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
    clean_pat = re.compile('[\w\.]+[\']?[\w]*|[\:\;\!\?\.\'\"\,\[\{\(\]\}\)]')
    minimal_pat = re.compile('[a-z_]{3,}')
    # list for each row
    words_list = []
    pos_list = []
    minimal_words_list = []

    # tokenize title
    words = tb_tokenizer.tokenize(title)

    for word in words:

        # skip noisy special character
        if not bool(

        # get a list of single item
        pos = pos_tag([word])
        pos = pos[0][1]

        # Handle abbreviation 
        old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[P][M](?:[\s]|$)'
        new_exp = ' _prime_minister_ '
        word = re.sub(old_exp,new_exp,word)
        old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Pp][\.][Mm][\.](?:[\s]|$)'
        new_exp = ' _pm_ '
        word = re.sub(old_exp,new_exp,word)

        old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[Aa][\.][Mm][\.](?:[\s]|$)'
        new_exp = ' _am_ '
        word = re.sub(old_exp,new_exp,word)

        old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[U][\.]?[S][\.]?(?:[\s]|$)'
        new_exp = ' _u_s_ '
        word = re.sub(old_exp,new_exp,word) 
        old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[U][\.]?[N][\.]?(?:[\s]|$)'
        new_exp = ' _u_n_ '
        word = re.sub(old_exp,new_exp,word) 

        old_exp = '(?:[\s]|^)[U][\.]?[K][\.]?(?:[\s]|$)'
        new_exp = ' _u_k_ '
        word = re.sub(old_exp,new_exp,word) 
        word = word.lower()
        # append word, pos

        clean_words = clean_pat.findall(word)

        # append minimal words
        for clean_word in clean_words:
            minimal_words = minimal_pat.findall(clean_word)
            for minimal_word in minimal_words:
                if not minimal_word in stop_words:
                    minimal_words_list.append(lemmatizer.lemmatize(minimal_word, convert_pos(pos)))
    words_list = ' '.join(words_list)
    pos_list = ' '.join(pos_list)
    minimal_words_list = ' '.join(minimal_words_list)
    return words_list, pos_list, minimal_words_list

temp0 = df0.title.apply(gen_organized_list)
temp1 = df1.title.apply(gen_organized_list)
df0['lower_title'] = df0.org_title.str.lower()
df1['lower_title'] = df1.org_title.str.lower()

df0['cleaned_words'] = temp0.apply(lambda x : x[0])
df1['cleaned_words'] = temp1.apply(lambda x : x[0])

df0['cleaned_pos'] = temp0.apply(lambda x : x[1])
df1['cleaned_pos'] = temp1.apply(lambda x : x[1])

df0['minimal_words'] = temp0.apply(lambda x : x[2])
df1['minimal_words'] = temp1.apply(lambda x : x[2])


org_title lower_title cleaned_words cleaned_pos minimal_words
0 Donald Trump Sends Out Embarrassing New Year’s Eve Message; This is Disturbing donald trump sends out embarrassing new year’s eve message; this is disturbing donald trump sends out embarrassing new year’s eve message ; this is disturbing NNP NN NNS IN VBG NNP NN NN NN : DT VBZ VBG donald trump sends embarrass new year eve message disturb
1 Drunk Bragging Trump Staffer Started Russian Collusion Investigation drunk bragging trump staffer started russian collusion investigation drunk bragging trump staffer started russian collusion investigation NN VBG NN NN VBN JJ NN NN drunk brag trump staffer start russian collusion investigation
2 Sheriff David Clarke Becomes An Internet Joke For Threatening To Poke People ‘In The Eye’ sheriff david clarke becomes an internet joke for threatening to poke people ‘in the eye’ sheriff david clarke becomes an internet joke for threatening to poke people ‘in the eye’ NN NNP NN NNS DT NN NN IN VBG TO NN NNS NN DT NN sheriff david clarke becomes internet joke threaten poke people eye
3 Trump Is So Obsessed He Even Has Obama’s Name Coded Into His Website (IMAGES) trump is so obsessed he even has obama’s name coded into his website (images) trump is so obsessed he even has obama’s name coded into his website ( images ) NN NN RB VBN PRP RB NN NN NN VBN NN PRP$ NNP ( NNS ) trump obsess even obama name cod website image
4 Pope Francis Just Called Out Donald Trump During His Christmas Speech pope francis just called out donald trump during his christmas speech pope francis just called out donald trump during his christmas speech NN NN RB VBN IN NNP NN IN PRP$ NN NN pope francis call donald trump christmas speech
... ... ... ... ... ...
23476 McPain: John McCain Furious That Iran Treated US Sailors Well mcpain: john mccain furious that iran treated us sailors well mcpain : john mccain furious that iran treated _u_s_ sailors well NN : NNP NN JJ DT NN VBN NNP NNS RB mcpain john mccain furious iran treat _u_s_ sailor well
23477 JUSTICE? Yahoo Settles E-mail Privacy Class-action: $4M for Lawyers, $0 for Users justice? yahoo settles e-mail privacy class-action: $4m for lawyers, $0 for users justice ? yahoo settles e _ mail privacy class _ action : _digit_ m for lawyers , _digit_ for users NN . NN NNS NN NN NN NN NN NN NN : NN NN IN NNS , NN IN NNS justice yahoo settle mail privacy class action _digit_ lawyer _digit_ user
23478 Sunnistan: US and Allied ‘Safe Zone’ Plan to Take Territorial Booty in Northern Syria sunnistan: us and allied ‘safe zone’ plan to take territorial booty in northern syria sunnistan : _u_s_ and allied ‘safe zone’ plan to take territorial booty in northern syria NN : NNP CC NNP NN NN NN TO VB JJ NN IN NNP NNS sunnistan _u_s_ allied safe zone plan take territorial booty northern syria
23479 How to Blow $700 Million: Al Jazeera America Finally Calls it Quits how to blow $700 million: al jazeera america finally calls it quits how to blow _digit_ million : al jazeera america finally calls it quits WRB TO NN NN NN : NN NN NNP RB NNS PRP NNS blow _digit_ million jazeera america finally call quits
23480 10 U.S. Navy Sailors Held by Iranian Military – Signs of a Neocon Political Stunt 10 u.s. navy sailors held by iranian military – signs of a neocon political stunt _digit_ _u_s_ navy sailors held by iranian military signs of a neocon political stunt NN NNP NNP NNS NNP IN JJ JJ NNS IN DT NN JJ NN _digit_ _u_s_ navy sailor held iranian military sign neocon political stunt

23471 rows × 5 columns

Confirm text processing result

for x in exp_list:
    #print_sentences_with_this_string(x, 'org_title', [df0,df1], ['True','Fake'], print_words=True, print_set=True)

    selected_row = df0.org_title.str.contains(x,regex=True)
    if len(selected_row)>0:
    selected_row = df1.org_title.str.contains(x,regex=True)
    if len(selected_row)>0:
org_title lower_title cleaned_words cleaned_pos minimal_words
1582 Trump slaps travel restrictions on N.Korea, Venezuela in sweeping new ban trump slaps travel restrictions on n.korea, venezuela in sweeping new ban trump slaps travel restrictions on north korea , venezuela in sweeping new ban NN NNS NN NNS IN NN NNP , NNP IN VBG JJ NN trump slap travel restriction north korea venezuela sweep new ban
1923 U.S. Treasury's Mnuchin drafting new N. Korea sanctions: Fox News u.s. treasury's mnuchin drafting new n. korea sanctions: fox news _u_s_ treasury 's mnuchin drafting new north korea sanctions : fox news NNP NNP POS NN VBG JJ NN NNP NNS : NN NNS _u_s_ treasury mnuchin draft new north korea sanction fox news
2224 Amid nuclear standoff, frozen N.Korea debt untradeable due to sanctions amid nuclear standoff, frozen n.korea debt untradeable due to sanctions amid nuclear standoff , frozen north korea debt untradeable due to sanctions IN JJ NN , NNS NN NNP NN JJ JJ TO NNS amid nuclear standoff frozen north korea debt untradeable due sanction
10647 U.S., backed by China, proposes tough N.Korea sanctions at U.N. u.s., backed by china, proposes tough n.korea sanctions at u.n. _u_s_ , backed by china , proposes tough north korea sanctions at _u_n_ . NNP , VBD IN NNP , NNS JJ NN NNP NNS IN NN . _u_s_ back china proposes tough north korea sanction _u_n_
12757 Russia: U.S. military drills likely aimed at provoking N.Korea russia: u.s. military drills likely aimed at provoking n.korea russia : _u_s_ military drills likely aimed at provoking north korea NN : NNP JJ NNS JJ VBN IN VBG NN NNP russia _u_s_ military drill likely aim provoke north korea
13458 Tillerson: China could do more to curb oil exports to N.Korea tillerson: china could do more to curb oil exports to n.korea tillerson : china could do more to curb oil exports to north korea NN : NNP MD VB RBR TO NN NN NNS TO NN NNP tillerson china could curb oil export north korea
13469 Kremlin says U.S. idea to cut all ties with N.Korea simplistic kremlin says u.s. idea to cut all ties with n.korea simplistic kremlin says _u_s_ idea to cut all ties with north korea simplistic NNP VBZ NNP NN TO NN DT NNS IN NN NNP JJ kremlin say _u_s_ idea cut tie north korea simplistic
13565 U.S. imposing more sanctions against N.Korea soon: White House u.s. imposing more sanctions against n.korea soon: white house _u_s_ imposing more sanctions against north korea soon : white house NNP VBG RBR NNS IN NN NNP RB : NNP NNP _u_s_ impose sanction north korea soon white house
19140 Trump slaps travel restrictions on N.Korea, Venezuela in sweeping new ban trump slaps travel restrictions on n.korea, venezuela in sweeping new ban trump slaps travel restrictions on north korea , venezuela in sweeping new ban NN NNS NN NNS IN NN NNP , NNP IN VBG JJ NN trump slap travel restriction north korea venezuela sweep new ban
20031 Japan's Suga: government strongly protests latest N Korea missile launch japan's suga: government strongly protests latest n korea missile launch japan 's suga : government strongly protests latest north korea missile launch NNP POS NN : NN RB NNS JJS NN NNP NN NN japan suga government strongly protest late north korea missile launch
21108 U.N. chief condemns N.Korea nuclear test, says it is 'profoundly destabilizing' u.n. chief condemns n.korea nuclear test, says it is 'profoundly destabilizing' _u_n_ chief condemns north korea nuclear test , says it is 'profoundly destabilizing ' NNP NN NN NN NNP JJ NN , VBZ PRP VBZ RB VBG '' _u_n_ chief condemns north korea nuclear test say profoundly destabilize
21118 Xi, Putin agree to 'appropriately deal' with N.Korea nuclear test: Xinhua xi, putin agree to 'appropriately deal' with n.korea nuclear test: xinhua xi , putin agree to 'appropriately deal ' with north korea nuclear test : xinhua NN , NN NN TO RB NN '' IN NN NNP JJ NN : NN putin agree appropriately deal north korea nuclear test xinhua
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9790 ACTOR JAMES WOODS DESTROYS Leftist TIME For Article Suggesting U.S. LIED About N. Korea Torturing Otto Warmbier Who Died After Returning In A Coma actor james woods destroys leftist time for article suggesting u.s. lied about n. korea torturing otto warmbier who died after returning in a coma actor james woods destroys leftist time for article suggesting _u_s_ lied about north korea torturing otto warmbier who died after returning in a coma NN NN NN NN JJ NN IN NN VBG NNP NN IN NN NNP VBG NNP JJR WP VBD IN VBG IN DT NN actor james wood destroys leftist time article suggest _u_s_ lied north korea torture otto warmbier die return coma
10187 BREAKING NEWS: GENERAL MATTIS Issues Fiery Warning To N. Korea’s Kim Jong Un…STAND DOWN Or Face “End of Its Regime…Destruction of Its People” breaking news: general mattis issues fiery warning to n. korea’s kim jong un…stand down or face “end of its regime…destruction of its people” breaking news : general mattis issues fiery warning to north korea’s kim jong un…stand down or face “end of its regime…destruction of its people” NN NN : NNP NN NNS NN VBG TO NN NNP NNP RB NN RB CC NN NN IN PRP$ NN IN PRP$ NN breaking news general mattis issue fiery warn north korea kim jong stand face end regime destruction people
10463 #FakeNewsMorningShow GMA Compares President Trump To N. Korean’s Murderous Dictator Kim Jong Un [VIDEO] #fakenewsmorningshow gma compares president trump to n. korean’s murderous dictator kim jong un [video] _fakenewsmorningshow gma compares president trump to north korean’s murderous dictator kim jong un [ video ] NN NN NNS NNP NN TO NN NNP JJ NN NNP RB NN NN NN NN _fakenewsmorningshow gma compare president trump north korean murderous dictator kim jong video
10611 FATHER OF STUDENT Released From N. Korean Prison Slams Obama…Uses ONE WORD To Describe President Trump That Will Make Liberals Cringe [VIDEO] father of student released from n. korean prison slams obama…uses one word to describe president trump that will make liberals cringe [video] father of student released from north korean prison slams obama…uses one word to describe president trump that will make liberals cringe [ video ] NN IN NN VBN IN NN JJ NN NNS NNS CD NN TO NN NNP NN DT MD VB NNS NN NN NN NN father student release north korean prison slam obama us one word describe president trump make liberal cringe video
10635 BREAKING NEWS: “At The Direction Of The President” 22-Yr Old American Is Released From N. Korean Prison [VIDEO] breaking news: “at the direction of the president” 22-yr old american is released from n. korean prison [video] breaking news : “at the direction of the president” _digit_ _ yr old american is released from north korean prison [ video ] NN NN : NN DT NN IN DT NN NN NN NN NN JJ NN VBN IN NN JJ NN NN NN NN breaking news direction president _digit_ old american release north korean prison video
11109 “Crazy Fat Kid” Kim Jong Un Has HILARIOUS Rule That Prevents N. Korean Men From Copying His Look “crazy fat kid” kim jong un has hilarious rule that prevents n. korean men from copying his look “crazy fat kid” kim jong un has hilarious rule that prevents north korean men from copying his look NN NN NNP NNP RB NN NN NN NN DT NNS NN JJ NN IN VBG PRP$ VB crazy fat kid kim jong hilarious rule prevents north korean men copy look
11151 PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH: China To Cooperate With Trump On N. Korea…FLASHBACK: CHINESE DISRESPECT Weak Obama On Final Visit…Forced Him To Exit From “Ass” Of Air Force One [VIDEO] peace through strength: china to cooperate with trump on n. korea…flashback: chinese disrespect weak obama on final visit…forced him to exit from “ass” of air force one [video] peace through strength : china to cooperate with trump on north korea…flashback : chinese disrespect weak obama on final visit…forced him to exit from “ass” of air force one [ video ] NN IN NN : NNP TO NN IN NN IN NN NNP : NN NN NN NN IN JJ VBN NN TO NN IN NN IN NNP NN CD NN NN NN peace strength china cooperate trump north korea flashback chinese disrespect weak obama final visit force exit as air force one video
11380 NUCLEAR SHOWDOWN? NAVY SEAL TEAM That Killed Osama Bin Laden To Take Part In Military Drills Against N. Korea nuclear showdown? navy seal team that killed osama bin laden to take part in military drills against n. korea nuclear showdown ? navy seal team that killed osama bin laden to take part in military drills against north korea NN NN . NN NN NN DT VBN NN NN NNP TO VB NN IN JJ NNS IN NN NNP nuclear showdown navy seal team kill osama bin laden take part military drill north korea
17893 ACTOR JAMES WOODS DESTROYS Leftist TIME For Article Suggesting U.S. LIED About N. Korea Torturing Otto Warmbier Who Died After Returning In A Coma actor james woods destroys leftist time for article suggesting u.s. lied about n. korea torturing otto warmbier who died after returning in a coma actor james woods destroys leftist time for article suggesting _u_s_ lied about north korea torturing otto warmbier who died after returning in a coma NN NN NN NN JJ NN IN NN VBG NNP NN IN NN NNP VBG NNP JJR WP VBD IN VBG IN DT NN actor james wood destroys leftist time article suggest _u_s_ lied north korea torture otto warmbier die return coma
18178 BREAKING NEWS: GENERAL MATTIS Issues Fiery Warning To N. Korea’s Kim Jong Un…STAND DOWN Or Face “End of Its Regime…Destruction of Its People” breaking news: general mattis issues fiery warning to n. korea’s kim jong un…stand down or face “end of its regime…destruction of its people” breaking news : general mattis issues fiery warning to north korea’s kim jong un…stand down or face “end of its regime…destruction of its people” NN NN : NNP NN NNS NN VBG TO NN NNP NNP RB NN RB CC NN NN IN PRP$ NN IN PRP$ NN breaking news general mattis issue fiery warn north korea kim jong stand face end regime destruction people
18380 #FakeNewsMorningShow GMA Compares President Trump To N. Korean’s Murderous Dictator Kim Jong Un [VIDEO] #fakenewsmorningshow gma compares president trump to n. korean’s murderous dictator kim jong un [video] _fakenewsmorningshow gma compares president trump to north korean’s murderous dictator kim jong un [ video ] NN NN NNS NNP NN TO NN NNP JJ NN NNP RB NN NN NN NN _fakenewsmorningshow gma compare president trump north korean murderous dictator kim jong video
18485 FATHER OF STUDENT Released From N. Korean Prison Slams Obama…Uses ONE WORD To Describe President Trump That Will Make Liberals Cringe [VIDEO] father of student released from n. korean prison slams obama…uses one word to describe president trump that will make liberals cringe [video] father of student released from north korean prison slams obama…uses one word to describe president trump that will make liberals cringe [ video ] NN IN NN VBN IN NN JJ NN NNS NNS CD NN TO NN NNP NN DT MD VB NNS NN NN NN NN father student release north korean prison slam obama us one word describe president trump make liberal cringe video
18500 BREAKING NEWS: “At The Direction Of The President” 22-Yr Old American Is Released From N. Korean Prison [VIDEO] breaking news: “at the direction of the president” 22-yr old american is released from n. korean prison [video] breaking news : “at the direction of the president” _digit_ _ yr old american is released from north korean prison [ video ] NN NN : NN DT NN IN DT NN NN NN NN NN JJ NN VBN IN NN JJ NN NN NN NN breaking news direction president _digit_ old american release north korean prison video
18799 “Crazy Fat Kid” Kim Jong Un Has HILARIOUS Rule That Prevents N. Korean Men From Copying His Look “crazy fat kid” kim jong un has hilarious rule that prevents n. korean men from copying his look “crazy fat kid” kim jong un has hilarious rule that prevents north korean men from copying his look NN NN NNP NNP RB NN NN NN NN DT NNS NN JJ NN IN VBG PRP$ VB crazy fat kid kim jong hilarious rule prevents north korean men copy look
18962 NUCLEAR SHOWDOWN? NAVY SEAL TEAM That Killed Osama Bin Laden To Take Part In Military Drills Against N. Korea nuclear showdown? navy seal team that killed osama bin laden to take part in military drills against n. korea nuclear showdown ? navy seal team that killed osama bin laden to take part in military drills against north korea NN NN . NN NN NN DT VBN NN NN NNP TO VB NN IN JJ NNS IN NN NNP nuclear showdown navy seal team kill osama bin laden take part military drill north korea
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1923 U.S. Treasury's Mnuchin drafting new N. Korea sanctions: Fox News u.s. treasury's mnuchin drafting new n. korea sanctions: fox news _u_s_ treasury 's mnuchin drafting new north korea sanctions : fox news NNP NNP POS NN VBG JJ NN NNP NNS : NN NNS _u_s_ treasury mnuchin draft new north korea sanction fox news
5582 Robert F. Kennedy's son announces run for Illinois governor robert f. kennedy's son announces run for illinois governor robert kennedy 's son announces run for illinois governor NNP NN POS NN NNS VB IN NNP NN robert kennedy son announces run illinois governor
7500 Former President George W. Bush does not cast vote for president former president george w. bush does not cast vote for president former president george bush does not cast vote for president NN NNP NNP NNP VBZ RB NN NN IN NN former president george bush cast vote president
8088 Ex-President George W. Bush dips toe into U.S. trade debate ex-president george w. bush dips toe into u.s. trade debate ex _ president george bush dips toe into _u_s_ trade debate NN NN NNP NNP NNP NNS NN IN NNP NN NN president george bush dip toe _u_s_ trade debate
9082 George W. Bush ends exile, helps Republicans raise money george w. bush ends exile, helps republicans raise money george bush ends exile , helps republicans raise money NNP NNP NNS NN , NNS NNPS NN NN george bush end exile help republican raise money
10579 Wall Street's big short: President Donald J. Trump wall street's big short: president donald j. trump wall street 's big short : president donald trump NNP NNP POS JJ JJ : NNP NNP NN wall street big short president donald trump
10809 White House hopeful John Kasich hires former George W. Bush press aide white house hopeful john kasich hires former george w. bush press aide white house hopeful john kasich hires former george bush press aide NNP NNP NN NNP NNP NNS JJ NNP NNP NN NN white house hopeful john kasich hire former george bush press aide
10819 Jeb Bush gets a brotherly hand from George W. in South Carolina jeb bush gets a brotherly hand from george w. in south carolina jeb bush gets a brotherly hand from george in south carolina NN NNP VBZ DT RB NN IN NNP IN NNP NNP jeb bush get brotherly hand george south carolina
10864 George W. Bush to make first appearance for brother Jeb george w. bush to make first appearance for brother jeb george bush to make first appearance for brother jeb NNP NNP TO VB RB NN IN NN NN george bush make first appearance brother jeb
12784 UK PM May promises to uphold N. Ireland peace process as Brexit impasse ends uk pm may promises to uphold n. ireland peace process as brexit impasse ends _u_k_ _prime_minister_ may promises to uphold ireland peace process as brexit impasse ends NNP NN NNP NNS TO JJ NN NN NN IN NN NN NNS _u_k_ _prime_minister_ may promise uphold ireland peace process brexit impasse end
21344 Samsung leader Jay Y. Lee given five-year jail sentence for bribery samsung leader jay y. lee given five-year jail sentence for bribery samsung leader jay lee given five _ year jail sentence for bribery NN NN NNP NNP VBN CD NN NN NN NN IN NN samsung leader jay lee give five year jail sentence bribery
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206 W. Virginia Halloween Store Boasts Shockingly Racist Costume Display Featuring Pres. Obama (VIDEO) w. virginia halloween store boasts shockingly racist costume display featuring pres. obama (video) virginia halloween store boasts shockingly racist costume display featuring pres. obama ( video ) NNP NN NN NNS RB NN NN NN VBG NN NN ( NN ) virginia halloween store boast shockingly racist costume display feature pres obama video
208 WATCH: George W. Bush Calls Out Trump For Supporting White Supremacy watch: george w. bush calls out trump for supporting white supremacy watch : george bush calls out trump for supporting white supremacy NN : NNP NNP NNS IN NN IN VBG NNP NN watch george bush call trump support white supremacy
524 Trump’s Response To USS John S. McCain Collision Was Just Heartless trump’s response to uss john s. mccain collision was just heartless trump’s response to uss john mccain collision was just heartless NN NN TO NN NNP NN NN NN RB NN trump response us john mccain collision heartless
536 Even Robert E. Lee Didn’t Want Confederate Monuments To ‘Keep Open The Sores Of War’ even robert e. lee didn’t want confederate monuments to ‘keep open the sores of war’ even robert lee didn’t want confederate monuments to ‘keep open the sores of war’ RB NNP NNP NN VB NN NNS TO NN VB DT NNS IN NN even robert lee want confederate monument keep open sore war
552 Even Robert E. Lee’s Great-Great Grandson Wants Statues Torn Down even robert e. lee’s great-great grandson wants statues torn down even robert lee’s great _ great grandson wants statues torn down RB NNP NN NN NN NN NN NNS NNS NN IN even robert lee great great grandson want statue torn
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20291 WATCH: GEORGE W. BUSH Offers Somber Memorial Honoring Lives Of Murdered Dallas Police Officers…OBAMA Gives Speech About URGENT Need For GUN CONTROL [VIDEO] watch: george w. bush offers somber memorial honoring lives of murdered dallas police officers…obama gives speech about urgent need for gun control [video] watch : george bush offers somber memorial honoring lives of murdered dallas police officers…obama gives speech about urgent need for gun control [ video ] NN : NN NNP NNS NNP JJ VBG NNS IN VBN NNS NNS NN NNS NN IN NN NN IN NN NN NN NN NN watch george bush offer somber memorial honor life murder dallas police officer obama give speech urgent need gun control video
20310 BREAKING…OBAMA’S WAR ON COPS: ANOTHER Cop Ambushed And SHOT 3 Times In Neck By Black Man With Lengthy Criminal History In W. St. Louis breaking…obama’s war on cops: another cop ambushed and shot 3 times in neck by black man with lengthy criminal history in w. st. louis breaking…obama’s war on cops : another cop ambushed and shot _digit_ times in neck by black man with lengthy criminal history in st. louis NN NN NN NN : NN NN VBN CC NN NN NNS IN NN IN NN NN IN JJ JJ NN IN NNP NNP breaking obama war cop another cop ambush shot _digit_ time neck black man lengthy criminal history louis
20382 BREAKING: US SUPREME COURT Upholds U. Of TX-Austin Admissions Ability To Choose Black, Hispanic Students Before White, Asian Students breaking: us supreme court upholds u. of tx-austin admissions ability to choose black, hispanic students before white, asian students breaking : _u_s_ supreme court upholds of tx _ austin admissions ability to choose black , hispanic students before white , asian students NN : NNP NN NN NNS IN NN NN NN NNS NN TO VB NN , JJ NNS IN NNP , JJ NNS breaking _u_s_ supreme court upholds austin admission ability choose black hispanic student white asian student
20551 LEADING N. CAROLINA NEWSPAPER: Girls Need To Attempt “Overcoming Discomfort” At Sight Of “Male Genitalia” In Locker Rooms leading n. carolina newspaper: girls need to attempt “overcoming discomfort” at sight of “male genitalia” in locker rooms leading carolina newspaper : girls need to attempt “overcoming discomfort” at sight of “male genitalia” in locker rooms NN NN NN : NNS NN TO NN VBG NN IN NN IN NN NN IN NN NNS leading carolina newspaper girl need attempt overcome discomfort sight male genitalia locker room
21709 AS ISIS HAS CELEBRATORY PARADE IN W. ANBAR PROVINCE OF IRAQ: Pathetic Obama Regime Asks Networks To Stop Using “B-loop” ISIS Footage as isis has celebratory parade in w. anbar province of iraq: pathetic obama regime asks networks to stop using “b-loop” isis footage as isis has celebratory parade in anbar province of iraq : pathetic obama regime asks networks to stop using “b _ loop” isis footage IN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN IN NN : JJ NN NN NNS NNS TO VB VBG NN NN NN NN NN isi celebratory parade anbar province iraq pathetic obama regime asks network stop use loop isi footage

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222 Exclusive: Contenders emerge for No.2 Fed job, search to narrow exclusive: contenders emerge for no.2 fed job, search to narrow exclusive : contenders emerge for _number_ fed job , search to narrow JJ : NNS NN IN NN NNP NN , NN TO NN exclusive contender emerge _number_ fed job search narrow
300 No. 2 Democrat in Senate calls on Franken to resign no. 2 democrat in senate calls on franken to resign _number_ democrat in senate calls on franken to resign NN NNP IN NNP NNS IN NNS TO NN _number_ democrat senate call franken resign
479 Conyers should resign if accusations are 'founded': No. 2 House Democrat conyers should resign if accusations are 'founded': no. 2 house democrat conyers should resign if accusations are 'founded ' : _number_ house democrat NNS MD NN IN NNS VBP VBN '' : NN NNP NNP conyers resign accusation found _number_ house democrat
484 No. 2 Republican in U.S. House sees conference on tax bill soon no. 2 republican in u.s. house sees conference on tax bill soon _number_ republican in _u_s_ house sees conference on tax bill soon NN JJ IN NNP NNP NNS NN IN NN NN RB _number_ republican _u_s_ house see conference tax bill soon
524 Senate to vote on tax plan this week, No. 2 Republican says senate to vote on tax plan this week, no. 2 republican says senate to vote on tax plan this week , _number_ republican says NNP TO NN IN NN NN DT NN , NN JJ VBZ senate vote tax plan week _number_ republican say
2581 No. 2 Senate Republican: health bill to be discussed Tuesday before vote no. 2 senate republican: health bill to be discussed tuesday before vote _number_ senate republican : health bill to be discussed tuesday before vote NN NNP JJ : NN NN TO VB VBN NNP IN NN _number_ senate republican health bill discuss tuesday vote
2851 Senate's No. 2 Republican eyes healthcare vote next week: The Hill senate's no. 2 republican eyes healthcare vote next week: the hill senate 's _number_ republican eyes healthcare vote next week : the hill NNP POS NN JJ NNS NN NN JJ NN : DT NN senate _number_ republican eye healthcare vote next week hill
3813 Senators pledge aggressive Russia probe after meeting with U.S. Justice Department's No. 2 senators pledge aggressive russia probe after meeting with u.s. justice department's no. 2 senators pledge aggressive russia probe after meeting with _u_s_ justice department 's _number_ NNS NN JJ NN NN IN NN IN NNP NN NNP POS NN senator pledge aggressive russia probe meeting _u_s_ justice department _number_
4183 Trump pick for No. 2 at Commerce Dept withdraws name: source trump pick for no. 2 at commerce dept withdraws name: source trump pick for _number_ at commerce dept withdraws name : source NN NN IN NN IN NNP NN NNS NN : NN trump pick _number_ commerce dept withdraws name source
4728 Trump expected to nominate attorney Sullivan as No. 2 at State Dept.: WSJ trump expected to nominate attorney sullivan as no. 2 at state dept.: wsj trump expected to nominate attorney sullivan as _number_ at state dept. : wsj NN VBN TO NN NN NN IN NN IN NN NN : NN trump expect nominate attorney sullivan _number_ state dept wsj
4740 No. 2 House Republican says healthcare bill debate to start Friday: CNN no. 2 house republican says healthcare bill debate to start friday: cnn _number_ house republican says healthcare bill debate to start friday : cnn NN NNP JJ VBZ NN NN NN TO NN NNP : NN _number_ house republican say healthcare bill debate start friday cnn
4919 Trump picks Boeing executive Shanahan to become Pentagon's No.2 trump picks boeing executive shanahan to become pentagon's no.2 trump picks boeing executive shanahan to become pentagon 's _number_ NN NNS VBG NN NN TO NN NNP POS NN trump pick boeing executive shanahan become pentagon _number_
5078 Trump's Justice No. 2 rebuffs Democrats on Russia probe trump's justice no. 2 rebuffs democrats on russia probe trump 's justice _number_ rebuffs democrats on russia probe NN POS NN NN NNS NNPS IN NN NN trump justice _number_ rebuff democrat russia probe
5094 No. 2 Senate Republican says Senate to probe Trump's wiretap claims no. 2 senate republican says senate to probe trump's wiretap claims _number_ senate republican says senate to probe trump 's wiretap claims NN NNP JJ VBZ NNP TO NN NN POS NN NNS _number_ senate republican say senate probe trump wiretap claim
5516 Trump nixes Abrams for No. 2 State Department job: sources trump nixes abrams for no. 2 state department job: sources trump nixes abrams for _number_ state department job : sources NN NNS NNS IN NN NN NNP NN : NNS trump nix abrams _number_ state department job source
8257 No. 2 House Democrat opposes temporary gov't spending bill no. 2 house democrat opposes temporary gov't spending bill _number_ house democrat opposes temporary gov't spending bill NN NNP NNP NNS JJ NN NN NN _number_ house democrat opposes temporary gov spending bill
8880 House No. 2 Republican says still questions Clinton's judgment in email matter house no. 2 republican says still questions clinton's judgment in email matter house _number_ republican says still questions clinton 's judgment in email matter NNP NN JJ VBZ RB NNS NN POS NN IN NN NN house _number_ republican say still question clinton judgment email matter
9754 Republican Cruz, hoping to revive struggling campaign, taps Fiorina as No. 2 republican cruz, hoping to revive struggling campaign, taps fiorina as no. 2 republican cruz , hoping to revive struggling campaign , taps fiorina as _number_ JJ NN , VBG TO NN VBG NN , NNS NNP IN NN republican cruz hop revive struggle campaign tap fiorina _number_
9990 Antitrust head Baer to serve as No. 3 at Justice Department antitrust head baer to serve as no. 3 at justice department antitrust head baer to serve as _number_ at justice department JJ NN NN TO NN IN NN IN NN NNP antitrust head baer serve _number_ justice department
10602 No. 2 Senate Republican voices unease over Trump candidacy: CNN no. 2 senate republican voices unease over trump candidacy: cnn _number_ senate republican voices unease over trump candidacy : cnn NN NNP JJ NNS NN IN NN NN : NN _number_ senate republican voice unease trump candidacy cnn
10910 Pentagon's No. 2 says cut in LCS ship program 'not an indictment' pentagon's no. 2 says cut in lcs ship program 'not an indictment' pentagon 's _number_ says cut in lcs ship program 'not an indictment ' NNP POS NN VBZ NN IN NN NN NN NNS DT NN '' pentagon _number_ say cut lcs ship program indictment
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21963 New Survey Shows No.1 Fear of US Citizens is Government NOT Terrorism new survey shows no.1 fear of us citizens is government not terrorism new survey shows _number_ fear of _u_s_ citizens is government not terrorism NNP NN NNS NN NN IN NNP NNS VBZ NN NN NN new survey show _number_ fear _u_s_ citizen government terrorism
22746 New Survey Shows No.1 Fear of US Citizens is Government NOT Terrorism new survey shows no.1 fear of us citizens is government not terrorism new survey shows _number_ fear of _u_s_ citizens is government not terrorism NNP NN NNS NN NN IN NNP NNS VBZ NN NN NN new survey show _number_ fear _u_s_ citizen government terrorism
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386 Flynn, Kushner targeted several states in failed U.N. lobbying: diplomats flynn, kushner targeted several states in failed u.n. lobbying: diplomats flynn , kushner targeted several states in failed _u_n_ lobbying : diplomats NN , NNP VBN JJ NNS IN VBD NNP NN : NNS flynn kushner target several state fail _u_n_ lobbying diplomat
448 U.N. rights boss condemns "spreading hatred through tweets" u.n. rights boss condemns "spreading hatred through tweets" _u_n_ rights boss condemns spreading hatred through tweets '' NNP NNS NN NN VBG VBN IN NNS '' _u_n_ right bos condemns spread hatred tweet
770 China says will investigate if U.N. resolutions on North Korea contravened china says will investigate if u.n. resolutions on north korea contravened china says will investigate if _u_n_ resolutions on north korea contravened NNP VBZ MD NN IN NNP NNS IN NN NNP VBN china say investigate _u_n_ resolution north korea contravene
858 U.S. draft U.N. resolution seeks extension of Syria chemical probe u.s. draft u.n. resolution seeks extension of syria chemical probe _u_s_ draft _u_n_ resolution seeks extension of syria chemical probe NNP NN NNP NN NN NN IN NNS NN NN _u_s_ draft _u_n_ resolution seek extension syria chemical probe
1037 U.N. rights expert assails Trump administration on press treatment u.n. rights expert assails trump administration on press treatment _u_n_ rights expert assails trump administration on press treatment NNP NNS NN NNS NN NN IN NN NN _u_n_ right expert assails trump administration press treatment
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21372 U.N. calls for pause in air strikes to spare civilians in Syria's Raqqa u.n. calls for pause in air strikes to spare civilians in syria's raqqa _u_n_ calls for pause in air strikes to spare civilians in syria 's raqqa NNP NNS IN NN IN NN NNS TO NN NNS IN NNS POS NN _u_n_ call pause air strike spare civilian syria raqqa
21406 U.S., North Korea clash at U.N. forum over nuclear weapons u.s., north korea clash at u.n. forum over nuclear weapons _u_s_ , north korea clash at _u_n_ forum over nuclear weapons NNP , NN NNP NN IN NNP NN IN JJ NNS _u_s_ north korea clash _u_n_ forum nuclear weapon
21408 U.S., North Korea clash at U.N. forum over nuclear weapons u.s., north korea clash at u.n. forum over nuclear weapons _u_s_ , north korea clash at _u_n_ forum over nuclear weapons NNP , NN NNP NN IN NNP NN IN JJ NNS _u_s_ north korea clash _u_n_ forum nuclear weapon
21409 U.S., North Korea clash at U.N. arms forum on nuclear threat u.s., north korea clash at u.n. arms forum on nuclear threat _u_s_ , north korea clash at _u_n_ arms forum on nuclear threat NNP , NN NNP NN IN NNP NNS NN IN JJ NN _u_s_ north korea clash _u_n_ arm forum nuclear threat
21411 North Korea shipments to Syria chemical arms agency intercepted: U.N. report north korea shipments to syria chemical arms agency intercepted: u.n. report north korea shipments to syria chemical arms agency intercepted : _u_n_ report NN NNP NNS TO NNS NN NNS NN VBN : NNP NN north korea shipment syria chemical arm agency intercept _u_n_ report

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8 Former CIA Director Slams Trump Over UN Bullying, Openly Suggests He’s Acting Like A Dictator (TWEET) former cia director slams trump over un bullying, openly suggests he’s acting like a dictator (tweet) former cia director slams trump over _u_n_ bullying , openly suggests he’s acting like a dictator ( tweet ) NN NNP NN NNS NN IN NNP VBG , RB NNS NN VBG IN DT NN ( NN ) former cia director slam trump _u_n_ bully openly suggests act like dictator tweet
348 Trump’s UN Speech May Have Been Terrible, But The Faces Of Other Representatives Were Priceless trump’s un speech may have been terrible, but the faces of other representatives were priceless trump’s _u_n_ speech may have been terrible , but the faces of other representatives were priceless NN NNP NN NNP VB NN JJ , CC DT NNS IN JJ NNS WRB NN trump _u_n_ speech may terrible face representative priceless
901 Trump Crumbles As His Own UN Ambassador Shuts Down His Russia Lies (VIDEO) trump crumbles as his own un ambassador shuts down his russia lies (video) trump crumbles as his own _u_n_ ambassador shuts down his russia lies ( video ) NN NNS IN PRP$ JJ NNP NN NNS IN PRP$ NN NNS ( NN ) trump crumbles _u_n_ ambassador shuts russia lie video
1677 The UN Just Sent Trump A DIRE Warning About Obamacare the un just sent trump a dire warning about obamacare the _u_n_ just sent trump a dire warning about obamacare DT NNP RB NN NN DT NN VBG IN NN _u_n_ sent trump dire warn obamacare
3152 Republicans Vote To DEFUND The U.N. In Retaliation For One Single Issue republicans vote to defund the u.n. in retaliation for one single issue republicans vote to defund the _u_n_ in retaliation for one single issue NNPS NN TO NN DT NNP IN NN IN CD NN NN republican vote defund _u_n_ retaliation one single issue
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22658 Wikileaks: NSA Spied on UN Secretary-General and World Leaders’ Secret Meetings wikileaks: nsa spied on un secretary-general and world leaders’ secret meetings wikileaks : nsa spied on _u_n_ secretary _ general and world leaders’ secret meetings NNS : NN VBN IN NNP NNP NN NNP CC NN NN JJ NNS wikileaks nsa spy _u_n_ secretary general world leader secret meeting
23258 Russian Military: US Coalition Predator Drone Spotted at Time & Place of Syria UN Aid Convoy Attack russian military: us coalition predator drone spotted at time & place of syria un aid convoy attack russian military : _u_s_ coalition predator drone spotted at time and place of syria _u_n_ aid convoy attack JJ JJ : NNP NN NN NN VBN IN NN CC NN IN NNS NNP NN NN NN russian military _u_s_ coalition predator drone spot time place syria _u_n_ aid convoy attack
23273 WMD FRAUD: Sexed-up UN ‘Chemical Weapons’ Report on Syria Contrived to Trigger More Sanctions, Intervention wmd fraud: sexed-up un ‘chemical weapons’ report on syria contrived to trigger more sanctions, intervention wmd fraud : sexed _ up _u_n_ ‘chemical weapons’ report on syria contrived to trigger more sanctions , intervention NN NN : NNP NN RB NNP JJ NN NN IN NNS VBN TO NN RBR NNS , NN wmd fraud sexed _u_n_ chemical weapon report syria contrive trigger sanction intervention
23425 UN Physically Removes Independent Media From NYC HQ For Exposing Institutional Corruption un physically removes independent media from nyc hq for exposing institutional corruption _u_n_ physically removes independent media from nyc hq for exposing institutional corruption NNP RB NNS NN NNP IN NN NN IN VBG JJ NN _u_n_ physically remove independent medium nyc expose institutional corruption
23441 Wikileaks: NSA Spied on UN Secretary-General and World Leaders’ Secret Meetings wikileaks: nsa spied on un secretary-general and world leaders’ secret meetings wikileaks : nsa spied on _u_n_ secretary _ general and world leaders’ secret meetings NNS : NN VBN IN NNP NNP NN NNP CC NN NN JJ NNS wikileaks nsa spy _u_n_ secretary general world leader secret meeting

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447 Trump angers UK with truculent tweet to May after sharing far-right videos trump angers uk with truculent tweet to may after sharing far-right videos trump angers _u_k_ with truculent tweet to may after sharing far _ right videos NN NNS NNP IN NN NN TO NNP IN VBG RB NN NN NNS trump anger _u_k_ truculent tweet may share far right video
451 UK PM May says Donald Trump was wrong to retweet far-right videos uk pm may says donald trump was wrong to retweet far-right videos _u_k_ _prime_minister_ may says donald trump was wrong to retweet far _ right videos NNP NN NNP VBZ NNP NN VBD JJ TO NN RB NN NN NNS _u_k_ _prime_minister_ may say donald trump wrong retweet far right video
455 UK PM May is focused on tackling extremism, spokesman says in response to Trump uk pm may is focused on tackling extremism, spokesman says in response to trump _u_k_ _prime_minister_ may is focused on tackling extremism , spokesman says in response to trump NNP NN NNP VBZ VBN IN VBG NN , NN VBZ IN NN TO NN _u_k_ _prime_minister_ may focus tackle extremism spokesman say response trump
482 Trump was wrong to retweet UK far-right group: British PM May's spokesman trump was wrong to retweet uk far-right group: british pm may's spokesman trump was wrong to retweet _u_k_ far _ right group : british _prime_minister_ may 's spokesman NN VBD JJ TO NN NNP RB NN NN NN : JJ NN NNP POS NN trump wrong retweet _u_k_ far right group british _prime_minister_ may spokesman
1276 Senior U.S. legal official meeting UK leaders to tackle online security issues senior u.s. legal official meeting uk leaders to tackle online security issues senior _u_s_ legal official meeting _u_k_ leaders to tackle online security issues JJ NNP JJ NN NN NNP NNS TO NN NN NN NNS senior _u_s_ legal official meeting _u_k_ leader tackle online security issue
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21190 G4S suspends nine staff at UK migrant center, says to investigate conduct g4s suspends nine staff at uk migrant center, says to investigate conduct g _digit_ s suspends nine staff at _u_k_ migrant center , says to investigate conduct NN NN NN NNS CD NN IN NNP NN NN , VBZ TO NN NN _digit_ suspends nine staff _u_k_ migrant center say investigate conduct
21234 Japan's Abe, UK May pledge cooperation on North Korea threat japan's abe, uk may pledge cooperation on north korea threat japan 's abe , _u_k_ may pledge cooperation on north korea threat NNP POS NN , NNP NNP NN NN IN NN NNP NN japan abe _u_k_ may pledge cooperation north korea threat
21302 Ireland calls for realism from UK on border issue in latest Brexit talks ireland calls for realism from uk on border issue in latest brexit talks ireland calls for realism from _u_k_ on border issue in latest brexit talks NN NNS IN NN IN NNP IN NN NN IN JJS NN NNS ireland call realism _u_k_ border issue late brexit talk
21320 Man with sword injures police outside UK Queen's palace man with sword injures police outside uk queen's palace man with sword injures police outside _u_k_ queen 's palace NN IN NN NNS NNS IN NNP NN POS NN man sword injures police outside _u_k_ queen palace
21373 EU citizens leaving UK pushes down net migration after Brexit vote eu citizens leaving uk pushes down net migration after brexit vote eu citizens leaving _u_k_ pushes down net migration after brexit vote NN NNS VBG NNP NNS RB NN NN IN NN NN citizen leave _u_k_ push net migration brexit vote

263 rows × 5 columns

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203 Trump Gets His A** Handed To Him By British Lawmakers For Lying About Rising Crime Rate In UK trump gets his a** handed to him by british lawmakers for lying about rising crime rate in uk trump gets his _mytag_slang_ handed to him by british lawmakers for lying about rising crime rate in _u_k_ . NN NNS PRP$ NN VBN TO NN IN JJ NNS IN VBG IN VBG NN NN IN NN . trump get _mytag_slang_ hand british lawmaker lie rise crime rate _u_k_
1208 OOPS: Conservatives Lose BIGLY In UK Election After Trump Attacks London Mayor oops: conservatives lose bigly in uk election after trump attacks london mayor oops : conservatives lose bigly in _u_k_ election after trump attacks london mayor NN : NNS VB NN IN NNP NN IN NN NNS NNP NN oops conservative lose bigly _u_k_ election trump attack london mayor
1260 London Mayor Demands UK Cancel Trump’s State Visit After His Deranged Post-Attack Meltdown london mayor demands uk cancel trump’s state visit after his deranged post-attack meltdown london mayor demands _u_k_ cancel trump’s state visit after his deranged post _ attack meltdown NNP NN NNS NNP NN NN NN NN IN PRP$ VBN NN NN NN NN london mayor demand _u_k_ cancel trump state visit derange post attack meltdown
5710 It’s Official: #Brexit Has Made The U.K. As Racist As Donald Trump Has Made Us (TWEETS) it’s official: #brexit has made the u.k. as racist as donald trump has made us (tweets) it’s official : _brexit has made the _u_k_ as racist as donald trump has made us ( tweets ) NN NN : NN NN VBN DT NNP IN NN IN NNP NN NN VBN NN ( NN ) official _brexit make _u_k_ racist donald trump make tweet
6754 Watch: Obama Forced To Reassure U.K. That Republicans Haven’t Completely Ruined United States Yet watch: obama forced to reassure u.k. that republicans haven’t completely ruined united states yet watch : obama forced to reassure _u_k_ that republicans haven’t completely ruined united states yet NN : NN VBN TO NN NNP DT NNPS NN RB VBN NNP NNS RB watch obama force reassure _u_k_ republican completely ruin united state yet
8676 Guess What UK Political Leaders Really Think About Donald Trump – Hint: He isn’t ‘Ace’ (VIDEO) guess what uk political leaders really think about donald trump – hint: he isn’t ‘ace’ (video) guess what _u_k_ political leaders really think about donald trump hint : he isn’t ‘ace’ ( video ) NN WP NNP JJ NNS RB VB IN NNP NN NN : PRP NN NN ( NN ) guess _u_k_ political leader really think donald trump hint ace video
8936 Watch How Absurd A Gun Nut Looks Defending U.S. Gun Violence On A UK TV Show (VIDEO) watch how absurd a gun nut looks defending u.s. gun violence on a uk tv show (video) watch how absurd a gun nut looks defending _u_s_ gun violence on a _u_k_ tv show ( video ) NN WRB NNP DT NN NN NNS VBG NNP NN NN IN DT NNP NN NN ( NN ) watch absurd gun nut look defend _u_s_ gun violence _u_k_ show video
9267 JUST IN: UK LEADER Who Criticized President Trump For Tweeting About ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS Is Victim Of Assassination Plot By ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS just in: uk leader who criticized president trump for tweeting about islamic extremists is victim of assassination plot by islamic extremists just in : _u_k_ leader who criticized president trump for tweeting about islamic extremists is victim of assassination plot by islamic extremists RB NN : NNP NN WP VBN NNP NN IN VBG IN NN NN NN NN IN NN NN IN NN NN _u_k_ leader criticize president trump tweet islamic extremist victim assassination plot islamic extremist
10704 PROACTIVE PRESIDENT TRUMP Just Took Huge Step To Make America Safe…While Democrats Are Determined To Make Us More Like France, UK proactive president trump just took huge step to make america safe…while democrats are determined to make us more like france, uk proactive president trump just took huge step to make america safe…while democrats are determined to make us more like france , _u_k_ . NN NN NN RB NN NN NN TO VB NNP NN NNPS NN VBN TO VB NN RBR IN NNP , NN . proactive president trump took huge step make america safe democrat determine make like france _u_k_
10940 ISLAMIC JUSTICE: Britain Is Stunned When They Discover How Many Secret Sharia Courts Are Operating In UK islamic justice: britain is stunned when they discover how many secret sharia courts are operating in uk islamic justice : britain is stunned when they discover how many secret sharia courts are operating in _u_k_ . NN NN : NNP NN VBN WRB PRP NN WRB JJ JJ NNS NNS NN NN IN NN . islamic justice britain stun discover many secret sharia court operating _u_k_
12165 UK Diplomat Says He’s Met With DNC Leaker…They’re NOT Russian…They’re An Insider [VIDEO] uk diplomat says he’s met with dnc leaker…they’re not russian…they’re an insider [video] _u_k_ diplomat says he’s met with dnc leaker…they’re not russian…they’re an insider [ video ] NNP NN NNS NN NNP IN NN NN NN NN DT NN NN NN NN _u_k_ diplomat say met dnc leaker russian insider video
13614 AWESOME! UK LEADER: Nothing on Earth could ever persuade me to support Hillary Clinton! [Video] awesome! uk leader: nothing on earth could ever persuade me to support hillary clinton! [video] awesome ! _u_k_ leader : nothing on earth could ever persuade me to support hillary clinton ! [ video ] NNP . NNP NN : NN IN NN MD RB NN PRP TO NN JJ NN . NN NN NN awesome _u_k_ leader nothing earth could ever persuade support hillary clinton video
13629 WATCH: BEST DESCRIPTION OF UK BREXIT YET…Conservatives Will Stand Up And Cheer! watch: best description of uk brexit yet…conservatives will stand up and cheer! watch : best description of _u_k_ brexit yet…conservatives will stand up and cheer ! NN : NNS NN IN NNP NN NNS MD NN IN CC NN . watch best description _u_k_ brexit yet conservative stand cheer
13639 THE “OBAMA BOUNCE”: UKIP Leader Claims Obama’s Insulting Threat To UK Voters BACKFIRED…Actually Drove Voters To Support “Leave EU” Movement the “obama bounce”: ukip leader claims obama’s insulting threat to uk voters backfired…actually drove voters to support “leave eu” movement the “obama bounce” : ukip leader claims obama’s insulting threat to _u_k_ voters backfired…actually drove voters to support “leave eu” movement DT NN NN : NN NN NNS NN VBG NN TO NNP NNS RB VB NNS TO NN VB NN NN obama bounce ukip leader claim obama insult threat _u_k_ voter backfired actually drive voter support leave movement
13641 BREAKING: UK PRIME MINISTER David Cameron To Step Down…UKIP Leader Nigel Barage Celebrates Political Earthquake…Donald Trump Weighs In [VIDEO] breaking: uk prime minister david cameron to step down…ukip leader nigel barage celebrates political earthquake…donald trump weighs in [video] breaking : _u_k_ prime minister david cameron to step down…ukip leader nigel barage celebrates political earthquake…donald trump weighs in [ video ] NN : NNP JJ NN NNP NNP TO NN NN NN NNP NN NNS JJ NN NN NNS IN NN NN NN breaking _u_k_ prime minister david cameron step ukip leader nigel barage celebrates political earthquake donald trump weighs video
13642 BREAKING: IT’S “INDEPENDENCE DAY!”…HISTORIC UK BREXIT VOTE…UK To Leave EU Globalist Elite breaking: it’s “independence day!”…historic uk brexit vote…uk to leave eu globalist elite breaking : it’s “independence day ! ”…historic _u_k_ brexit vote…uk to leave eu globalist elite NN : NN NN NN . NN NNP NN NN TO VB NN NN NNS breaking independence day historic _u_k_ brexit vote leave globalist elite
15010 UK SAYS “NO” TO ECONOMIC MIGRANTS: Shocking Video Shows How African “Refugees” Are Using Asylum Loophole To Move Around Europe uk says “no” to economic migrants: shocking video shows how african “refugees” are using asylum loophole to move around europe _u_k_ says “no” to economic migrants : shocking video shows how african “refugees” are using asylum loophole to move around europe NNP NN NN NN NN NNS : VBG NN NNS WRB JJ NN NN VBG NN NN TO NN IN NNP _u_k_ say economic migrant shock video show african refugee use asylum loophole move around europe
15567 GOLDMAN SACHS CHAIRMAN THINKS UK NEEDS MORE MIGRANTS TO AVOID APPEARANCE OF RACISM…While SHOCKING NEW VIDEO Tells Another Story goldman sachs chairman thinks uk needs more migrants to avoid appearance of racism…while shocking new video tells another story goldman sachs chairman thinks _u_k_ needs more migrants to avoid appearance of racism…while shocking new video tells another story NN NN NN NN NNP NN JJR NNS NN NN NN IN NN NN NN NN NNS DT NN goldman sachs chairman think _u_k_ need migrant avoid appearance racism shocking new video tell another story
16536 THE “OBAMA BOUNCE”: UKIP Leader Claims Obama’s Insulting Threat To UK Voters BACKFIRED…Actually Drove Voters To Support “Leave EU” Movement the “obama bounce”: ukip leader claims obama’s insulting threat to uk voters backfired…actually drove voters to support “leave eu” movement the “obama bounce” : ukip leader claims obama’s insulting threat to _u_k_ voters backfired…actually drove voters to support “leave eu” movement DT NN NN : NN NN NNS NN VBG NN TO NNP NNS RB VB NNS TO NN VB NN NN obama bounce ukip leader claim obama insult threat _u_k_ voter backfired actually drive voter support leave movement
17269 GOLDMAN SACHS CHAIRMAN THINKS UK NEEDS MORE MIGRANTS TO AVOID APPEARANCE OF RACISM…While SHOCKING NEW VIDEO Tells Another Story goldman sachs chairman thinks uk needs more migrants to avoid appearance of racism…while shocking new video tells another story goldman sachs chairman thinks _u_k_ needs more migrants to avoid appearance of racism…while shocking new video tells another story NN NN NN NN NNP NN JJR NNS NN NN NN IN NN NN NN NN NNS DT NN goldman sachs chairman think _u_k_ need migrant avoid appearance racism shocking new video tell another story
17565 JUST IN: UK LEADER Who Criticized President Trump For Tweeting About ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS Is Victim Of Assassination Plot By ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS just in: uk leader who criticized president trump for tweeting about islamic extremists is victim of assassination plot by islamic extremists just in : _u_k_ leader who criticized president trump for tweeting about islamic extremists is victim of assassination plot by islamic extremists RB NN : NNP NN WP VBN NNP NN IN VBG IN NN NN NN NN IN NN NN IN NN NN _u_k_ leader criticize president trump tweet islamic extremist victim assassination plot islamic extremist
18538 PROACTIVE PRESIDENT TRUMP Just Took Huge Step To Make America Safe…While Democrats Are Determined To Make Us More Like France, UK proactive president trump just took huge step to make america safe…while democrats are determined to make us more like france, uk proactive president trump just took huge step to make america safe…while democrats are determined to make us more like france , _u_k_ . NN NN NN RB NN NN NN TO VB NNP NN NNPS NN VBN TO VB NN RBR IN NNP , NN . proactive president trump took huge step make america safe democrat determine make like france _u_k_
18666 ISLAMIC JUSTICE: Britain Is Stunned When They Discover How Many Secret Sharia Courts Are Operating In UK islamic justice: britain is stunned when they discover how many secret sharia courts are operating in uk islamic justice : britain is stunned when they discover how many secret sharia courts are operating in _u_k_ . NN NN : NNP NN VBN WRB PRP NN WRB JJ JJ NNS NNS NN NN IN NN . islamic justice britain stun discover many secret sharia court operating _u_k_
19464 UK Diplomat Says He’s Met With DNC Leaker…They’re NOT Russian…They’re An Insider [VIDEO] uk diplomat says he’s met with dnc leaker…they’re not russian…they’re an insider [video] _u_k_ diplomat says he’s met with dnc leaker…they’re not russian…they’re an insider [ video ] NNP NN NNS NN NNP IN NN NN NN NN DT NN NN NN NN _u_k_ diplomat say met dnc leaker russian insider video
20370 WATCH: BEST DESCRIPTION OF UK BREXIT YET…Conservatives Will Stand Up And Cheer! watch: best description of uk brexit yet…conservatives will stand up and cheer! watch : best description of _u_k_ brexit yet…conservatives will stand up and cheer ! NN : NNS NN IN NNP NN NNS MD NN IN CC NN . watch best description _u_k_ brexit yet conservative stand cheer
20376 THE “OBAMA BOUNCE”: UKIP Leader Claims Obama’s Insulting Threat To UK Voters BACKFIRED…Actually Drove Voters To Support “Leave EU” Movement the “obama bounce”: ukip leader claims obama’s insulting threat to uk voters backfired…actually drove voters to support “leave eu” movement the “obama bounce” : ukip leader claims obama’s insulting threat to _u_k_ voters backfired…actually drove voters to support “leave eu” movement DT NN NN : NN NN NNS NN VBG NN TO NNP NNS RB VB NNS TO NN VB NN NN obama bounce ukip leader claim obama insult threat _u_k_ voter backfired actually drive voter support leave movement
21022 MUSLIMS ONLY: UK Water Park Attempts Diversity By Hosting Exclusion Events muslims only: uk water park attempts diversity by hosting exclusion events muslims only : _u_k_ water park attempts diversity by hosting exclusion events NN NN : NNP NN NN NNS NN IN VBG NN NNS muslim _u_k_ water park attempt diversity host exclusion event
21646 GOLDMAN SACHS CHAIRMAN THINKS UK NEEDS MORE MIGRANTS TO AVOID APPEARANCE OF RACISM…While SHOCKING NEW VIDEO Tells Another Story goldman sachs chairman thinks uk needs more migrants to avoid appearance of racism…while shocking new video tells another story goldman sachs chairman thinks _u_k_ needs more migrants to avoid appearance of racism…while shocking new video tells another story NN NN NN NN NNP NN JJR NNS NN NN NN IN NN NN NN NN NNS DT NN goldman sachs chairman think _u_k_ need migrant avoid appearance racism shocking new video tell another story
21699 PREVIEW OF WHAT’S TO COME IN AMERICA: UK Immigration Officers Threatened and Bullied Into Submission By Crowd [VIDEO] preview of what’s to come in america: uk immigration officers threatened and bullied into submission by crowd [video] preview of what’s to come in america : _u_k_ immigration officers threatened and bullied into submission by crowd [ video ] NN IN NN NN VB NN NN : NNP NN NNS VBN CC VBN NN NN IN NN NN NN NN preview come america _u_k_ immigration officer threaten bully submission crowd video
22071 Armed US immigration Officers to Be Stationed in UK Airports armed us immigration officers to be stationed in uk airports armed _u_s_ immigration officers to be stationed in _u_k_ airports VBN NNP NN NNS TO VB VBN IN NNP NNS arm _u_s_ immigration officer station _u_k_ airport
22094 Boiler Room EP #112 – UK Election, Omran & Technocratic Tech boiler room ep #112 – uk election, omran & technocratic tech boiler room ep _ _digit_ _u_k_ election , omran and technocratic tech NN NN NN NN NN NNP NN , NN CC JJ NN boiler room _digit_ _u_k_ election omran technocratic tech
22544 Orlando Mass Shooting & The Accelerated Police State – UK Column – June 13, 2016 orlando mass shooting & the accelerated police state – uk column – june 13, 2016 orlando mass shooting and the accelerated police state _u_k_ column june _digit_ , _digit_ NN NN VBG CC DT VBN NNS NN NNP NN NNP NN , NN orlando mass shoot accelerate police state _u_k_ column june _digit_ _digit_
22854 Armed US immigration Officers to Be Stationed in UK Airports armed us immigration officers to be stationed in uk airports armed _u_s_ immigration officers to be stationed in _u_k_ airports VBN NNP NN NNS TO VB VBN IN NNP NNS arm _u_s_ immigration officer station _u_k_ airport
22877 Boiler Room EP #112 – UK Election, Omran & Technocratic Tech boiler room ep #112 – uk election, omran & technocratic tech boiler room ep _ _digit_ _u_k_ election , omran and technocratic tech NN NN NN NN NN NNP NN , NN CC JJ NN boiler room _digit_ _u_k_ election omran technocratic tech
23327 Orlando Mass Shooting & The Accelerated Police State – UK Column – June 13, 2016 orlando mass shooting & the accelerated police state – uk column – june 13, 2016 orlando mass shooting and the accelerated police state _u_k_ column june _digit_ , _digit_ NN NN VBG CC DT VBN NNS NN NNP NN NNP NN , NN orlando mass shoot accelerate police state _u_k_ column june _digit_ _digit_
org_title lower_title cleaned_words cleaned_pos minimal_words
0 As U.S. budget fight looms, Republicans flip their fiscal script as u.s. budget fight looms, republicans flip their fiscal script as _u_s_ budget fight looms , republicans flip their fiscal script IN NNP NN NN NNS , NNPS NN PRP$ JJ NN _u_s_ budget fight loom republican flip fiscal script
1 U.S. military to accept transgender recruits on Monday: Pentagon u.s. military to accept transgender recruits on monday: pentagon _u_s_ military to accept transgender recruits on monday : pentagon NNP JJ TO NN NN NNS IN NNP : NNP _u_s_ military accept transgender recruit monday pentagon
2 Senior U.S. Republican senator: 'Let Mr. Mueller do his job' senior u.s. republican senator: 'let mr. mueller do his job' senior _u_s_ republican senator : 'let mr. mueller do his job ' JJ NNP JJ NN : NNS NNP NN VB PRP$ NN '' senior _u_s_ republican senator let mueller job
10 Jones certified U.S. Senate winner despite Moore challenge jones certified u.s. senate winner despite moore challenge jones certified _u_s_ senate winner despite moore challenge NNP VBN NNP NNP NN IN NN NN jones certify _u_s_ senate winner despite moore challenge
14 Man says he delivered manure to Mnuchin to protest new U.S. tax law man says he delivered manure to mnuchin to protest new u.s. tax law man says he delivered manure to mnuchin to protest new _u_s_ tax law NN VBZ PRP VBN NN TO NN TO NN JJ NNP NN NN man say deliver manure mnuchin protest new _u_s_ tax law
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21397 Germany's Schulz says he would demand U.S. withdraw nuclear arms germany's schulz says he would demand u.s. withdraw nuclear arms germany 's schulz says he would demand _u_s_ withdraw nuclear arms NNP POS NN VBZ PRP MD NN NNP NN JJ NNS germany schulz say would demand _u_s_ withdraw nuclear arm
21402 Exclusive: Trump's Afghan decision may increase U.S. air power, training exclusive: trump's afghan decision may increase u.s. air power, training exclusive : trump 's afghan decision may increase _u_s_ air power , training JJ : NN POS NNP NN MD NN NNP NN NN , NN exclusive trump afghan decision may increase _u_s_ air power training
21403 U.S. puts more pressure on Pakistan to help with Afghan war u.s. puts more pressure on pakistan to help with afghan war _u_s_ puts more pressure on pakistan to help with afghan war NNP NNS RBR NN IN NN TO NN IN NNP NN _u_s_ put pressure pakistan help afghan war
21404 Exclusive: U.S. to withhold up to $290 million in Egypt aid exclusive: u.s. to withhold up to $290 million in egypt aid exclusive : _u_s_ to withhold up to _digit_ million in egypt aid JJ : NNP TO NN RB TO NN CD IN NN NN exclusive _u_s_ withhold _digit_ million egypt aid
21412 'Fully committed' NATO backs new U.S. approach on Afghanistan 'fully committed' nato backs new u.s. approach on afghanistan 'fully committed ' nato backs new _u_s_ approach on afghanistan RB VBN '' NNP NNS JJ NNP NN IN NNP fully commit nato back new _u_s_ approach afghanistan

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org_title lower_title cleaned_words cleaned_pos minimal_words
36 Republican National Committee: Better A Pedophile Than A Democrat In The U.S. Senate republican national committee: better a pedophile than a democrat in the u.s. senate republican national committee : better a pedophile than a democrat in the _u_s_ senate JJ NNP NNP : RBR DT NN NN DT NNP IN DT NNP NNP republican national committee well pedophile democrat _u_s_ senate
42 Leaked Email Proves Trump Officials Aware Russia Had ‘Thrown The USA Election’ To Trump leaked email proves trump officials aware russia had ‘thrown the usa election’ to trump leaked email proves trump officials aware russia had ‘thrown the _u_s_ election’ to trump VBN NN NNS NN NNS JJ NN VBD NN DT NNP NN TO NN leak email prof trump official aware russia thrown _u_s_ election trump
113 Sunday’s Massacre In Texas Bumped Columbine Out Of The Top Ten Deadliest US Mass Shootings sunday’s massacre in texas bumped columbine out of the top ten deadliest us mass shootings sunday’s massacre in texas bumped columbine out of the top ten deadliest _u_s_ mass shootings NN NN IN NNP NNP NN IN IN DT JJ NN JJS NNP NN NNS sunday massacre texas bumped columbine top ten deadly _u_s_ mass shooting
173 The Internet Wrecks Tomi Lahren For Halloween Costume Which Violates U.S. Flag Code the internet wrecks tomi lahren for halloween costume which violates u.s. flag code the internet wrecks tomi lahren for halloween costume which violates _u_s_ flag code DT NN NNS NN NNS IN NN NN WDT NNS NNP NN NN internet wreck tomi lahren halloween costume violates _u_s_ flag code
255 Thanks To Trump The U.S. Economy Lost Jobs For The First Time In 7 Years thanks to trump the u.s. economy lost jobs for the first time in 7 years thanks to trump the _u_s_ economy lost jobs for the first time in _digit_ years NNS TO NN DT NNP NN VBN NNS IN DT RB NN IN NN NNS thanks trump _u_s_ economy lose job first time _digit_ year
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23430 US Delta Force Begins Targeting ISIS in Iraq, Threatens ‘Unilateral Operations in Syria’ us delta force begins targeting isis in iraq, threatens ‘unilateral operations in syria’ _u_s_ delta force begins targeting isis in iraq , threatens ‘unilateral operations in syria’ NNP NNP NN NNS VBG NN IN NN , NNS JJ NNS IN NN _u_s_ delta force begin target isi iraq threatens unilateral operation syria
23465 ‘There’ll be boots on the ground’: US making noises about ‘doing more’ in Syria and Iraq ‘there’ll be boots on the ground’: us making noises about ‘doing more’ in syria and iraq ‘there’ll be boots on the ground’ : _u_s_ making noises about ‘doing more’ in syria and iraq NN VB NNS IN DT NN : NNP VBG NNS IN VBG NN IN NNS CC NN boot ground _u_s_ make noise syria iraq
23476 McPain: John McCain Furious That Iran Treated US Sailors Well mcpain: john mccain furious that iran treated us sailors well mcpain : john mccain furious that iran treated _u_s_ sailors well NN : NNP NN JJ DT NN VBN NNP NNS RB mcpain john mccain furious iran treat _u_s_ sailor well
23478 Sunnistan: US and Allied ‘Safe Zone’ Plan to Take Territorial Booty in Northern Syria sunnistan: us and allied ‘safe zone’ plan to take territorial booty in northern syria sunnistan : _u_s_ and allied ‘safe zone’ plan to take territorial booty in northern syria NN : NNP CC NNP NN NN NN TO VB JJ NN IN NNP NNS sunnistan _u_s_ allied safe zone plan take territorial booty northern syria
23480 10 U.S. Navy Sailors Held by Iranian Military – Signs of a Neocon Political Stunt 10 u.s. navy sailors held by iranian military – signs of a neocon political stunt _digit_ _u_s_ navy sailors held by iranian military signs of a neocon political stunt NN NNP NNP NNS NNP IN JJ JJ NNS IN DT NN JJ NN _digit_ _u_s_ navy sailor held iranian military sign neocon political stunt

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249 Rep. Franks to resign after staff members' complaints of harassment rep. franks to resign after staff members' complaints of harassment rep franks to resign after staff members ' complaints of harassment NN NNS TO NN IN NN NNS '' NNS IN NN rep frank resign staff member complaint harassment
256 House ethics panel probing Rep. Farenthold over harassment allegations house ethics panel probing rep. farenthold over harassment allegations house ethics panel probing rep farenthold over harassment allegations NNP NNS NN VBG NN NN IN NN NNS house ethic panel probe rep farenthold harassment allegation
535 Rep. Conyers steps down from committee while lawmakers probe harassment allegations rep. conyers steps down from committee while lawmakers probe harassment allegations rep conyers steps down from committee while lawmakers probe harassment allegations NN NNS NNS RB IN NN IN NNS NN NN NNS rep conyers step committee lawmaker probe harassment allegation
558 House ethics panel investigating allegations against U.S. Rep. Conyers house ethics panel investigating allegations against u.s. rep. conyers house ethics panel investigating allegations against _u_s_ rep conyers NNP NNS NN VBG NNS IN NNP NN NNS house ethic panel investigate allegation _u_s_ rep conyers
561 U.S. House ethics panel investigating allegations against Rep. Conyers u.s. house ethics panel investigating allegations against rep. conyers _u_s_ house ethics panel investigating allegations against rep conyers NNP NNP NNS NN VBG NNS IN NN NNS _u_s_ house ethic panel investigate allegation rep conyers
1566 Ex-U.S. Rep. Weiner sentenced to 21 months in teen 'sexting' case ex-u.s. rep. weiner sentenced to 21 months in teen 'sexting' case ex _ _u_s_ rep weiner sentenced to _digit_ months in teen 'sexting ' case NN NN NNP NN NN VBN TO NN NNS IN NN VBG '' NN _u_s_ rep weiner sentence _digit_ month teen sexting case
3973 Rep. Joaquin Castro won't seek Cruz's Senate seat in 2018: report rep. joaquin castro won't seek cruz's senate seat in 2018: report rep joaquin castro wo n't seek cruz 's senate seat in _digit_ : report NN NN NNP MD RB NN NN POS NNP NN IN NN : NN rep joaquin castro seek cruz senate seat _digit_ report
4752 Republican Rep. Brooks: 30-40 Republican 'no' votes on health bill republican rep. brooks: 30-40 republican 'no' votes on health bill republican rep brooks : _digit_ _ _digit_ republican 'no ' votes on health bill JJ NN NNP : NN NN NN JJ NNS '' NNS IN NN NN republican rep brook _digit_ _digit_ republican vote health bill
6656 Trump picks Rep. Mulvaney to head White House budget office trump picks rep. mulvaney to head white house budget office trump picks rep mulvaney to head white house budget office NN NNS NN NN TO NN NNP NNP NN NN trump pick rep mulvaney head white house budget office
7347 Trump considering Rep. Hensarling for Treasury secretary: WSJ trump considering rep. hensarling for treasury secretary: wsj trump considering rep hensarling for treasury secretary : wsj NN VBG NN VBG IN NNP NN : NN trump consider rep hensarling treasury secretary wsj
9620 House to introduce Puerto Rico crisis bill on Wednesday: Rep. Bishop house to introduce puerto rico crisis bill on wednesday: rep. bishop house to introduce puerto rico crisis bill on wednesday : rep bishop NNP TO NN NN NNP NN NN IN NNP : NN NN house introduce puerto rico crisis bill wednesday rep bishop
org_title lower_title cleaned_words cleaned_pos minimal_words
15 Tone Deaf Trump: Congrats Rep. Scalise On Losing Weight After You Almost Died tone deaf trump: congrats rep. scalise on losing weight after you almost died tone deaf trump : congrats rep scalise on losing weight after you almost died NN NN NN : NNS NN NN IN VBG NN IN PRP RB VBD tone deaf trump congrats rep scalise lose weight almost die
21 KY GOP State Rep. Commits Suicide Over Allegations He Molested A Teen Girl (DETAILS) ky gop state rep. commits suicide over allegations he molested a teen girl (details) ky gop state rep commits suicide over allegations he molested a teen girl ( details ) NNP NNP NN NN NNS NN IN NNS PRP VBN DT NN NN ( NNS ) gop state rep commits suicide allegation molest teen girl detail
102 Perverted GOP State Rep. Corners Lobbyist, Tries To Force Her To Help With His ‘Raging B**ner’ perverted gop state rep. corners lobbyist, tries to force her to help with his ‘raging b**ner’ perverted gop state rep corners lobbyist , tries to force her to help with his ‘raging _mytag_slang_ VBN NNP NN NN NNS NN , NNS TO NN PRP$ TO NN IN PRP$ VBG NN pervert gop state rep corner lobbyist try force help rag _mytag_slang_
281 Rep. Joe Kennedy Torches GOP Congress For Screwing Over Low-Income Kids rep. joe kennedy torches gop congress for screwing over low-income kids rep joe kennedy torches gop congress for screwing over low _ income kids NN NN NN NNS NNP NNP IN VBG IN JJ NN NN NNS rep joe kennedy torch gop congress screw low income kid
380 Racist GOP Rep. Steve King Goes BALLISTIC Over Trump’s DACA Deal racist gop rep. steve king goes ballistic over trump’s daca deal racist gop rep steve king goes ballistic over trump’s daca deal NN NNP NN NNP VBG NNS NN IN NN NN NN racist gop rep steve king go ballistic trump daca deal
... ... ... ... ... ...
17479 “ENTITLED” DEM REP. SHEILA JACKSON LEE Has Been Taking Advantage Of Her “Public Servant” Status On Airplanes For Decades: “Don’t you know who I am?…Where is my seafood meal?” “entitled” dem rep. sheila jackson lee has been taking advantage of her “public servant” status on airplanes for decades: “don’t you know who i am?…where is my seafood meal?” “entitled” dem rep sheila jackson lee has been taking advantage of her “public servant” status on airplanes for decades : “don’t you know who i am ? …where is my seafood meal ? NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN VBG NN IN PRP$ JJ NN NN IN NNS IN NNS : NN PRP VB WP PRP VBP . RB VBZ PRP$ NN NN . entitled dem rep sheila jackson lee take advantage public servant status airplane decade know seafood meal
17511 IT JUST GOT REAL! GOP Rep. Jim Jordan Tells Judge Jeanine Key Players in anti-Trump Scam Will Be Subpoenaed [Video] it just got real! gop rep. jim jordan tells judge jeanine key players in anti-trump scam will be subpoenaed [video] it just got real ! gop rep jim jordan tells judge jeanine key players in anti _ trump scam will be subpoenaed [ video ] NN RB NNP JJ . NNP NN NNP NN NNS NNP NN NN NNS IN NN NN NN NN MD VB NN NN NN NN got real gop rep jim jordan tell judge jeanine key player anti trump scam subpoenaed video
17589 BLACK CAUCUS MEMBER James Clyburn Suggests RACISM Is Motive For Rep. John Conyers Sexual Assault Accusers…”These Are All WHITE Women” [VIDEO] black caucus member james clyburn suggests racism is motive for rep. john conyers sexual assault accusers…”these are all white women” [video] black caucus member james clyburn suggests racism is motive for rep john conyers sexual assault accusers…”these are all white women” [ video ] NNP NN NN NNP NN NNS NN NN NN IN NN NNP NNS JJ NN JJ NN DT NN NN NN NN NN black caucus member james clyburn suggests racism motive rep john conyers sexual assault accusers white woman video
18487 WATCH NANCY PELOSI Say She’s “Heartbroken Over Death” Of Rep. Steve Scalise, Who’s Still Alive In Hospital [VIDEO] watch nancy pelosi say she’s “heartbroken over death” of rep. steve scalise, who’s still alive in hospital [video] watch nancy pelosi say she’s “heartbroken over death” of rep steve scalise , who’s still alive in hospital [ video ] NN NNP NN NN NN NNS IN NN IN NN NNP NN , NN RB JJ IN NN NN NN NN watch nancy pelosi say heartbroken death rep steve scalise still alive hospital video
18491 CRITICALLY WOUNDED GOP Rep. Steve Scalise Stood By Trump When Others Deserted Him…Recently Made Adorable Birthday Video Message With Trump For His Daughter [VIDEO] critically wounded gop rep. steve scalise stood by trump when others deserted him…recently made adorable birthday video message with trump for his daughter [video] critically wounded gop rep steve scalise stood by trump when others deserted him…recently made adorable birthday video message with trump for his daughter [ video ] NN NN NNP NN NNP NN NN IN NN WRB NNS VBN RB VBN JJ NN NN NN IN NN IN PRP$ NN NN NN NN critically wounded gop rep steve scalise stood trump others desert recently make adorable birthday video message trump daughter video

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5820 Some Sept. 11 families join criticism of Trump immigration order some sept. 11 families join criticism of trump immigration order some sept _digit_ families join criticism of trump immigration order DT NN NN NNS NN NN IN NN NN NN sept _digit_ family join criticism trump immigration order
7944 U.S. Sept. 11 law weakens international relations, Saudi cabinet says u.s. sept. 11 law weakens international relations, saudi cabinet says _u_s_ sept _digit_ law weakens international relations , saudi cabinet says NNP NN NN NN NNS JJ NNS , NN NN VBZ _u_s_ sept _digit_ law weakens international relation saudi cabinet say
7960 Saudi foreign ministry condemns passage of U.S. Sept. 11 law saudi foreign ministry condemns passage of u.s. sept. 11 law saudi foreign ministry condemns passage of _u_s_ sept _digit_ law NN JJ NN NN NN IN NNP NN NN NN saudi foreign ministry condemns passage _u_s_ sept _digit_ law
8041 Obama vetoes Sept. 11 Saudi bill, sets up showdown with Congress obama vetoes sept. 11 saudi bill, sets up showdown with congress obama vetoes sept _digit_ saudi bill , sets up showdown with congress NN NNS NN NN NN NN , NNS RB NN IN NNP obama veto sept _digit_ saudi bill set showdown congress
8211 U.S. House votes to allow Sept. 11 families to sue Saudi Arabia u.s. house votes to allow sept. 11 families to sue saudi arabia _u_s_ house votes to allow sept _digit_ families to sue saudi arabia NNP NNP NNS TO VB NN NN NNS TO NN NN NNP _u_s_ house vote allow sept _digit_ family sue saudi arabia
9513 White House voices concerns on Senate Sept. 11 lawsuit bill white house voices concerns on senate sept. 11 lawsuit bill white house voices concerns on senate sept _digit_ lawsuit bill NNP NNP NNS NNS IN NNP NN NN NN NN white house voice concern senate sept _digit_ lawsuit bill
19569 Germany sees no sign of cyber attack before Sept. 24 election germany sees no sign of cyber attack before sept. 24 election germany sees no sign of cyber attack before sept _digit_ election NNP NNS DT NN IN NN NN IN NN NN NN germany see sign cyber attack sept _digit_ election
20147 UK PM May to make Brexit speech in Italy on Sept. 22: spokesman uk pm may to make brexit speech in italy on sept. 22: spokesman _u_k_ _prime_minister_ may to make brexit speech in italy on sept _digit_ : spokesman NNP NN NNP TO VB NN NN IN NNP IN NN NN : NN _u_k_ _prime_minister_ may make brexit speech italy sept _digit_ spokesman
20303 FPL to restore power in east Florida by weekend, west by Sept. 22 fpl to restore power in east florida by weekend, west by sept. 22 fpl to restore power in east florida by weekend , west by sept _digit_ NN TO NN NN IN NN NNP IN NN , NN IN NN NN fpl restore power east florida weekend west sept _digit_
20966 Putin to meet South Korean President to discuss North Korea on Sept. 6: Kremlin putin to meet south korean president to discuss north korea on sept. 6: kremlin putin to meet south korean president to discuss north korea on sept _digit_ : kremlin NN TO NN NNP JJ NNP TO NN NN NNP IN NN NN : NNP putin meet south korean president discus north korea sept _digit_ kremlin
21158 Trump to host Sept. 18 meeting of world leaders on U.N. reform trump to host sept. 18 meeting of world leaders on u.n. reform trump to host sept _digit_ meeting of world leaders on _u_n_ reform NN TO NN NN NN NN IN NN NNS IN NNP NN trump host sept _digit_ meeting world leader _u_n_ reform
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497 U.S. Sen. Warren predicts appeal in legal battle over consumer agency u.s. sen. warren predicts appeal in legal battle over consumer agency _u_s_ sen warren predicts appeal in legal battle over consumer agency NNP NN NNS NNS NN IN JJ NN IN NN NN _u_s_ sen warren predicts appeal legal battle consumer agency
516 Republican Sen. Johnson may vote against tax bill in committee republican sen. johnson may vote against tax bill in committee republican sen johnson may vote against tax bill in committee JJ NN NNP MD NN IN NN NN IN NN republican sen johnson may vote tax bill committee
519 Allegations against Sen. Franken should go through normal process: White House allegations against sen. franken should go through normal process: white house allegations against sen franken should go through normal process : white house NNS IN NN NNS MD VB IN JJ NN : NNP NNP allegation sen franken normal process white house
1979 Trump says Missouri Sen. McCaskill should back tax cuts or lose re-election trump says missouri sen. mccaskill should back tax cuts or lose re-election trump says missouri sen mccaskill should back tax cuts or lose re _ election NN VBZ NN NN NN MD RB NN NNS CC VB NN NN NN trump say missouri sen mccaskill back tax cut lose election
3676 Democrat Sen. Wyden warns of diminishing potential for tax reform democrat sen. wyden warns of diminishing potential for tax reform democrat sen wyden warns of diminishing potential for tax reform NNP NN NNP NNS IN VBG JJ IN NN NN democrat sen wyden warns diminish potential tax reform
4509 Sen. McCain says will support changing rules to confirm Gorsuch sen. mccain says will support changing rules to confirm gorsuch sen mccain says will support changing rules to confirm gorsuch NN NN VBZ MD NN VBG NNS TO NN JJ sen mccain say support change rule confirm gorsuch
7203 Trump 'unbelievably impressed' with Sen. Sessions: statement trump 'unbelievably impressed' with sen. sessions: statement trump 'unbelievably impressed ' with sen sessions : statement NN RB JJ '' IN NN NNS : NN trump unbelievably impressed sen session statement
8200 U.S. Congress to advance Zika funding bill: Sen. McConnell u.s. congress to advance zika funding bill: sen. mcconnell _u_s_ congress to advance zika funding bill : sen mcconnell NNP NNP TO NN FW NN NN : NN NNP _u_s_ congress advance zika funding bill sen mcconnell
9836 Sen. Warren demands answers from U.S. regulators over Cohen firm sen. warren demands answers from u.s. regulators over cohen firm sen warren demands answers from _u_s_ regulators over cohen firm NN NNS NNS NNS IN NNP NNS IN NN NN sen warren demand answer _u_s_ regulator cohen firm
11054 Sen. Warren slams 'shockingly weak' punishments for corporate crime sen. warren slams 'shockingly weak' punishments for corporate crime sen warren slams 'shockingly weak ' punishments for corporate crime NN NNS NNS RB JJ '' NNS IN JJ NN sen warren slam shockingly weak punishment corporate crime
18404 Sen. McConnell says expects Puerto Rico funding request by mid-October sen. mcconnell says expects puerto rico funding request by mid-october sen mcconnell says expects puerto rico funding request by mid _ october NN NNP VBZ VBZ NN NNP NN NN IN NN NN NNP sen mcconnell say expect puerto rico funding request mid october
org_title lower_title cleaned_words cleaned_pos minimal_words
24 White House: It Wasn’t Sexist For Trump To Slut-Shame Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (VIDEO) white house: it wasn’t sexist for trump to slut-shame sen. kirsten gillibrand (video) white house : it wasn’t sexist for trump to slut _ shame sen kirsten gillibrand ( video ) NNP NNP : PRP NN NN IN NN TO NN NN NN NN VB NN ( NN ) white house sexist trump slut shame sen kirsten gillibrand video
836 RNC Official Retweets Article Calling For Sen. John McCain to ‘F*cking Die Already’ rnc official retweets article calling for sen. john mccain to ‘f*cking die already’ rnc official retweets article calling for sen john mccain to _mytag_slang_ die already’ NN NN NNS NN VBG IN NN NNP NN TO NN NN NN rnc official retweets article call sen john mccain _mytag_slang_ die already
1055 Sen. Cotton’s Intern Caught On Tape Calling Brits ‘F****ts’ And Declaring Paul Ryan A ‘Cuck’ (AUDIO) sen. cotton’s intern caught on tape calling brits ‘f****ts’ and declaring paul ryan a ‘cuck’ (audio) sen cotton’s intern caught on tape calling brits _mytag_slang_ and declaring paul ryan a ‘cuck’ ( audio ) NN NN JJ NN IN NN VBG NNS NN CC VBG NNP NN DT NN ( NN ) sen cotton intern caught tape call brit _mytag_slang_ declare paul ryan cuck audio
1151 Sen. Heinrich Just Wiped The Floor Jeff Sessions During Intel Hearing (VIDEO) sen. heinrich just wiped the floor jeff sessions during intel hearing (video) sen heinrich just wiped the floor jeff sessions during intel hearing ( video ) NN NNP RB VBD DT NN NN NNS IN NNP VBG ( NN ) sen heinrich wipe floor jeff session intel hear video
4703 Sen. Tim Scott: Running A Small Business Makes Me An Authority On Abortion (VIDEO) sen. tim scott: running a small business makes me an authority on abortion (video) sen tim scott : running a small business makes me an authority on abortion ( video ) NN NN NN : VBG DT NN NN NNS NN DT NN IN NN ( NN ) sen tim scott run small business make authority abortion video
5480 Watch As GOP Sen. Tim Scott Emotionally Details Being Unfairly Targeted By Police As A Black Man watch as gop sen. tim scott emotionally details being unfairly targeted by police as a black man watch as gop sen tim scott emotionally details being unfairly targeted by police as a black man NN IN NNP NN NN NN RB NNS VBG RB VBN IN NNS IN DT NN NN watch gop sen tim scott emotionally detail unfairly target police black man
5623 WATCH: Chuck Todd DEMOLISHES GOP Sen. Who Supports Trump But Can’t Say Why watch: chuck todd demolishes gop sen. who supports trump but can’t say why watch : chuck todd demolishes gop sen who supports trump but can’t say why NN : NN NN NN NNP NN WP NNS NN CC NN NN WRB watch chuck todd demolishes gop sen support trump say
9610 ZING! SARAH SANDERS Calls Out Sen. Bob Corker For ‘Grandstanding’ [Video] zing! sarah sanders calls out sen. bob corker for ‘grandstanding’ [video] zing ! sarah sanders calls out sen bob corker for ‘grandstanding’ [ video ] NN . NN NNS NNS IN NN NN NN IN NN NN NN NN zing sarah sander call sen bob corker grandstanding video
11705 BOOM! DR ALVEDA KING Scolds Sen. Liz Warren: We won’t accept racist bait and switch [Video] boom! dr alveda king scolds sen. liz warren: we won’t accept racist bait and switch [video] boom ! dr alveda king scolds sen liz warren : we won’t accept racist bait and switch [ video ] NN . NN NN NN NNS NN NN NNS : PRP NN NN NN NN CC NN NN NN NN boom alveda king scold sen liz warren accept racist bait switch video
11777 GREAT! TRUMP ADVISOR Hits Back At Sen. Liz Warren On Trump Order: Entitled to her own opinion but not her own Constitution [Video] great! trump advisor hits back at sen. liz warren on trump order: entitled to her own opinion but not her own constitution [video] great ! trump advisor hits back at sen liz warren on trump order : entitled to her own opinion but not her own constitution [ video ] JJ . NN NN NNS RB IN NN NN NNS IN NN NN : VBN TO PRP$ JJ NN CC RB PRP$ JJ NN NN NN NN great trump advisor hit back sen liz warren trump order entitle opinion constitution video
11818 MIC DROP MOMENT: Veteran Senator Asked By A Testy Sen. Schumer Where He Was 8 Years Ago: “Eight years ago, I was getting my ass shot at in Afghanistan” mic drop moment: veteran senator asked by a testy sen. schumer where he was 8 years ago: “eight years ago, i was getting my ass shot at in afghanistan” mic drop moment : veteran senator asked by a testy sen schumer where he was _digit_ years ago : “eight years ago , i was getting my ass shot at in afghanistan” NN NN NN : NN NN VBN IN DT NN NN NN WRB PRP NN NN NNS RB : NN NNS RB , PRP VBD VBG PRP$ NN NN IN IN NN mic drop moment veteran senator ask testy sen schumer _digit_ year ago eight year ago get as shot afghanistan
13126 BREAKING: Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Reince Priebus, Sen. Jeff Sessions Travel To Mexico To Meet With President breaking: trump, rudy giuliani, reince priebus, sen. jeff sessions travel to mexico to meet with president breaking : trump , rudy giuliani , reince priebus , sen jeff sessions travel to mexico to meet with president NN : NN , NN NN , NN NN , NN NN NNS NN TO NNP TO NN IN NNP breaking trump rudy giuliani reince priebus sen jeff session travel mexico meet president
16250 GREAT! TRUMP ADVISOR Hits Back At Sen. Liz Warren On Trump Order: Entitled to her own opinion but not her own Constitution [Video] great! trump advisor hits back at sen. liz warren on trump order: entitled to her own opinion but not her own constitution [video] great ! trump advisor hits back at sen liz warren on trump order : entitled to her own opinion but not her own constitution [ video ] JJ . NN NN NNS RB IN NN NN NNS IN NN NN : VBN TO PRP$ JJ NN CC RB PRP$ JJ NN NN NN NN great trump advisor hit back sen liz warren trump order entitle opinion constitution video
16257 MIC DROP MOMENT: Veteran Senator Asked By A Testy Sen. Schumer Where He Was 8 Years Ago: “Eight years ago, I was getting my ass shot at in Afghanistan” mic drop moment: veteran senator asked by a testy sen. schumer where he was 8 years ago: “eight years ago, i was getting my ass shot at in afghanistan” mic drop moment : veteran senator asked by a testy sen schumer where he was _digit_ years ago : “eight years ago , i was getting my ass shot at in afghanistan” NN NN NN : NN NN VBN IN DT NN NN NN WRB PRP NN NN NNS RB : NN NNS RB , PRP VBD VBG PRP$ NN NN IN IN NN mic drop moment veteran senator ask testy sen schumer _digit_ year ago eight year ago get as shot afghanistan
org_title lower_title cleaned_words cleaned_pos minimal_words
9660 Former Texas Gov. Perry endorses Trump, says open to running mate role: CNN former texas gov. perry endorses trump, says open to running mate role: cnn former texas gov perry endorses trump , says open to running mate role : cnn NN NNP NN NN NNS NN , VBZ JJ TO VBG NN NN : NN former texas gov perry endorses trump say open run mate role cnn
9688 South Carolina Gov. Haley says 'not interested' in being vice president south carolina gov. haley says 'not interested' in being vice president south carolina gov haley says 'not interested ' in being vice president NNP NNP NN NNP VBZ NNS JJ '' IN VBG NN NN south carolina gov haley say interested vice president
10538 Florida Gov. Scott not endorsing 2016 Republican presidential candidate florida gov. scott not endorsing 2016 republican presidential candidate florida gov scott not endorsing _digit_ republican presidential candidate NNP NN NN RB VBG NN JJ JJ NN florida gov scott endorse _digit_ republican presidential candidate
10682 White House weighs possible Supreme Court nomination of Gov. Sandoval: source white house weighs possible supreme court nomination of gov. sandoval: source white house weighs possible supreme court nomination of gov sandoval : source NNP NNP NNS JJ NNP NNP NN IN NN NN : NN white house weighs possible supreme court nomination gov sandoval source
10886 New Jersey Gov. Christie drops 2016 Republican presidential bid: aide new jersey gov. christie drops 2016 republican presidential bid: aide new jersey gov christie drops _digit_ republican presidential bid : aide NNP NNP NN NNP NNS NN JJ JJ NN : NN new jersey gov christie drop _digit_ republican presidential bid aide
12653 Brazil's PSDB picks Sao Paulo Gov. Alckmin to lead it into 2018 race brazil's psdb picks sao paulo gov. alckmin to lead it into 2018 race brazil 's psdb picks sao paulo gov alckmin to lead it into _digit_ race NNP POS NN NNS NN NN NN NN TO NN PRP IN NN NN brazil psdb pick sao paulo gov alckmin lead _digit_ race
org_title lower_title cleaned_words cleaned_pos minimal_words
3127 WATCH: Florida Gov. Rick Scott Disrespects President Obama, Calls Trump After Fort Lauderdale Mass Shooting watch: florida gov. rick scott disrespects president obama, calls trump after fort lauderdale mass shooting watch : florida gov rick scott disrespects president obama , calls trump after fort lauderdale mass shooting NN : NNP NN NN NN NNS NNP NN , NNS NN IN NN NN NN VBG watch florida gov rick scott disrespect president obama call trump fort lauderdale mass shoot
4009 Virginia Paper Trolls Gov. Pat McCrory Hard With Its ‘Endorsement’ For His Re-Election virginia paper trolls gov. pat mccrory hard with its ‘endorsement’ for his re-election virginia paper trolls gov pat mccrory hard with its ‘endorsement’ for his re _ election NNP NN NNS NN NN NN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN PRP$ NN NN NN virginia paper troll gov pat mccrory hard endorsement election
4735 Mural Of Gov. LePage Wearing KKK Garb Has Maine City In Uproar (IMAGE) mural of gov. lepage wearing kkk garb has maine city in uproar (image) mural of gov lepage wearing kkk garb has maine city in uproar ( image ) JJ IN NN NN VBG NNP NN NN NN NNP IN NN ( NN ) mural gov lepage wear kkk garb maine city uproar image
4830 Maine Gov. LePage Says He’s ‘Tired Of Being Caught,’ So He’s Never Speaking To Press Again maine gov. lepage says he’s ‘tired of being caught,’ so he’s never speaking to press again maine gov lepage says he’s ‘tired of being caught , so he’s never speaking to press again NN NN NN NNS NN VBN IN VBG NN , RB NN RB VBG TO NN NN maine gov lepage say tire caught never speak press
5531 WATCH: Texas Lt. Gov. Goes Full Racist, Blames Black Lives Matter For Dallas Shooting watch: texas lt. gov. goes full racist, blames black lives matter for dallas shooting watch : texas lt. gov goes full racist , blames black lives matter for dallas shooting NN : NNP NN NN NNS NN NN , NNS NN NNS NN IN NNS VBG watch texas gov go full racist blame black life matter dallas shoot
5852 Watch The Moving Apology To The LGBTQ Community From Utah’s GOP Lt. Gov. That Every Republican Should See watch the moving apology to the lgbtq community from utah’s gop lt. gov. that every republican should see watch the moving apology to the lgbtq community from utah’s gop lt. gov that every republican should see NN DT VBG NN TO DT NN NNP IN NN NNP NN NN DT DT JJ MD VB watch move apology lgbtq community utah gop gov every republican see
6001 NY Gov. Cuomo Directly Threatens Businesses: ‘If You Boycott Israel, New York Will Boycott You’ ny gov. cuomo directly threatens businesses: ‘if you boycott israel, new york will boycott you’ ny gov cuomo directly threatens businesses : ‘if you boycott israel , new york will boycott you’ NN NN NN RB NNS NNS : NN PRP NN NNP , NNP NNP MD NN NN gov cuomo directly threatens business boycott israel new york boycott
6178 Maine’s Gov. LePage OWNED On Live Radio By Woman Who Has No Insurance Thanks To Him maine’s gov. lepage owned on live radio by woman who has no insurance thanks to him maine’s gov lepage owned on live radio by woman who has no insurance thanks to him NN NN NN NN IN JJ NN IN NN WP NN DT NN NNS TO NN maine gov lepage owned live radio woman insurance thanks
7074 ‘#1 In Bigotry’: Twitter EVISCERATES Mississippi Gov. Over Anti-Gay Law ‘#1 in bigotry’: twitter eviscerates mississippi gov. over anti-gay law ‘_ _digit_ in bigotry’ : twitter eviscerates mississippi gov over anti _ gay law NN NN IN NN : NN NNS NNP NN IN NNS NN NN NN _digit_ bigotry twitter eviscerates mississippi gov anti gay law
7301 Alabama GOP Gov. Embroiled In Sex Scandal Allegations (NSFW AUDIO) alabama gop gov. embroiled in sex scandal allegations (nsfw audio) alabama gop gov embroiled in sex scandal allegations ( nsfw audio ) NN NNP NN VBN IN NN NN NNS ( NN NN ) alabama gop gov embroil sex scandal allegation nsfw audio
7302 #WeAreNotThis: Twitter DESTROYS NC Gov. And GOP Over Sweeping Anti-LGBT Legislation (TWEETS) #wearenotthis: twitter destroys nc gov. and gop over sweeping anti-lgbt legislation (tweets) _wearenotthis : twitter destroys nc gov and gop over sweeping anti _ lgbt legislation ( tweets ) NN : NN NN NN NN CC NNP IN VBG NNS NN NN NN ( NN ) _wearenotthis twitter destroys gov gop sweep anti lgbt legislation tweet
7454 Democratic Congressman Leaves Gov. Snyder Sputtering, Then Finishes Him With This Line (VIDEO) democratic congressman leaves gov. snyder sputtering, then finishes him with this line (video) democratic congressman leaves gov snyder sputtering , then finishes him with this line ( video ) JJ NN NNS NN NN VBG , RB NNS NN IN DT NN ( NN ) democratic congressman leaf gov snyder sputter finish line video
7455 WATCH: Democrat Takes Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder To The Woodshed For Poisoned Flint Water watch: democrat takes michigan gov. rick snyder to the woodshed for poisoned flint water watch : democrat takes michigan gov rick snyder to the woodshed for poisoned flint water NN : NNP NNS NNP NN NN NN TO DT VBN IN VBN NN NN watch democrat take michigan gov rick snyder woodshed poison flint water
7482 Gov. Chris Christie Bails On Cop’s Funeral To Campaign For Trump gov. chris christie bails on cop’s funeral to campaign for trump gov chris christie bails on cop’s funeral to campaign for trump NN NN NNP NNS IN NN JJ TO NN IN NN gov chris christie bail cop funeral campaign trump
7487 CA Gov.: We’d ‘Have To Build A Wall’ Around Our State If Trump Is President (VIDEO) ca gov.: we’d ‘have to build a wall’ around our state if trump is president (video) ca gov : we’d ‘have to build a wall’ around our state if trump is president ( video ) NN NN : NN VB TO VB DT NN IN PRP$ NN IN NN NN NNP ( NN ) gov build wall around state trump president video
7654 Former Democratic Gov. Tells Snyder EXACTLY What He Needs To Do In Flint, Michigan former democratic gov. tells snyder exactly what he needs to do in flint, michigan former democratic gov tells snyder exactly what he needs to do in flint , michigan NN JJ NN NNS NN NN WP PRP NNS TO VB IN NN , NNP former democratic gov tell snyder exactly need flint michigan
7956 Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder Could Face Manslaughter Charges Over Flint Water Poisoning michigan gov. rick snyder could face manslaughter charges over flint water poisoning michigan gov rick snyder could face manslaughter charges over flint water poisoning NNP NN NN NN MD NN NN NNS IN NN NN VBG michigan gov rick snyder could face manslaughter charge flint water poison
8106 KY Gov. Matt Bevin Slashes Funding For Ethics Investigations, Elections Oversight ky gov. matt bevin slashes funding for ethics investigations, elections oversight ky gov matt bevin slashes funding for ethics investigations , elections oversight NNP NN NN NN NNS VBG IN NNS NNS , NNS NN gov matt bevin slash fund ethic investigation election oversight
8602 Anonymous Declared War On MI’s Gov. Rick Snyder, Now Cyber Attacks Have Been Confirmed (VIDEO) anonymous declared war on mi’s gov. rick snyder, now cyber attacks have been confirmed (video) anonymous declared war on mi’s gov rick snyder , now cyber attacks have been confirmed ( video ) JJ VBN NNP IN NN NN NN NN , RB NNP NNS VB NN VBN ( NN ) anonymous declare war gov rick snyder cyber attack confirm video
8619 WATCH: The Media Gives MI’s Gov. Rick Snyder The Tongue Lashing He Deserves (VIDEOS) watch: the media gives mi’s gov. rick snyder the tongue lashing he deserves (videos) watch : the media gives mi’s gov rick snyder the tongue lashing he deserves ( videos ) NN : DT NNP NNS NN NN NN NN DT NN VBG PRP NNS ( NNS ) watch medium give gov rick snyder tongue lash deserves video
8650 Michigan Gov. Poison Gets Humiliated By Mark Ruffalo After Admitting Flint Disaster Is His Katrina michigan gov. poison gets humiliated by mark ruffalo after admitting flint disaster is his katrina michigan gov poison gets humiliated by mark ruffalo after admitting flint disaster is his katrina NNP NN NN NNS VBN IN NN NN IN VBG NN NN NN PRP$ NNP michigan gov poison get humiliate mark ruffalo admit flint disaster katrina
8737 MI Gov. Dick Sends SEVEN National Guardsman To Help 100,000 Flint Residents mi gov. dick sends seven national guardsman to help 100,000 flint residents mi gov dick sends seven national guardsman to help _digit_ , _digit_ flint residents NN NN NNP NNS NN NNP NN TO NN NN , NN NN NNS gov dick sends seven national guardsman help _digit_ _digit_ flint resident
8824 Ex-KKK Grand Wizard: Maine Gov. Right To Call Out Black Men’s ‘Defilement’ Of White Women ex-kkk grand wizard: maine gov. right to call out black men’s ‘defilement’ of white women ex _ kkk grand wizard : maine gov right to call out black men’s ‘defilement’ of white women NN NN NNP NNP NN : NN NN RB TO VB IN NN NN NN IN NNP NNS kkk grand wizard maine gov right call black men defilement white woman
8920 Micheal Moore Demands MI Republican Gov. Be Arrested For Poisoning Flint’s Water (IMAGE) micheal moore demands mi republican gov. be arrested for poisoning flint’s water (image) micheal moore demands mi republican gov be arrested for poisoning flint’s water ( image ) NN NN NNS NN JJ NN VB VBN IN VBG NN NN ( NN ) micheal moore demand republican gov arrest poison flint water image
9247 WI GOV. SCOTT WALKER: If You’re Able-Bodied and Want Welfare, You’re Going To Be Drug-Tested wi gov. scott walker: if you’re able-bodied and want welfare, you’re going to be drug-tested wi gov scott walker : if you’re able _ bodied and want welfare , you’re going to be drug _ tested NN NN NN NN : IN NN JJ NN VBN CC VB NN , NN VBG TO VB NN NN VBN gov scott walker able body want welfare go drug test
9982 Gov. Cuomo Defends Not Endorsing Mayor de Blasio…Speaks Up On ‘Offensive Statues’ Of Christopher Columbus gov. cuomo defends not endorsing mayor de blasio…speaks up on ‘offensive statues’ of christopher columbus gov cuomo defends not endorsing mayor de blasio…speaks up on ‘offensive statues’ of christopher columbus NN NN NNS RB VBG NN NNS NNS IN IN JJ NN IN NN NN gov cuomo defends endorse mayor blasio speaks offensive statue christopher columbus
10622 GAFFE OF THE DAY: VA Gov. #TerryMcAuliffe Blames “Too Many” Guns for Shootings: “We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence” [Video] gaffe of the day: va gov. #terrymcauliffe blames “too many” guns for shootings: “we lose 93 million americans a day to gun violence” [video] gaffe of the day : va gov _terrymcauliffe blames “too many” guns for shootings : “we lose _digit_ million americans a day to gun violence” [ video ] NN IN DT NN : NN NN NN NNS NN NN NNS IN NNS : NN VB NN CD NNS DT NN TO NN NN NN NN NN gaffe day gov _terrymcauliffe blame many gun shooting lose _digit_ million american day gun violence video
11601 HOLY SMOKES! NANCY PELOSI: Orders People to Clap, Repeats Words Then Calls John Kasich The Gov. of Illinois [Video] holy smokes! nancy pelosi: orders people to clap, repeats words then calls john kasich the gov. of illinois [video] holy smokes ! nancy pelosi : orders people to clap , repeats words then calls john kasich the gov of illinois [ video ] NNP NN . NNP NN : NNS NNS TO NN , NNS NNS RB NNS NNP NNP DT NN IN NNP NN NN NN holy smoke nancy pelosi order people clap repeat word call john kasich gov illinois video
15949 What Sign Language is This? Man Causes A Stir On Social Media During Gov. Scott’s Florida Presser on #HurricaneIrma [Video] what sign language is this? man causes a stir on social media during gov. scott’s florida presser on #hurricaneirma [video] what sign language is this ? man causes a stir on social media during gov scott’s florida presser on _hurricaneirma [ video ] WP NN NN VBZ DT . NN NNS DT NN IN NNP NNP IN NN NN NNP NN IN NN NN NN NN sign language man cause stir social medium gov scott florida presser _hurricaneirma video
15956 Gov. Cuomo Defends Not Endorsing Mayor de Blasio…Speaks Up On ‘Offensive Statues’ Of Christopher Columbus gov. cuomo defends not endorsing mayor de blasio…speaks up on ‘offensive statues’ of christopher columbus gov cuomo defends not endorsing mayor de blasio…speaks up on ‘offensive statues’ of christopher columbus NN NN NNS RB VBG NN NNS NNS IN IN JJ NN IN NN NN gov cuomo defends endorse mayor blasio speaks offensive statue christopher columbus
16048 GAFFE OF THE DAY: VA Gov. #TerryMcAuliffe Blames “Too Many” Guns for Shootings: “We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence” [Video] gaffe of the day: va gov. #terrymcauliffe blames “too many” guns for shootings: “we lose 93 million americans a day to gun violence” [video] gaffe of the day : va gov _terrymcauliffe blames “too many” guns for shootings : “we lose _digit_ million americans a day to gun violence” [ video ] NN IN DT NN : NN NN NN NNS NN NN NNS IN NNS : NN VB NN CD NNS DT NN TO NN NN NN NN NN gaffe day gov _terrymcauliffe blame many gun shooting lose _digit_ million american day gun violence video
17550 WI GOV. SCOTT WALKER: If You’re Able-Bodied and Want Welfare, You’re Going To Be Drug-Tested wi gov. scott walker: if you’re able-bodied and want welfare, you’re going to be drug-tested wi gov scott walker : if you’re able _ bodied and want welfare , you’re going to be drug _ tested NN NN NN NN : IN NN JJ NN VBN CC VB NN , NN VBG TO VB NN NN VBN gov scott walker able body want welfare go drug test
22418 Ammon and Ryan Bundy Found ‘Not Guilty’ in Oregon Federal Case, Gov. Kate Brown Upset by Jury Decision ammon and ryan bundy found ‘not guilty’ in oregon federal case, gov. kate brown upset by jury decision ammon and ryan bundy found ‘not guilty’ in oregon federal case , gov kate brown upset by jury decision NN CC NN NNP IN NN NN IN NN JJ NN , NN VB NNP VBN IN NN NN ammon ryan bundy found guilty oregon federal case gov kate brown upset jury decision
23201 Ammon and Ryan Bundy Found ‘Not Guilty’ in Oregon Federal Case, Gov. Kate Brown Upset by Jury Decision ammon and ryan bundy found ‘not guilty’ in oregon federal case, gov. kate brown upset by jury decision ammon and ryan bundy found ‘not guilty’ in oregon federal case , gov kate brown upset by jury decision NN CC NN NNP IN NN NN IN NN JJ NN , NN VB NNP VBN IN NN NN ammon ryan bundy found guilty oregon federal case gov kate brown upset jury decision
org_title lower_title cleaned_words cleaned_pos minimal_words
451 UK PM May says Donald Trump was wrong to retweet far-right videos uk pm may says donald trump was wrong to retweet far-right videos _u_k_ _prime_minister_ may says donald trump was wrong to retweet far _ right videos NNP NN NNP VBZ NNP NN VBD JJ TO NN RB NN NN NNS _u_k_ _prime_minister_ may say donald trump wrong retweet far right video
455 UK PM May is focused on tackling extremism, spokesman says in response to Trump uk pm may is focused on tackling extremism, spokesman says in response to trump _u_k_ _prime_minister_ may is focused on tackling extremism , spokesman says in response to trump NNP NN NNP VBZ VBN IN VBG NN , NN VBZ IN NN TO NN _u_k_ _prime_minister_ may focus tackle extremism spokesman say response trump
482 Trump was wrong to retweet UK far-right group: British PM May's spokesman trump was wrong to retweet uk far-right group: british pm may's spokesman trump was wrong to retweet _u_k_ far _ right group : british _prime_minister_ may 's spokesman NN VBD JJ TO NN NNP RB NN NN NN : JJ NN NNP POS NN trump wrong retweet _u_k_ far right group british _prime_minister_ may spokesman
1791 Trump, Malaysian PM discuss trade deals, Boeing jets trump, malaysian pm discuss trade deals, boeing jets trump , malaysian _prime_minister_ discuss trade deals , boeing jets NN , JJ NN NN NN NNS , VBG NNS trump malaysian _prime_minister_ discus trade deal boeing jet
2903 UK PM May to hold bilateral meeting with Trump at G20: UK govt. official uk pm may to hold bilateral meeting with trump at g20: uk govt. official _u_k_ _prime_minister_ may to hold bilateral meeting with trump at g _digit_ : _u_k_ govt. official NNP NN NNP TO NN JJ NN IN NN IN NN NN : NNP NN NN _u_k_ _prime_minister_ may hold bilateral meeting trump _digit_ _u_k_ govt official
... ... ... ... ... ...
21225 Despite derision, Britain's PM May might well be able to carry on... for now despite derision, britain's pm may might well be able to carry on... for now despite derision , britain 's _prime_minister_ may might well be able to carry on for now IN NN , NNP POS NN NNP MD RB VB JJ TO NN IN IN RB despite derision britain _prime_minister_ may might well able carry
21251 PM May seeks to ease Japan's Brexit fears during trade visit pm may seeks to ease japan's brexit fears during trade visit _prime_minister_ may seeks to ease japan 's brexit fears during trade visit NN NNP NN TO NN NNP POS NN NNS IN NN NN _prime_minister_ may seek ease japan brexit fear trade visit
21345 Thailand's ousted PM Yingluck has fled abroad: sources thailand's ousted pm yingluck has fled abroad: sources thailand 's ousted _prime_minister_ yingluck has fled abroad : sources NN POS VBN NN NN VBZ VBN RB : NNS thailand oust _prime_minister_ yingluck flee abroad source
21353 Thailand's ousted PM Yingluck has fled abroad: sources thailand's ousted pm yingluck has fled abroad: sources thailand 's ousted _prime_minister_ yingluck has fled abroad : sources NN POS VBN NN NN VBZ VBN RB : NNS thailand oust _prime_minister_ yingluck flee abroad source
21362 Poland will not change its stance on EU's posted workers directive: PM poland will not change its stance on eu's posted workers directive: pm poland will not change its stance on eu 's posted workers directive : _prime_minister_ NNP MD RB NN PRP$ NN IN NN POS VBN NNS NN : NN poland change stance post worker directive _prime_minister_

421 rows × 5 columns

org_title lower_title cleaned_words cleaned_pos minimal_words
813 Wife Of The Japanese PM Epically Trolled Trump At G20 wife of the japanese pm epically trolled trump at g20 wife of the japanese _prime_minister_ epically trolled trump at g _digit_ NN IN DT JJ NN RB VBN NN IN NN NN wife japanese _prime_minister_ epically troll trump _digit_
1131 WATCH: Hilarious Leaked Video Shows Australian PM Mocking Trump And It’s Now The Best Thing On The Internet watch: hilarious leaked video shows australian pm mocking trump and it’s now the best thing on the internet watch : hilarious leaked video shows australian _prime_minister_ mocking trump and it’s now the best thing on the internet NN : JJ VBN NN NNS JJ NN VBG NN CC NN RB DT JJS VBG IN DT NN watch hilarious leak video show australian _prime_minister_ mock trump best thing internet
2794 British PM Had To Hold Trump’s Hand Like A F*cking Child Because Of His Fear Of ‘Stairs And Slopes’ british pm had to hold trump’s hand like a f*cking child because of his fear of ‘stairs and slopes’ british _prime_minister_ had to hold trump’s hand like a _mytag_slang_ child because of his fear of ‘stairs and slopes’ JJ NN VBD TO VB NN NN IN DT NN NN IN IN PRP$ NN IN NNS CC NN british _prime_minister_ hold trump hand like _mytag_slang_ child fear stair slope
6670 Israeli PM Rejects Obama’s $40 Billion Aid Offer, Demands More While America’s Children Go Hungry israeli pm rejects obama’s $40 billion aid offer, demands more while america’s children go hungry israeli _prime_minister_ rejects obama’s _digit_ billion aid offer , demands more while america’s children go hungry JJ NN NNS NN NN NN NN NN , NNS RBR IN NN NNS VB JJ israeli _prime_minister_ reject obama _digit_ billion aid offer demand america child hungry
6834 Conservatives Can’t Believe Canadian PM Would Understand Science, Accuse Him Of Faking It conservatives can’t believe canadian pm would understand science, accuse him of faking it conservatives can’t believe canadian _prime_minister_ would understand science , accuse him of faking it NNS NN VB JJ NN MD NN NN , NN NN IN VBG PRP conservative believe canadian _prime_minister_ would understand science accuse fake
6885 Israeli PM Netanyahu Quoted In Full Throated Support of Ethnically Cleansing Palestinians israeli pm netanyahu quoted in full throated support of ethnically cleansing palestinians israeli _prime_minister_ netanyahu quoted in full throated support of ethnically cleansing palestinians JJ NN NN VBN IN NN VBN NN IN RB VBG NNS israeli _prime_minister_ netanyahu quote full throated support ethnically cleanse palestinian
7442 Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Explains Why He Keeps Saying, “I’m A Feminist” canadian pm justin trudeau explains why he keeps saying, “i’m a feminist” canadian _prime_minister_ justin trudeau explains why he keeps saying , “i’m a feminist” JJ NN NN NN NNS WRB PRP NNS VBG , NN DT NN canadian _prime_minister_ justin trudeau explains keep say feminist
10708 “Peaceful” Muslims Scream: “THIS IS FOR ALLAH” After Driving Van 50 MPH Pedestrians…3 ARMED Terrorists On Run In Gun-Free London…Britain’s PM Calls It “Potential Act Of Terror” [VIDEO] “peaceful” muslims scream: “this is for allah” after driving van 50 mph pedestrians…3 armed terrorists on run in gun-free london…britain’s pm calls it “potential act of terror” [video] “peaceful” muslims scream : “this is for allah” after driving van _digit_ mph pedestrians… _digit_ armed terrorists on run in gun _ free london…britain’s _prime_minister_ calls it “potential act... NN NNS NN : NN NN IN NN IN VBG NN NN NN NN NN NN NNS IN VB IN NN NN JJ NN NN NNS PRP JJ NNP IN NN NN NN NN peaceful muslim scream allah drive van _digit_ mph pedestrian _digit_ armed terrorist run gun free london britain _prime_minister_ call potential act terror video
11678 #BoycottGrammys… #TurnOffTheGrammys…Grammys Producer Encourages Stars To Get Political…TRASH TRUMP…Just Don’t Use “F-Bomb” Before 10 PM #boycottgrammys… #turnoffthegrammys…grammys producer encourages stars to get political…trash trump…just don’t use “f-bomb” before 10 pm _boycottgrammys… _turnoffthegrammys…grammys producer encourages stars to get political…trash trump…just don’t use “f _ bomb” before _digit_ _prime_minister_ NN NN NN NNS NNS TO VB NN NN NN NN NN NN NN IN NN NN _boycottgrammys _turnoffthegrammys grammys producer encourages star get political trash trump use bomb _digit_ _prime_minister_
15592 (VIDEO) WATCH OUR CHILDISH PRESIDENT TURN HIS BACK TO THE IRAQI PM AT THE G7 (video) watch our childish president turn his back to the iraqi pm at the g7 ( video ) watch our childish president turn his back to the iraqi _prime_minister_ at the g _digit_ ( NN ) NN NN NN NN NN NN RB NN DT NN NN NN DT NN NN video watch childish president turn back iraqi _prime_minister_ _digit_
18541 “Peaceful” Muslims Scream: “THIS IS FOR ALLAH” After Driving Van 50 MPH Pedestrians…3 ARMED Terrorists On Run In Gun-Free London…Britain’s PM Calls It “Potential Act Of Terror” [VIDEO] “peaceful” muslims scream: “this is for allah” after driving van 50 mph pedestrians…3 armed terrorists on run in gun-free london…britain’s pm calls it “potential act of terror” [video] “peaceful” muslims scream : “this is for allah” after driving van _digit_ mph pedestrians… _digit_ armed terrorists on run in gun _ free london…britain’s _prime_minister_ calls it “potential act... NN NNS NN : NN NN IN NN IN VBG NN NN NN NN NN NN NNS IN VB IN NN NN JJ NN NN NNS PRP JJ NNP IN NN NN NN NN peaceful muslim scream allah drive van _digit_ mph pedestrian _digit_ armed terrorist run gun free london britain _prime_minister_ call potential act terror video
19147 #BoycottGrammys… #TurnOffTheGrammys…Grammys Producer Encourages Stars To Get Political…TRASH TRUMP…Just Don’t Use “F-Bomb” Before 10 PM #boycottgrammys… #turnoffthegrammys…grammys producer encourages stars to get political…trash trump…just don’t use “f-bomb” before 10 pm _boycottgrammys… _turnoffthegrammys…grammys producer encourages stars to get political…trash trump…just don’t use “f _ bomb” before _digit_ _prime_minister_ NN NN NN NNS NNS TO VB NN NN NN NN NN NN NN IN NN NN _boycottgrammys _turnoffthegrammys grammys producer encourages star get political trash trump use bomb _digit_ _prime_minister_
21962 Iraqi PM Rebuffs U.S. Decree That ‘Foreign Shia Militias’ Should Leave Country iraqi pm rebuffs u.s. decree that ‘foreign shia militias’ should leave country iraqi _prime_minister_ rebuffs _u_s_ decree that ‘foreign shia militias’ should leave country NN NN NNS NNP NN DT NN NN NN MD VB NN iraqi _prime_minister_ rebuff _u_s_ decree foreign shia militia leave country
22745 Iraqi PM Rebuffs U.S. Decree That ‘Foreign Shia Militias’ Should Leave Country iraqi pm rebuffs u.s. decree that ‘foreign shia militias’ should leave country iraqi _prime_minister_ rebuffs _u_s_ decree that ‘foreign shia militias’ should leave country NN NN NNS NNP NN DT NN NN NN MD VB NN iraqi _prime_minister_ rebuff _u_s_ decree foreign shia militia leave country
org_title lower_title cleaned_words cleaned_pos minimal_words
502 Trump to make remarks at White House at 3 p.m. EST trump to make remarks at white house at 3 p.m. est trump to make remarks at white house at _digit_ _pm_ est NN TO VB NNS IN NNP NNP IN NN NN NN trump make remark white house _digit_ _pm_ est
3356 Trump to give remarks on healthcare at 12:55 p.m. (1655 GMT): White House trump to give remarks on healthcare at 12:55 p.m. (1655 gmt): white house trump to give remarks on healthcare at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ ( _digit_ gmt ) : white house NN TO VB NNS IN NN IN NN : NN NN ( NN NN ) : NNP NNP trump give remark healthcare _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ _digit_ gmt white house
3998 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 28 at 8:45 P.M. EDT/0045 GMT April 29 highlights: the trump presidency on april 28 at 8:45 p.m. edt/0045 gmt april 29 highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt april _digit_ NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN NNP NN highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt april _digit_
4033 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 28 at 8:45 P.M. EDT/0045 GMT April 29 highlights: the trump presidency on april 28 at 8:45 p.m. edt/0045 gmt april 29 highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt april _digit_ NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN NNP NN highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt april _digit_
4049 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 26 at 9:12 P.M. EDT/0112 GMT on April 27 highlights: the trump presidency on april 26 at 9:12 p.m. edt/0112 gmt on april 27 highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt on april _digit_ NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN IN NNP NN highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt april _digit_
4082 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 26 at 9:12 P.M. EDT/0112 GMT on April 27 highlights: the trump presidency on april 26 at 9:12 p.m. edt/0112 gmt on april 27 highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt on april _digit_ NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN IN NNP NN highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt april _digit_
4096 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 26 at 9:12 P.M. EDT/0112 GMT on April 27 highlights: the trump presidency on april 26 at 9:12 p.m. edt/0112 gmt on april 27 highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt on april _digit_ NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN IN NNP NN highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt april _digit_
4132 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 21 at 6:12 p.m. EDT/2212 GMT highlights: the trump presidency on april 21 at 6:12 p.m. edt/2212 gmt highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt
4149 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 21 at 6:12 p.m. EDT/2212 GMT highlights: the trump presidency on april 21 at 6:12 p.m. edt/2212 gmt highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt
4176 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 21 at 6:12 p.m. EDT/2212 GMT highlights: the trump presidency on april 21 at 6:12 p.m. edt/2212 gmt highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt
4202 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 21 at 6:12 p.m. EDT/2212 GMT highlights: the trump presidency on april 21 at 6:12 p.m. edt/2212 gmt highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt
4227 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 21 at 6:12 p.m. EDT/2212 GMT highlights: the trump presidency on april 21 at 6:12 p.m. edt/2212 gmt highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt
4244 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 13 at 9:30 P.M. EDT/0130 GMT on Friday highlights: the trump presidency on april 13 at 9:30 p.m. edt/0130 gmt on friday highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt on friday NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN IN NNP highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt friday
4266 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 13 at 9:30 P.M. EDT/0130 GMT on Friday highlights: the trump presidency on april 13 at 9:30 p.m. edt/0130 gmt on friday highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt on friday NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN IN NNP highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt friday
4300 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 13 at 9:30 P.M. EDT/0130 GMT on Friday highlights: the trump presidency on april 13 at 9:30 p.m. edt/0130 gmt on friday highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt on friday NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN IN NNP highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt friday
4342 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 13 at 9:30 P.M. EDT/0130 GMT on Friday highlights: the trump presidency on april 13 at 9:30 p.m. edt/0130 gmt on friday highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt on friday NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN IN NNP highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt friday
4413 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 13 at 9:30 P.M. EDT/0130 GMT on Friday highlights: the trump presidency on april 13 at 9:30 p.m. edt/0130 gmt on friday highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt on friday NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN IN NNP highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt friday
4443 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 13 at 9:30 P.M. EDT/0130 GMT on Friday highlights: the trump presidency on april 13 at 9:30 p.m. edt/0130 gmt on friday highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt on friday NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN IN NNP highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt friday
4468 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 13 at 9:30 P.M. EDT/0130 GMT on Friday highlights: the trump presidency on april 13 at 9:30 p.m. edt/0130 gmt on friday highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt on friday NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN IN NNP highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt friday
4507 Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 13 at 9:30 P.M. EDT/0130 GMT on Friday highlights: the trump presidency on april 13 at 9:30 p.m. edt/0130 gmt on friday highlights : the trump presidency on april _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt on friday NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN IN NNP highlight trump presidency april _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt _digit_ gmt friday
4536 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 31 at 6:19 p.m. EDT highlights: the trump presidency on march 31 at 6:19 p.m. edt highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt
4565 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 31 at 6:19 p.m. EDT highlights: the trump presidency on march 31 at 6:19 p.m. edt highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt
4602 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 31 at 6:19 p.m. EDT highlights: the trump presidency on march 31 at 6:19 p.m. edt highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt
4623 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 31 at 6:19 p.m. EDT highlights: the trump presidency on march 31 at 6:19 p.m. edt highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt
4651 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 31 at 6:19 p.m. EDT highlights: the trump presidency on march 31 at 6:19 p.m. edt highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt
4694 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 24 at 5:31 p.m. EDT highlights: the trump presidency on march 24 at 5:31 p.m. edt highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt
4732 The Trump presidency on March 23 at 7:03 P.M. EDT the trump presidency on march 23 at 7:03 p.m. edt the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt
4762 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 22 at 6:30 P.M. EDT highlights: the trump presidency on march 22 at 6:30 p.m. edt highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt
4811 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 21 at 6:14 p.m. EDT highlights: the trump presidency on march 21 at 6:14 p.m. edt highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt
4828 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 20 at 9:20 P.M. EDT highlights: the trump presidency on march 20 at 9:20 p.m. edt highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt
4844 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 19 at 6:50 p.m. EDT highlights: the trump presidency on march 19 at 6:50 p.m. edt highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt
4954 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 14 at 9:25 p.m. ET highlights: the trump presidency on march 14 at 9:25 p.m. et highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ et NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_
4977 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 13 at 9:05 p.m. EDT highlights: the trump presidency on march 13 at 9:05 p.m. edt highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ edt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ edt
4997 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 12 at 8:42 p.m. EST highlights: the trump presidency on march 12 at 8:42 p.m. est highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5025 The Trump presidency on March 9 at 9:49 p.m. EST/March 10 0149 GMT the trump presidency on march 9 at 9:49 p.m. est/march 10 0149 gmt the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est march _digit_ _digit_ gmt DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NNP NN NN NN trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est march _digit_ _digit_ gmt
5051 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 8 at 6:33 p.m. EST highlights: the trump presidency on march 8 at 6:33 p.m. est highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5079 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 7 at 6:19 p.m. EST highlights: the trump presidency on march 7 at 6:19 p.m. est highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5103 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 6 at 7:50 p.m. EST highlights: the trump presidency on march 6 at 7:50 p.m. est highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5123 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 5 at 7:35 p.m. EST highlights: the trump presidency on march 5 at 7:35 p.m. est highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5142 The Trump presidency on March 3 at 2:50 p.m. ET the trump presidency on march 3 at 2:50 p.m. et the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ et DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_
5157 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 2 at 5:35 p.m. ET highlights: the trump presidency on march 2 at 5:35 p.m. et highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ et NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_
5186 Highlights: The Trump presidency on March 1 at 8:16 p.m. EST highlights: the trump presidency on march 1 at 8:16 p.m. est highlights : the trump presidency on march _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency march _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5218 The Trump presidency on Feb 28 at 8:48 p.m. EST the trump presidency on feb 28 at 8:48 p.m. est the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5302 The Trump presidency on Feb. 23 at 6:45 p.m. EST the trump presidency on feb. 23 at 6:45 p.m. est the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5365 The Trump presidency on Feb. 17 at 3:49 p.m. EST/2049 GMT the trump presidency on feb. 17 at 3:49 p.m. est/2049 gmt the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt
5389 The Trump presidency on Feb 16 at 8:08 p.m. EST the trump presidency on feb 16 at 8:08 p.m. est the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5421 The Trump presidency on Feb 15 at 8:29 p.m. EST the trump presidency on feb 15 at 8:29 p.m. est the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5452 The Trump presidency on Feb. 14 at 4:02 P.M. EST/2102 GMT the trump presidency on feb. 14 at 4:02 p.m. est/2102 gmt the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt
5479 The Trump presidency on Feb. 13 at 8:05 P.M. EST the trump presidency on feb. 13 at 8:05 p.m. est the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5506 The Trump presidency on Feb. 10 at 7:05 p.m. EST the trump presidency on feb. 10 at 7:05 p.m. est the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5537 Highlights: The Trump presidency on Feb. 9 at 7:50 P.M. EST highlights: the trump presidency on feb. 9 at 7:50 p.m. est highlights : the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est NNS : DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5568 The Trump presidency on Feb. 8 at 8:10 P.M. EST the trump presidency on feb. 8 at 8:10 p.m. est the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5631 The Trump presidency on Feb. 5 at 7:10 P.M. EST the trump presidency on feb. 5 at 7:10 p.m. est the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5665 Highlights: The Trump presidency on February 3 at 6:25 P.M. EST/2325 GMT highlights: the trump presidency on february 3 at 6:25 p.m. est/2325 gmt highlights : the trump presidency on february _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN highlight trump presidency february _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt
5722 Highlights: The Trump presidency on February 2 at 6:15 p.m. EST/2315 GMT highlights: the trump presidency on february 2 at 6:15 p.m. est/2315 gmt highlights : the trump presidency on february _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN highlight trump presidency february _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt
5769 Highlights: The Trump presidency on February 1 at 7:44 P.M. EST/1244 GMT highlights: the trump presidency on february 1 at 7:44 p.m. est/1244 gmt highlights : the trump presidency on february _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN highlight trump presidency february _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt
5807 Highlights: The Trump presidency on January 31 at 8:11 P.M. EST/0111 GMT highlights: the trump presidency on january 31 at 8:11 p.m. est/0111 gmt highlights : the trump presidency on january _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN highlight trump presidency january _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt
5882 The Trump presidency on Jan 29 at 4:12 P.M. EST/2112 GMT the trump presidency on jan 29 at 4:12 p.m. est/2112 gmt the trump presidency on jan _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN trump presidency jan _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt
5942 Highlights: The Trump presidency on January 27 at 6:11 P.M. EST/2311 GMT highlights: the trump presidency on january 27 at 6:11 p.m. est/2311 gmt highlights : the trump presidency on january _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt NNS : DT NN NN IN NNP NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN highlight trump presidency january _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt
9780 Republican presidential candidate Cruz to make announcement at 4 p.m. republican presidential candidate cruz to make announcement at 4 p.m. republican presidential candidate cruz to make announcement at _digit_ p.m . JJ JJ NN NN TO VB NN IN NN NN . republican presidential candidate cruz make announcement _digit_
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17108 LIVE FEED AT 1:00 P.M. EST: 100% FED Up! AMERICANS WILL RALLY IN D.C. TODAY TO STOP THE IRAN DEAL live feed at 1:00 p.m. est: 100% fed up! americans will rally in d.c. today to stop the iran deal live feed at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est : _digit_ percent fed up ! americans will rally in d.c. today to stop the iran deal VB NN NN NN : NN NN NN : NN NN NN IN . NN MD NN NN NN NN NN NN DT NN NN live feed _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ percent fed american rally today stop iran deal
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278 Franken to make 11:45 a.m. announcement after harassment accusations franken to make 11:45 a.m. announcement after harassment accusations franken to make _digit_ : _digit_ _am_ announcement after harassment accusations NNS TO VB NN : NN NN NN IN NN NNS franken make _digit_ _digit_ _am_ announcement harassment accusation
5267 Highlights: The Trump presidency on Feb. 24 at 12:35 a.m. EST/17:35 GMT highlights: the trump presidency on feb. 24 at 12:35 a.m. est/17:35 gmt highlights : the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _am_ est _digit_ : _digit_ gmt NNS : DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN : NN NN highlight trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _am_ est _digit_ _digit_ gmt
9067 FBI schedules 11 a.m. news conference on Florida nightclub shooting fbi schedules 11 a.m. news conference on florida nightclub shooting fbi schedules _digit_ _am_ news conference on florida nightclub shooting NNP NNS NN NN NN NN IN NNP NN VBG fbi schedule _digit_ _am_ news conference florida nightclub shoot
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4367 Eric Trump PATHETICALLY Attempts To Defend Daddy’s Latest 3 A.M. Temper Tantrum On Twitter eric trump pathetically attempts to defend daddy’s latest 3 a.m. temper tantrum on twitter eric trump pathetically attempts to defend daddy’s latest _digit_ _am_ temper tantrum on twitter JJ NN NN NNS TO VB NN JJS NN NN NN NN IN NN eric trump pathetically attempt defend daddy late _digit_ _am_ temper tantrum twitter
11589 LIVE FEED: PRESIDENT TRUMP Speaks At CPAC – 10:00 a.m. EST live feed: president trump speaks at cpac – 10:00 a.m. est live feed : president trump speaks at cpac _digit_ : _digit_ _am_ est VB NN : NN NN NNS IN NN NN : NN NN NN live feed president trump speaks cpac _digit_ _digit_ _am_ est
14690 FEEL THE BERN: Supporters Line Up At 4:30 A.M. To See Trump…In Bernie Sander’s Home State feel the bern: supporters line up at 4:30 a.m. to see trump…in bernie sander’s home state feel the bern : supporters line up at _digit_ : _digit_ _am_ to see trump…in bernie sander’s home state NN DT NN : NNS NN IN IN NN : NN NN TO VB NN NNP NN NN NN feel bern supporter line _digit_ _digit_ _am_ see trump bernie sander home state
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42 U.S. court rejects Trump bid to stop transgender military recruits on Jan. 1 u.s. court rejects trump bid to stop transgender military recruits on jan. 1 _u_s_ court rejects trump bid to stop transgender military recruits on jan _digit_ NNP NN NNS NN NN TO NN NN JJ NNS IN NN NN _u_s_ court reject trump bid stop transgender military recruit jan _digit_
168 Stop-gap bill unveiled to fund U.S. government until Jan. 19 stop-gap bill unveiled to fund u.s. government until jan. 19 stop _ gap bill unveiled to fund _u_s_ government until jan _digit_ VB NN NN NN JJ TO NN NNP NN IN NN NN stop gap bill unveiled fund _u_s_ government jan _digit_
214 U.S. military must accept transgender recruits by Jan. 1, judge rules u.s. military must accept transgender recruits by jan. 1, judge rules _u_s_ military must accept transgender recruits by jan _digit_ , judge rules NNP JJ MD NN NN NNS IN NN NN , NN NNS _u_s_ military must accept transgender recruit jan _digit_ judge rule
432 Trump to give State of the Union address on Jan. 30: White House trump to give state of the union address on jan. 30: white house trump to give state of the union address on jan _digit_ : white house NN TO VB NN IN DT NNP NN IN NN NN : NNP NNP trump give state union address jan _digit_ white house
6540 White House says expects Guantanamo transfers announced before Jan. 20 white house says expects guantanamo transfers announced before jan. 20 white house says expects guantanamo transfers announced before jan _digit_ NNP NNP VBZ VBZ NN NNS VBD IN NN NN white house say expect guantanamo transfer announce jan _digit_
11153 Fox News says Google to partner in Jan. 28 Iowa Republican debate fox news says google to partner in jan. 28 iowa republican debate fox news says google to partner in jan _digit_ iowa republican debate NN NNS VBZ NN TO NN IN NN NN NNP JJ NN fox news say google partner jan _digit_ iowa republican debate
11276 Trump to host Norway's Solberg on Jan. 10, White House says trump to host norway's solberg on jan. 10, white house says trump to host norway 's solberg on jan _digit_ , white house says NN TO NN RB POS NN IN NN NN , NNP NNP VBZ trump host norway solberg jan _digit_ white house say
11286 Trump to host Norway's Solberg on Jan. 10, White House says trump to host norway's solberg on jan. 10, white house says trump to host norway 's solberg on jan _digit_ , white house says NN TO NN RB POS NN IN NN NN , NNP NNP VBZ trump host norway solberg jan _digit_ white house say
11676 Full Brexit in Jan. 2021 as EU sets transition deadline full brexit in jan. 2021 as eu sets transition deadline full brexit in jan _digit_ as eu sets transition deadline NN NN IN NN NN IN NN NNS NN NN full brexit jan _digit_ set transition deadline
11681 UK's May to visit China around Jan. 31: Sky News uk's may to visit china around jan. 31: sky news _u_k_ 's may to visit china around jan _digit_ : sky news NN POS NNP TO NN NNP IN NN NN : NN NNS _u_k_ may visit china around jan _digit_ sky news
11704 Germany's conservatives, SPD start talks Jan. 7 on another 'grand coalition' germany's conservatives, spd start talks jan. 7 on another 'grand coalition' germany 's conservatives , spd start talks jan _digit_ on another 'grand coalition ' NNP POS NNS , NN NN NNS NN NN IN DT NN NN '' germany conservative spd start talk jan _digit_ another grand coalition
11772 Full Brexit in Jan. 2021 as EU sets transition deadline full brexit in jan. 2021 as eu sets transition deadline full brexit in jan _digit_ as eu sets transition deadline NN NN IN NN NN IN NN NNS NN NN full brexit jan _digit_ set transition deadline
11777 UK's May to visit China around Jan. 31: Sky News uk's may to visit china around jan. 31: sky news _u_k_ 's may to visit china around jan _digit_ : sky news NN POS NNP TO NN NNP IN NN NN : NN NNS _u_k_ may visit china around jan _digit_ sky news
11800 Germany's conservatives, SPD start talks Jan. 7 on another 'grand coalition' germany's conservatives, spd start talks jan. 7 on another 'grand coalition' germany 's conservatives , spd start talks jan _digit_ on another 'grand coalition ' NNP POS NNS , NN NN NNS NN NN IN DT NN NN '' germany conservative spd start talk jan _digit_ another grand coalition
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5267 Highlights: The Trump presidency on Feb. 24 at 12:35 a.m. EST/17:35 GMT highlights: the trump presidency on feb. 24 at 12:35 a.m. est/17:35 gmt highlights : the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _am_ est _digit_ : _digit_ gmt NNS : DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN : NN NN highlight trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _am_ est _digit_ _digit_ gmt
5302 The Trump presidency on Feb. 23 at 6:45 p.m. EST the trump presidency on feb. 23 at 6:45 p.m. est the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5365 The Trump presidency on Feb. 17 at 3:49 p.m. EST/2049 GMT the trump presidency on feb. 17 at 3:49 p.m. est/2049 gmt the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt
5452 The Trump presidency on Feb. 14 at 4:02 P.M. EST/2102 GMT the trump presidency on feb. 14 at 4:02 p.m. est/2102 gmt the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est _digit_ gmt
5479 The Trump presidency on Feb. 13 at 8:05 P.M. EST the trump presidency on feb. 13 at 8:05 p.m. est the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5506 The Trump presidency on Feb. 10 at 7:05 p.m. EST the trump presidency on feb. 10 at 7:05 p.m. est the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5537 Highlights: The Trump presidency on Feb. 9 at 7:50 P.M. EST highlights: the trump presidency on feb. 9 at 7:50 p.m. est highlights : the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est NNS : DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN highlight trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5568 The Trump presidency on Feb. 8 at 8:10 P.M. EST the trump presidency on feb. 8 at 8:10 p.m. est the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
5595 The Trump presidency on Feb. 7 at 9:47 EST the trump presidency on feb. 7 at 9:47 est the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ est DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ est
5631 The Trump presidency on Feb. 5 at 7:10 P.M. EST the trump presidency on feb. 5 at 7:10 p.m. est the trump presidency on feb _digit_ at _digit_ : _digit_ _pm_ est DT NN NN IN NN NN IN NN : NN NN NN trump presidency feb _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ _pm_ est
6080 Ryan says Trump to address joint session of Congress Feb. 28 ryan says trump to address joint session of congress feb. 28 ryan says trump to address joint session of congress feb _digit_ NN VBZ NN TO NN NN NN IN NNP NN NN ryan say trump address joint session congress feb _digit_
10847 U.S. and Cuba to sign aviation pact on Feb. 16 u.s. and cuba to sign aviation pact on feb. 16 _u_s_ and cuba to sign aviation pact on feb _digit_ NNP CC NNP TO NN NN NN IN NN NN _u_s_ cuba sign aviation pact feb _digit_
10930 House committee to hold Puerto Rico hearing Feb. 25 house committee to hold puerto rico hearing feb. 25 house committee to hold puerto rico hearing feb _digit_ NNP NN TO NN NN NNP NN NN NN house committee hold puerto rico hearing feb _digit_
10950 Vice President Biden to go to Mexico City Feb. 24-25 for talks: White House vice president biden to go to mexico city feb. 24-25 for talks: white house vice president biden to go to mexico city feb _digit_ _ _digit_ for talks : white house NNP NNP NNP TO VB TO NNP NNP NN NN NN NN IN NNS : NNP NNP vice president biden mexico city feb _digit_ _digit_ talk white house
11110 Pentagon chief to preview fiscal 2017 budget on Feb. 2: sources pentagon chief to preview fiscal 2017 budget on feb. 2: sources pentagon chief to preview fiscal _digit_ budget on feb _digit_ : sources NNP NN TO NN JJ NN NN IN NN NN : NNS pentagon chief preview fiscal _digit_ budget feb _digit_ source
12027 Belgian trial of Paris attack suspect postponed to Feb. 5 belgian trial of paris attack suspect postponed to feb. 5 belgian trial of paris attack suspect postponed to feb _digit_ JJ NN IN NNP NN NN VBN TO NN NN belgian trial paris attack suspect postpone feb _digit_
18776 Nigeria to hold presidential and parliamentary election on Feb. 16, 2019 nigeria to hold presidential and parliamentary election on feb. 16, 2019 nigeria to hold presidential and parliamentary election on feb _digit_ , _digit_ NN TO NN JJ CC JJ NN IN NN NN , NN nigeria hold presidential parliamentary election feb _digit_ _digit_
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2229 U.S.-South Korea military exercise to start Aug. 21: Pentagon u.s.-south korea military exercise to start aug. 21: pentagon _u_s_ _ south korea military exercise to start aug _digit_ : pentagon NNP NN NNP NNP JJ NN TO NN NN NN : NNP _u_s_ south korea military exercise start aug _digit_ pentagon
9325 Singapore's prime minister to visit White House on Aug. 2 singapore's prime minister to visit white house on aug. 2 singapore 's prime minister to visit white house on aug _digit_ NNP POS NN NN TO NN NNP NNP IN NN NN singapore prime minister visit white house aug _digit_
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1178 House panel sets Puerto Rico recovery hearing for Oct. 24 house panel sets puerto rico recovery hearing for oct. 24 house panel sets puerto rico recovery hearing for oct _digit_ NNP NN NNS NN NNP NN NN IN NN NN house panel set puerto rico recovery hearing oct _digit_
7955 Puerto Rico board sets Oct. 14 date for draft turnaround plan puerto rico board sets oct. 14 date for draft turnaround plan puerto rico board sets oct _digit_ date for draft turnaround plan NN NNP NN NNS NN NN NN IN NN NN NN puerto rico board set oct _digit_ date draft turnaround plan
8198 Obama to host Italy's Renzi for state visit Oct. 18 obama to host italy's renzi for state visit oct. 18 obama to host italy 's renzi for state visit oct _digit_ NN TO NN NNP POS NN IN NN NN NN NN obama host italy renzi state visit oct _digit_
12772 EU negotiator says British withdrawal deal must be ready by Oct. 2018 eu negotiator says british withdrawal deal must be ready by oct. 2018 eu negotiator says british withdrawal deal must be ready by oct _digit_ NN NN VBZ JJ NN NN MD VB JJ IN NN NN negotiator say british withdrawal deal must ready oct _digit_
17720 Japan PM's ruling bloc seen nearing 2/3 majority in Oct. 22 lower house poll: Nikkei japan pm's ruling bloc seen nearing 2/3 majority in oct. 22 lower house poll: nikkei japan _prime_minister_ 's ruling bloc seen nearing _digit_ _digit_ majority in oct _digit_ lower house poll : nikkei NNP NN POS NN NN VBN VBG NN NN NN IN NN NN JJR NN NN : NNP japan _prime_minister_ ruling bloc see near _digit_ _digit_ majority oct _digit_ low house poll nikkei
17872 Trump to host Singapore's prime minister Oct. 23 -White House trump to host singapore's prime minister oct. 23 -white house trump to host singapore 's prime minister oct _digit_ _ white house NN TO NN NNP POS NN NN NN NN NN NNP NNP trump host singapore prime minister oct _digit_ white house
18132 Venezuela opposition says ballot sheet unfair for Oct. 15 vote venezuela opposition says ballot sheet unfair for oct. 15 vote venezuela opposition says ballot sheet unfair for oct _digit_ vote NNP NN VBZ NN NN NN IN NN NN NN venezuela opposition say ballot sheet unfair oct _digit_ vote
18227 Support for Austrian ruling party slips ahead of Oct. 15 vote: poll support for austrian ruling party slips ahead of oct. 15 vote: poll support for austrian ruling party slips ahead of oct _digit_ vote : poll NN IN JJ NN NN NNS RB IN NN NN NN : NN support austrian ruling party slip ahead oct _digit_ vote poll
18528 Run or wait? Tokyo's Koike faces dilemma ahead of Oct. 22 poll run or wait? tokyo's koike faces dilemma ahead of oct. 22 poll run or wait ? tokyo 's koike faces dilemma ahead of oct _digit_ poll VB CC NN . NNP POS VB VBZ NN RB IN NN NN NN run wait tokyo koike face dilemma ahead oct _digit_ poll
18569 Pro-independence groups, unions call for general strike Oct. 3 in Catalonia pro-independence groups, unions call for general strike oct. 3 in catalonia pro _ independence groups , unions call for general strike oct _digit_ in catalonia NNS NN NN NNS , NNS NN IN JJ NN NN NN IN NN pro independence group union call general strike oct _digit_ catalonia
19430 Catalan leader says will proceed with Oct. 1 independence referendum catalan leader says will proceed with oct. 1 independence referendum catalan leader says will proceed with oct _digit_ independence referendum NN NN VBZ MD NN IN NN NN NN NN catalan leader say proceed oct _digit_ independence referendum
19793 Iceland sets snap election for Oct. 28: president iceland sets snap election for oct. 28: president iceland sets snap election for oct _digit_ : president NN NNS NN NN IN NN NN : NN iceland set snap election oct _digit_ president
20815 Catalonia parliament votes for Oct. 1 referendum on split from Spain catalonia parliament votes for oct. 1 referendum on split from spain catalonia parliament votes for oct _digit_ referendum on split from spain NN NN NNS IN NN NN NN IN NN IN NNP catalonia parliament vote oct _digit_ referendum split spain
21030 Colombia, ELN rebels agree temporary ceasefire starting Oct. 1 colombia, eln rebels agree temporary ceasefire starting oct. 1 colombia , eln rebels agree temporary ceasefire starting oct _digit_ NNP , NN NNS NN JJ NN VBG NN NN colombia eln rebel agree temporary ceasefire start oct _digit_
21043 Kenyan election commission sets Oct. 17 as date for new vote kenyan election commission sets oct. 17 as date for new vote kenyan election commission sets oct _digit_ as date for new vote NNP NN NN NNS NN NN IN NN IN JJ NN kenyan election commission set oct _digit_ date new vote
21053 Kenya to hold new presidential vote on Oct. 17: electoral commission kenya to hold new presidential vote on oct. 17: electoral commission kenya to hold new presidential vote on oct _digit_ : electoral commission NNP TO NN JJ JJ NN IN NN NN : JJ NN kenya hold new presidential vote oct _digit_ electoral commission
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12819 WILL HILLARY ATTEND? ‘CLOWN LIVES MATTER’ Rally To Be Held On Oct. 15th [Video] will hillary attend? ‘clown lives matter’ rally to be held on oct. 15th [video] will hillary attend ? ‘clown lives matter’ rally to be held on oct _digit_ th [ video ] MD NN NN . NN NNS NN NNP TO VB NNP IN NN NN NN NN NN NN hillary attend clown life matter rally held oct _digit_ video
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244 Special election to replace Conyers to be held Nov. 2018: governor special election to replace conyers to be held nov. 2018: governor special election to replace conyers to be held nov _digit_ : governor JJ NN TO VB NNS TO VB NN NN NN : NN special election replace conyers held nov _digit_ governor
1385 Social media executives to testify Nov. 1 about Russia and U.S. election social media executives to testify nov. 1 about russia and u.s. election social media executives to testify nov _digit_ about russia and _u_s_ election NNP NNS NNS TO NN NN NN IN NN CC NNP NN social medium executive testify nov _digit_ russia _u_s_ election
7769 U.S. civil rights groups to fan out on Nov. 8 to fight voter intimidation u.s. civil rights groups to fan out on nov. 8 to fight voter intimidation _u_s_ civil rights groups to fan out on nov _digit_ to fight voter intimidation NNP JJ NNS NNS TO NN IN IN NN NN TO NN NN NN _u_s_ civil right group fan nov _digit_ fight voter intimidation
8180 Paul Ryan's challenges will not start until after Nov. 8 election paul ryan's challenges will not start until after nov. 8 election paul ryan 's challenges will not start until after nov _digit_ election NNP NN POS NNS MD RB NN IN IN NN NN NN paul ryan challenge start nov _digit_ election
9644 Trump to testify in Trump University lawsuit after Nov. 8 vote: reports trump to testify in trump university lawsuit after nov. 8 vote: reports trump to testify in trump university lawsuit after nov _digit_ vote : reports NN TO NN IN NN NNP NN IN NN NN NN : NNS trump testify trump university lawsuit nov _digit_ vote report
14668 Turkey, Russia, Iran to hold Syria summit in Sochi on Nov. 22: NTV turkey, russia, iran to hold syria summit in sochi on nov. 22: ntv turkey , russia , iran to hold syria summit in sochi on nov _digit_ : ntv NN , NN , NN TO NN NNS NN IN NN IN NN NN : NN turkey russia iran hold syria summit sochi nov _digit_ ntv
16015 Russia's Sochi to host Syrian peoples congress on Nov. 18: RIA cites source russia's sochi to host syrian peoples congress on nov. 18: ria cites source russia 's sochi to host syrian peoples congress on nov _digit_ : ria cites source NN POS NN TO NN JJ NNS NN IN NN NN : NN NNS NN russia sochi host syrian people congress nov _digit_ ria cite source
17135 U.N. Tribunal schedules verdict in Mladic war crimes trial for Nov. 22 u.n. tribunal schedules verdict in mladic war crimes trial for nov. 22 _u_n_ tribunal schedules verdict in mladic war crimes trial for nov _digit_ NNP JJ NNS NN IN NN NN NNS NN IN NN NN _u_n_ tribunal schedule verdict mladic war crime trial nov _digit_
17354 Trump to visit Asia Nov. 3-14, focus on North Korea, alliances trump to visit asia nov. 3-14, focus on north korea, alliances trump to visit asia nov _digit_ _ _digit_ , focus on north korea , alliances NN TO NN NN NN NN NN NN , NN IN NN NNP , NNS trump visit asia nov _digit_ _digit_ focus north korea alliance
17687 Palestine rivals Hamas, Fatah agree on Rafah crossing handover Nov. 1: sources palestine rivals hamas, fatah agree on rafah crossing handover nov. 1: sources palestine rivals hamas , fatah agree on rafah crossing handover nov _digit_ : sources NN NNS NN , NN NN IN NN VBG NN NN NN : NNS palestine rival hamas fatah agree rafah cross handover nov _digit_ source
19887 Iceland president accepts request for early vote, Nov. 4 possible date: PM iceland president accepts request for early vote, nov. 4 possible date: pm iceland president accepts request for early vote , nov _digit_ possible date : _prime_minister_ NN NN NNS NN IN RB NN , NN NN JJ NN : NN iceland president accepts request early vote nov _digit_ possible date _prime_minister_
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1112 Hillary’s Campaign Account Hasn’t Tweeted Since Nov. 7, And Now It’s BEAUTIFULLY Trolling Donald Trump hillary’s campaign account hasn’t tweeted since nov. 7, and now it’s beautifully trolling donald trump hillary’s campaign account hasn’t tweeted since nov _digit_ , and now it’s beautifully trolling donald trump NN NN NN NN VBN IN NN NN , CC RB NN NN VBG NNP NN hillary campaign account tweet since nov _digit_ beautifully troll donald trump
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204 Senate leader says he's confident of deal to keep government open after Dec. 22 senate leader says he's confident of deal to keep government open after dec. 22 senate leader says he 's confident of deal to keep government open after dec _digit_ NNP NN VBZ PRP POS NN IN NN TO VB NN JJ IN NN NN senate leader say confident deal keep government open dec _digit_
301 Congress tax negotiators may have final bill before Dec. 22 congress tax negotiators may have final bill before dec. 22 congress tax negotiators may have final bill before dec _digit_ NNP NN NNS MD VB JJ NN IN NN NN congress tax negotiator may final bill dec _digit_
477 Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. to meet with House panel Dec. 6: CNN trump's son donald trump jr. to meet with house panel dec. 6: cnn trump 's son donald trump jr. to meet with house panel dec _digit_ : cnn NN POS NN NNP NN NNP TO NN IN NNP NN NN NN : NN trump son donald trump meet house panel dec _digit_ cnn
651 House speaker: May need a temporary bill to fund government past Dec. 8 house speaker: may need a temporary bill to fund government past dec. 8 house speaker : may need a temporary bill to fund government past dec _digit_ NNP NN : NNP NN DT JJ NN TO NN NN NN NN NN house speaker may need temporary bill fund government past dec _digit_
751 Minnesota Senate may halt operations on Dec. 1 due to funding dispute minnesota senate may halt operations on dec. 1 due to funding dispute minnesota senate may halt operations on dec _digit_ due to funding dispute NN NNP MD NN NNS IN NN NN JJ TO NN NN minnesota senate may halt operation dec _digit_ due funding dispute
12460 U.S. to ease visa restrictions on Gambia from Dec. 12 u.s. to ease visa restrictions on gambia from dec. 12 _u_s_ to ease visa restrictions on gambia from dec _digit_ NNP TO NN NN NNS IN NNP IN NN NN _u_s_ ease visa restriction gambia dec _digit_
13007 Greek top court to decide Dec. 13 on Russia cyber suspect extradition greek top court to decide dec. 13 on russia cyber suspect extradition greek top court to decide dec _digit_ on russia cyber suspect extradition JJ NN NN TO NN NN NN IN NN NN NN NN greek top court decide dec _digit_ russia cyber suspect extradition
13050 South Korean President Moon to visit China Dec. 13-16: Xinhua south korean president moon to visit china dec. 13-16: xinhua south korean president moon to visit china dec _digit_ _ _digit_ : xinhua NNP JJ NNP NNP TO NN NNP NN NN NN NN : NN south korean president moon visit china dec _digit_ _digit_ xinhua
13213 Belgian judge to decide on warrant for ex-Catalan leader on Dec. 14: lawyer belgian judge to decide on warrant for ex-catalan leader on dec. 14: lawyer belgian judge to decide on warrant for ex _ catalan leader on dec _digit_ : lawyer JJ NN TO NN IN NN IN NN NN NN NN IN NN NN : NN belgian judge decide warrant catalan leader dec _digit_ lawyer
13279 Venezuela political talks end without deal, new meeting planned Dec. 15 venezuela political talks end without deal, new meeting planned dec. 15 venezuela political talks end without deal , new meeting planned dec _digit_ NNP JJ NNS NN IN NN , JJ NN VBN NN NN venezuela political talk end without deal new meeting plan dec _digit_
13369 Austria's conservative-far right cabinet likely sworn in Dec. 20: source austria's conservative-far right cabinet likely sworn in dec. 20: source austria 's conservative _ far right cabinet likely sworn in dec _digit_ : source NNS POS JJ NN RB NN NN JJ NN IN NN NN : NN austria conservative far right cabinet likely sworn dec _digit_ source
13415 U.N. extends Syria round to Dec. 15, presidency not yet on table u.n. extends syria round to dec. 15, presidency not yet on table _u_n_ extends syria round to dec _digit_ , presidency not yet on table NNP NNS NNS NN TO NN NN , NN RB RB IN NN _u_n_ extends syria round dec _digit_ presidency yet table
13447 France invites U.S. to Dec. 13 summit on boosting fight against W.African militants france invites u.s. to dec. 13 summit on boosting fight against w.african militants france invites _u_s_ to dec _digit_ summit on boosting fight against w.african militants NNP NNS NNP TO NN NN NN IN VBG NN IN JJ NNS france invite _u_s_ dec _digit_ summit boost fight african militant
13898 EU's Juncker says Dec. 4 meeting with May will show if Brexit progress made eu's juncker says dec. 4 meeting with may will show if brexit progress made eu 's juncker says dec _digit_ meeting with may will show if brexit progress made NN POS NN VBZ NN NN NN IN NNP MD NN IN NN NN VBN juncker say dec _digit_ meeting may show brexit progress make
17686 Palestinian rivals Hamas, Fatah agree to complete Gaza handover by Dec. 1: statement palestinian rivals hamas, fatah agree to complete gaza handover by dec. 1: statement palestinian rivals hamas , fatah agree to complete gaza handover by dec _digit_ : statement JJ NNS NN , NN NN TO JJ NN NN IN NN NN : NN palestinian rival hamas fatah agree complete gaza handover dec _digit_ statement
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3294 Lordy! Ex-FBI chief sets Twitter abuzz but @realDonaldTrump is silent lordy! ex-fbi chief sets twitter abuzz but @realdonaldtrump is silent lordy ! ex _ fbi chief sets twitter abuzz but _mytag_at_ is silent NN . NN NN NNP NN NNS NN NN CC NN VBZ NN lordy fbi chief set twitter abuzz _mytag_at_ silent
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7579 Christian ‘Prophet’ Literally Loses His @ss When He Takes On Wild Lions For Jesus christian ‘prophet’ literally loses his @ss when he takes on wild lions for jesus christian ‘prophet’ literally loses his _mytag_at_ when he takes on wild lions for jesus JJ NN RB NNS PRP$ NN WRB PRP NNS IN JJ NNS IN NN christian prophet literally loses _mytag_at_ take wild lion jesus
8935 @Ammon_Bundy’s Ridiculous Late Night Twitter Rant Has Everyone Talking (TWEETS) @ammon_bundy’s ridiculous late night twitter rant has everyone talking (tweets) _mytag_at_ ridiculous late night twitter rant has everyone talking ( tweets ) NN JJ RB NN NN NN NN NN VBG ( NN ) _mytag_at_ ridiculous late night twitter rant everyone talk tweet
9098 AMERICAN WORKERS Scr@wed Over By Outsourcing Jobs Get Their Day In Court american workers scr@wed over by outsourcing jobs get their day in court american workers _mytag_at_ over by outsourcing jobs get their day in court NNP NNS NN IN IN VBG NNS VB PRP$ NNP IN NNP american worker _mytag_at_ outsource job get day court
15162 BEST TWEET OF THE DAY Is From @SooperMexican best tweet of the day is from @soopermexican best tweet of the day is from _mytag_at_ NNS NN IN DT NN NN IN NN best tweet day _mytag_at_
15264 YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE WHICH REPUBLICAN JUST CALLED TED CRUZ A “JACKA@@” you’ll never believe which republican just called ted cruz a “jacka@@” you’ll never believe which republican just called ted cruz a _mytag_at_ NN NN NNP WDT NN RB NN NN NN DT NN never believe republican called ted cruz _mytag_at_
21813 (VIDEO) MOM OF THE YEAR! WHEN YOUR MOM CATCHES YOU RIOTING AND BEATS YOUR A@@ ON LIVE TV (video) mom of the year! when your mom catches you rioting and beats your a@@ on live tv ( video ) mom of the year ! when your mom catches you rioting and beats your _mytag_at_ on live tv ( NN ) NN IN DT NN . WRB PRP$ NN NN NN NN CC NN PRP$ NN NN VB NN video mom year mom catch rioting beat _mytag_at_ live
22494 EPISODE #4 – ON THE QT: ‘Julian vs Hillary’ (Part 1) @21WIRE.TV episode #4 – on the qt: ‘julian vs hillary’ (part 1) episode _ _digit_ on the qt : ‘julian vs hillary’ ( part _digit_ ) _mytag_at_ NN NN NN NN DT NN : JJ NN NN ( NN NN ) NN episode _digit_ julian hillary part _digit_ _mytag_at_
23277 EPISODE #4 – ON THE QT: ‘Julian vs Hillary’ (Part 1) @21WIRE.TV episode #4 – on the qt: ‘julian vs hillary’ (part 1) episode _ _digit_ on the qt : ‘julian vs hillary’ ( part _digit_ ) _mytag_at_ NN NN NN NN DT NN : JJ NN NN ( NN NN ) NN episode _digit_ julian hillary part _digit_ _mytag_at_
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9 WATCH: Brand-New Pro-Trump Ad Features So Much A** Kissing It Will Make You Sick watch: brand-new pro-trump ad features so much a** kissing it will make you sick watch : brand _ new pro _ trump ad features so much _mytag_slang_ kissing it will make you sick NN : NN NN NNP NNS NN NN NN NNS RB JJ NN VBG PRP MD VB PRP JJ watch brand new pro trump feature much _mytag_slang_ kiss make sick
47 Trump Gets An Epic F**ck You From Britain Over His White Supremacist Retweets trump gets an epic f**ck you from britain over his white supremacist retweets trump gets an epic _mytag_slang_ you from britain over his white supremacist retweets NN NNS DT NN NN PRP IN NNP IN PRP$ NNP NN NNS trump get epic _mytag_slang_ britain white supremacist retweets
51 Trump Sends Crazy-Time Tweet To The Wrong Account After Losing His Sh*t Over World Leader’s Remarks trump sends crazy-time tweet to the wrong account after losing his sh*t over world leader’s remarks trump sends crazy _ time tweet to the wrong account after losing his _mytag_slang_ over world leader’s remarks NN NNS NN NN NN NN TO DT JJ NN IN VBG PRP$ NN IN NN NN NNS trump sends crazy time tweet wrong account lose _mytag_slang_ world leader remark
56 Democrats Give Trump A Big F**ck You After He Attacks Them In Insane Twitter Rant democrats give trump a big f**ck you after he attacks them in insane twitter rant democrats give trump a big _mytag_slang_ you after he attacks them in insane twitter rant NNPS VB NN DT JJ NN PRP IN PRP NNS NN IN NN NN NN democrat give trump big _mytag_slang_ attack insane twitter rant
84 Trump Just Got His P*ssy Handed To Him By New Zealand’s Female Prime Minister trump just got his p*ssy handed to him by new zealand’s female prime minister trump just got his _mytag_slang_ handed to him by new zealand’s female prime minister NN RB NNP PRP$ NN VBN TO NN IN NNP NN NN NNP NNP trump got _mytag_slang_ hand new zealand female prime minister
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21424 BOYCOTT! Pro-Gun Control Seth (Racist) Rogen, Star Of Newly Released “Steve Jobs” Movie Sends Vulgar Tweet: “F*ck You Ben Carson” boycott! pro-gun control seth (racist) rogen, star of newly released “steve jobs” movie sends vulgar tweet: “f*ck you ben carson” boycott ! pro _ gun control seth ( racist ) rogen , star of newly released “steve jobs” movie sends vulgar tweet : _mytag_slang_ you ben carson” NN . NNS NN NN NN NN ( NN ) NN , NN IN RB VBN NNS NN NN NNS NN NN : NN PRP NNP NN boycott pro gun control seth racist rogen star newly release steve job movie sends vulgar tweet _mytag_slang_ ben carson
21426 GQ Magazine Pens Repulsive Article On Brilliant Neurosurgeon: “F*CK Ben Carson” gq magazine pens repulsive article on brilliant neurosurgeon: “f*ck ben carson” gq magazine pens repulsive article on brilliant neurosurgeon : _mytag_slang_ ben carson” NN NN NNS JJ NN IN NN NN : NN NNP NN magazine pen repulsive article brilliant neurosurgeon _mytag_slang_ ben carson
21507 HILLARY CLINTON CRASHING IN POLLS: Moves To Obama Strategy…Using Taxpayer Money To Give Away Free Sh*T hillary clinton crashing in polls: moves to obama strategy…using taxpayer money to give away free sh*t hillary clinton crashing in polls : moves to obama strategy…using taxpayer money to give away free _mytag_slang_ NN NN NN NN NNS : NNS TO NN VBG NN NN TO VB RB JJ NN hillary clinton crashing poll move obama strategy use taxpayer money give away free _mytag_slang_
21690 HIGH SCHOOL SHOWS STUDENTS RACIST “Sh*t White People Say” VIDEO AS PART OF MORNING ANNOUNCEMENTS high school shows students racist “sh*t white people say” video as part of morning announcements high school shows students racist _mytag_slang_ white people say” video as part of morning announcements JJ NN NN NNS NN NN NNP NNS NN NN IN NN IN NN NNS high school show student racist _mytag_slang_ white people say video part morning announcement
21879 YOUR TAX DOLLARS PROVIDE THIS ASST PROFESSOR A CAPTIVE AUDIENCE REQUIRED TO LISTEN THIS: ‘Religious Right worships an “a**hole’ God And ‘white supremacist Jesus’ your tax dollars provide this asst professor a captive audience required to listen this: ‘religious right worships an “a**hole’ god and ‘white supremacist jesus’ your tax dollars provide this asst professor a captive audience required to listen this : ‘religious right worships an _mytag_slang_ god and ‘white supremacist jesus’ PRP$ NN NNS VB NN NN NNP DT NN NN NN NN NN NN : JJ RB NNS DT NN NNP CC NN NN NN tax dollar provide asst professor captive audience required listen religious right worship _mytag_slang_ god white supremacist jesus

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219 Nearly half of Americans still oppose Republican tax bill: Reuters/Ipsos poll nearly half of americans still oppose republican tax bill: reuters/ipsos poll nearly half of americans still oppose republican tax bill : reuters ipsos poll RB NN IN NNS RB NN JJ NN NN : NNS NN NN nearly half american still oppose republican tax bill reuters ipsos poll
472 Nearly half of Americans oppose Republican tax bill: Reuters/Ipsos poll nearly half of americans oppose republican tax bill: reuters/ipsos poll nearly half of americans oppose republican tax bill : reuters ipsos poll RB NN IN NNS NN JJ NN NN : NNS NN NN nearly half american oppose republican tax bill reuters ipsos poll
701 More Americans think wealthy, not middle class, will benefit from tax reform: Reuters/Ipsos more americans think wealthy, not middle class, will benefit from tax reform: reuters/ipsos more americans think wealthy , not middle class , will benefit from tax reform : reuters ipsos RBR NNS NN NN , RB NN NN , MD NN IN NN NN : NNS NN american think wealthy middle class benefit tax reform reuters ipsos
744 Trump's low approval rating masks his support among likely voters: Reuters/Ipsos poll trump's low approval rating masks his support among likely voters: reuters/ipsos poll trump 's low approval rating masks his support among likely voters : reuters ipsos poll NN POS JJ NN NN NNS PRP$ NN IN JJ NNS : NNS NN NN trump low approval rating mask support among likely voter reuters ipsos poll
1066 Fewer than a third of Americans back Trump tax plan: Reuters/Ipsos poll fewer than a third of americans back trump tax plan: reuters/ipsos poll fewer than a third of americans back trump tax plan : reuters ipsos poll JJR IN DT JJ IN NNS RB NN NN NN : NNS NN NN few third american back trump tax plan reuters ipsos poll
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12013 Factbox: Key policies of Austria's conservative/far-right coalition factbox: key policies of austria's conservative/far-right coalition factbox : key policies of austria 's conservative far _ right coalition NN : NN NNS IN NNS POS JJ RB NN NN NN factbox key policy austria conservative far right coalition
12108 Factbox: Key policies of Austria's conservative/far-right coalition factbox: key policies of austria's conservative/far-right coalition factbox : key policies of austria 's conservative far _ right coalition NN : NN NNS IN NNS POS JJ RB NN NN NN factbox key policy austria conservative far right coalition
12781 Border agreement puts floor under EU/UK trade talks: Irish foreign minister border agreement puts floor under eu/uk trade talks: irish foreign minister border agreement puts floor under eu _u_k_ trade talks : irish foreign minister NN NN NNS NN IN NN NN NN NNS : JJ JJ NN border agreement put floor _u_k_ trade talk irish foreign minister
16656 Up to UK to find concrete proposals over Brexit/Irish border issues: Macron up to uk to find concrete proposals over brexit/irish border issues: macron up to _u_k_ to find concrete proposals over brexit irish border issues : macron IN TO NNP TO VB NN NNS IN NN JJ NN NNS : NNP _u_k_ find concrete proposal brexit irish border issue macron
17720 Japan PM's ruling bloc seen nearing 2/3 majority in Oct. 22 lower house poll: Nikkei japan pm's ruling bloc seen nearing 2/3 majority in oct. 22 lower house poll: nikkei japan _prime_minister_ 's ruling bloc seen nearing _digit_ _digit_ majority in oct _digit_ lower house poll : nikkei NNP NN POS NN NN VBN VBG NN NN NN IN NN NN JJR NN NN : NNP japan _prime_minister_ ruling bloc see near _digit_ _digit_ majority oct _digit_ low house poll nikkei

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165 Guilty As Hell Paul Manafort And Rick Gates Enter ‘Not Guilty’ Pleas In Russian Collusion Scandal (TWEET/VIDEO) guilty as hell paul manafort and rick gates enter ‘not guilty’ pleas in russian collusion scandal (tweet/video) guilty as hell paul manafort and rick gates enter ‘not guilty’ pleas in russian collusion scandal ( tweet video ) NN IN NN NNP NN CC NN NNS NN NN NN NNS IN JJ NN NN ( NN NN ) guilty hell paul manafort rick gate enter guilty plea russian collusion scandal tweet video
244 Nazis Whine Over Impending Release Of An Anti-Nazi Video Game (VIDEO/TWEETS) nazis whine over impending release of an anti-nazi video game (video/tweets) nazis whine over impending release of an anti _ nazi video game ( video tweets ) NN NN IN VBG NN IN DT NNS NN NN NN NN ( NN NN ) nazi whine impend release anti nazi video game video tweet
246 ‘Charlottesville 3.0’: Nazis Descend Upon College Town For Another Torch-Lit Rally (TWEETS/IMAGES) ‘charlottesville 3.0’: nazis descend upon college town for another torch-lit rally (tweets/images) ‘charlottesville _digit_ . _digit_ : nazis descend upon college town for another torch _ lit rally ( tweets images ) NN NN . NN : NN NN IN NN NN IN DT NN NN NN NNP ( NN NNS ) charlottesville _digit_ _digit_ nazi descend upon college town another torch lit rally tweet image
396 Never Forget: Donald Trump Bragged About Having The Tallest Building In Manhattan After 9/11 never forget: donald trump bragged about having the tallest building in manhattan after 9/11 never forget : donald trump bragged about having the tallest building in manhattan after _digit_ _digit_ RB NN : NNP NN VBN IN VBG DT JJS NN IN NNP IN NN NN never forget donald trump brag tall building manhattan _digit_ _digit_
397 Fox News Just Compared Slave Owners To 9/11 Victims. Seriously (VIDEO) fox news just compared slave owners to 9/11 victims. seriously (video) fox news just compared slave owners to _digit_ _digit_ victims. seriously ( video ) NN NNS RB VBN VB NNS TO NN NN NN RB ( NN ) fox news compare slave owner _digit_ _digit_ victim seriously video
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22926 NEVER BEFORE SEEN: FBI Trove of 9/11 Pentagon Photos Refuels Conspiracy Suspicions never before seen: fbi trove of 9/11 pentagon photos refuels conspiracy suspicions never before seen : fbi trove of _digit_ _digit_ pentagon photos refuels conspiracy suspicions NN IN NN : NNP VB IN NN NN NNP NNS NNS NN NNS never seen fbi trove _digit_ _digit_ pentagon photo refuels conspiracy suspicion
23247 What’s Really Behind the Senate’s Override of Obama Veto of Saudi 9/11 Lawsuit Bill? what’s really behind the senate’s override of obama veto of saudi 9/11 lawsuit bill? what’s really behind the senate’s override of obama veto of saudi _digit_ _digit_ lawsuit bill ? NN RB IN DT NN IN IN NN NN IN NN NN NN NN NN . really behind senate override obama veto saudi _digit_ _digit_ lawsuit bill
23266 Tyranny Of 9/11: The Building Blocks Of The American Police State From A-Z tyranny of 9/11: the building blocks of the american police state from a-z tyranny of _digit_ _digit_ : the building blocks of the american police state from a _ z NN IN NN NN : DT NN NNS IN DT JJ NNS NN IN DT NN NN tyranny _digit_ _digit_ building block american police state
23269 OUT IN THE OPEN: ‘9/11’ 15 Years Of A Transparent Lie out in the open: ‘9/11’ 15 years of a transparent lie out in the open : _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ years of a transparent lie IN NN DT JJ : NN NN NN NNS IN DT NN NN open _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ year transparent lie
23308 DALLAS MAIDAN: Staged Snipers Designed to Inflict 7/7 ‘Strategy of Tension’ dallas maidan: staged snipers designed to inflict 7/7 ‘strategy of tension’ dallas maidan : staged snipers designed to inflict _digit_ _digit_ ‘strategy of tension’ NNP NN : VBD NNS VBN TO NN NN NN NN IN NN dallas maidan stag sniper design inflict _digit_ _digit_ strategy tension

231 rows × 5 columns

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org_title lower_title cleaned_words cleaned_pos minimal_words
318 Billion Dollar Company Tells Employees How They’re Allowed To React On Social Media To 46% Pay Cuts billion dollar company tells employees how they’re allowed to react on social media to 46% pay cuts billion dollar company tells employees how they’re allowed to react on social media to _digit_ percent pay cuts NN NN NN NNS NNS WRB NN VBN TO NN IN NNP NNP TO NN NN NN NNS billion dollar company tell employee allow react social medium _digit_ percent pay cut
1351 Under The GOP’s Health Care Bill, Premiums Could Rise By Up To 850% For Low-Income Older Americans under the gop’s health care bill, premiums could rise by up to 850% for low-income older americans under the gop’s health care bill , premiums could rise by up to _digit_ percent for low _ income older americans IN DT NN NNP NN NN , NNS MD NN IN IN TO NN NN IN JJ NN NN JJR NNS gop health care bill premium could rise _digit_ percent low income old american
4851 Trump Is LITERALLY Polling At 0% With Black People (IMAGE/VIDEO) trump is literally polling at 0% with black people (image/video) trump is literally polling at _digit_ percent with black people ( image video ) NN NN NN VBG IN NN NN IN NN NNS ( NN NN ) trump literally poll _digit_ percent black people image video
5160 70% Of Republican High Rollers Want Trump Out Of Their Party – And The 2016 Race 70% of republican high rollers want trump out of their party – and the 2016 race _digit_ percent of republican high rollers want trump out of their party and the _digit_ race NN NN IN JJ JJ NNS VB NN IN IN PRP$ NNP CC DT NN NN _digit_ percent republican high roller want trump party _digit_ race
5475 A Whopping 0% Of Black Voters In Ohio And Pennsylvania Support Trump a whopping 0% of black voters in ohio and pennsylvania support trump a whopping _digit_ percent of black voters in ohio and pennsylvania support trump DT VBG NN NN IN NN NNS IN NN CC NN NN NN whop _digit_ percent black voter ohio pennsylvania support trump
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21875 UPDATE: 40% OF VICTIM’S SKULL IS MISSING…No New Arrests [Graphic Video] PHILADELPHIA POLICE ASK FOR HELP IDENTIFYING GANG OF KIDS And Mother For Sub-Human Attack On Homeless Man With Hammer update: 40% of victim’s skull is missing…no new arrests [graphic video] philadelphia police ask for help identifying gang of kids and mother for sub-human attack on homeless man with hammer update : _digit_ percent of victim’s skull is missing…no new arrests [ graphic video ] philadelphia police ask for help identifying gang of kids and mother for sub _ human attack on homeless man w... NN : NN NN IN NN NN NN NN NNP NNS NN JJ NN NN NN NNS VB IN NN NN NN IN NNP CC NN IN NN NN NNP NN IN NN NN IN NN update _digit_ percent victim skull missing new arrest graphic video philadelphia police ask help identifying gang kid mother sub human attack homeless man hammer
22184 BREAKING: Wikileaks Says Less Than 1% Of Vault 7 Released breaking: wikileaks says less than 1% of vault 7 released breaking : wikileaks says less than _digit_ percent of vault _digit_ released NN : NNS NNS JJR NN NN NN IN NN NN VBN breaking wikileaks say less _digit_ percent vault _digit_ release
22302 Gingrich: Trump Will Repeal 60-70% of Obama’s Executive Orders gingrich: trump will repeal 60-70% of obama’s executive orders gingrich : trump will repeal _digit_ _ _digit_ percent of obama’s executive orders NNP : NN MD NN NN NN NN NN IN NN NN NNS gingrich trump repeal _digit_ _digit_ percent obama executive order
22967 BREAKING: Wikileaks Says Less Than 1% Of Vault 7 Released breaking: wikileaks says less than 1% of vault 7 released breaking : wikileaks says less than _digit_ percent of vault _digit_ released NN : NNS NNS JJR NN NN NN IN NN NN VBN breaking wikileaks say less _digit_ percent vault _digit_ release
23085 Gingrich: Trump Will Repeal 60-70% of Obama’s Executive Orders gingrich: trump will repeal 60-70% of obama’s executive orders gingrich : trump will repeal _digit_ _ _digit_ percent of obama’s executive orders NNP : NN MD NN NN NN NN NN IN NN NN NNS gingrich trump repeal _digit_ _digit_ percent obama executive order

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43 U.S. House approves $81 billion for disaster aid u.s. house approves $81 billion for disaster aid _u_s_ house approves _digit_ billion for disaster aid NNP NNP NNS NN CD IN NN NN _u_s_ house approves _digit_ billion disaster aid
95 House panel chair introduces $81 billion disaster aid bill house panel chair introduces $81 billion disaster aid bill house panel chair introduces _digit_ billion disaster aid bill NNP NN NN NNS NN CD NN NN NN house panel chair introduces _digit_ billion disaster aid bill
316 Mueller's Russia probe cost his office $3.2 million in first four months mueller's russia probe cost his office $3.2 million in first four months mueller 's russia probe cost his office _digit_ . _digit_ million in first four months NN POS NN NN NN PRP$ NN NN . NN CD IN RB CD NNS mueller russia probe cost office _digit_ _digit_ million first four month
434 Ex-Trump campaign aide Manafort in $11.65 million bail deal: lawyer ex-trump campaign aide manafort in $11.65 million bail deal: lawyer ex _ trump campaign aide manafort in _digit_ . _digit_ million bail deal : lawyer NN NN NN NN NN NN IN NN . NN CD NN NN : NN trump campaign aide manafort _digit_ _digit_ million bail deal lawyer
590 White House seeks $44 billion hurricane aid, far short of requests white house seeks $44 billion hurricane aid, far short of requests white house seeks _digit_ billion hurricane aid , far short of requests NNP NNP NN NN CD NN NN , RB JJ IN NNS white house seek _digit_ billion hurricane aid far short request
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21003 Egypt signs memo with China on $739 million of funding for new train to capital, minister says egypt signs memo with china on $739 million of funding for new train to capital, minister says egypt signs memo with china on _digit_ million of funding for new train to capital , minister says NN NNS NN IN NNP IN NN CD IN NN IN JJ NN TO NN , NN VBZ egypt sign memo china _digit_ million funding new train capital minister say
21185 Thailand approves $2.2 billion in help for rice farmers thailand approves $2.2 billion in help for rice farmers thailand approves _digit_ . _digit_ billion in help for rice farmers NN NNS NN . NN CD IN NN IN NN NNS thailand approves _digit_ _digit_ billion help rice farmer
21395 Poland to allocate additional $55 bllion on defense by 2032: deputy minister poland to allocate additional $55 bllion on defense by 2032: deputy minister poland to allocate additional _digit_ bllion on defense by _digit_ : deputy minister NNP TO NN JJ NN NN IN NN IN NN : NN NN poland allocate additional _digit_ bllion defense _digit_ deputy minister
21404 Exclusive: U.S. to withhold up to $290 million in Egypt aid exclusive: u.s. to withhold up to $290 million in egypt aid exclusive : _u_s_ to withhold up to _digit_ million in egypt aid JJ : NNP TO NN RB TO NN CD IN NN NN exclusive _u_s_ withhold _digit_ million egypt aid
21416 Indonesia to buy $1.14 billion worth of Russian jets indonesia to buy $1.14 billion worth of russian jets indonesia to buy _digit_ . _digit_ billion worth of russian jets NN TO VB NN . NN CD NN IN JJ NNS indonesia buy _digit_ _digit_ billion worth russian jet

256 rows × 5 columns

org_title lower_title cleaned_words cleaned_pos minimal_words
132 Someone Tried To Cash In On Antifa With These $375 Jackets And Twitter Had A Field Day someone tried to cash in on antifa with these $375 jackets and twitter had a field day someone tried to cash in on antifa with these _digit_ jackets and twitter had a field day NN VBN TO NN IN IN NN IN DT NN NNS CC NN VBD DT NN NNP someone try cash antifa _digit_ jacket twitter field day
223 Hustler Owner Is So Fed Up With Trump That He Is Offering $10 Mill For Dirt To Get Him Impeached hustler owner is so fed up with trump that he is offering $10 mill for dirt to get him impeached hustler owner is so fed up with trump that he is offering _digit_ mill for dirt to get him impeached NN NN NN RB NNP IN IN NN DT PRP NN NN NN NN IN NN TO VB NN VBN hustler owner fed trump offering _digit_ mill dirt get impeach
292 Trump’s HHS Secretary Stole Over $1 Million From Taxpayers And Now He’s Unemployed trump’s hhs secretary stole over $1 million from taxpayers and now he’s unemployed trump’s hhs secretary stole over _digit_ million from taxpayers and now he’s unemployed NN NNP NNP NN IN NN NN IN NNS CC RB NN VBN trump hhs secretary stole _digit_ million taxpayer unemployed
296 WATCH: Adviser Who Wrote Trump’s Tax Plan Says You Will Be Able To Buy A NEW Car For $1,000 watch: adviser who wrote trump’s tax plan says you will be able to buy a new car for $1,000 watch : adviser who wrote trump’s tax plan says you will be able to buy a new car for _digit_ , _digit_ NN : NNP WP NN NN NN NN NNS PRP MD VB JJ TO VB DT NN NN IN NN , NN watch adviser wrote trump tax plan say able buy new car _digit_ _digit_
351 We Can’t Afford To Feed The Poor But We’re Spending $700 Billion Per Year To Kill People we can’t afford to feed the poor but we’re spending $700 billion per year to kill people we can’t afford to feed the poor but we’re spending _digit_ billion per year to kill people PRP NN NN TO NN DT NNP CC NN NN NN NN IN NN TO NNP NNS afford feed poor spending _digit_ billion per year kill people
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23358 EPIC FAIL: Anti-Trump Movement Spent $75 MILLION on 64,000 Ads epic fail: anti-trump movement spent $75 million on 64,000 ads epic fail : anti _ trump movement spent _digit_ million on _digit_ , _digit_ ads NN NNS : NNS NN NN NN NN NN NN IN NN , NN NN epic fail anti trump movement spent _digit_ million _digit_ _digit_ ad
23394 The moment Ben Affleck realized that ‘Batman V Superman’ was a $400 million flop the moment ben affleck realized that ‘batman v superman’ was a $400 million flop the moment ben affleck realized that ‘batman v superman’ was a _digit_ million flop DT NN NNP NN VBN IN NN NN NN VBD DT NN CD NN moment ben affleck realize batman superman _digit_ million flop
23419 DARPA Spending $62 Million to Create Military Cyborgs darpa spending $62 million to create military cyborgs darpa spending _digit_ million to create military cyborgs NN NN NN NN TO NN JJ NN darpa spending _digit_ million create military cyborg
23477 JUSTICE? Yahoo Settles E-mail Privacy Class-action: $4M for Lawyers, $0 for Users justice? yahoo settles e-mail privacy class-action: $4m for lawyers, $0 for users justice ? yahoo settles e _ mail privacy class _ action : _digit_ m for lawyers , _digit_ for users NN . NN NNS NN NN NN NN NN NN NN : NN NN IN NNS , NN IN NNS justice yahoo settle mail privacy class action _digit_ lawyer _digit_ user
23479 How to Blow $700 Million: Al Jazeera America Finally Calls it Quits how to blow $700 million: al jazeera america finally calls it quits how to blow _digit_ million : al jazeera america finally calls it quits WRB TO NN NN NN : NN NN NNP RB NNS PRP NNS blow _digit_ million jazeera america finally call quits

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org_title lower_title cleaned_words cleaned_pos minimal_words
1184 WATCH: Fox Host Chris Wallace Scolds Fox & Friends For Saying Russia Investigation Is Over watch: fox host chris wallace scolds fox & friends for saying russia investigation is over watch : fox host chris wallace scolds fox and friends for saying russia investigation is over NN : NN NN NN NN NNS NN CC NNS IN VBG NN NN NN IN watch fox host chris wallace scold fox friend say russia investigation
1288 Ben & Jerry Tell Us Why Pulling Out Of Paris Climate Deal Was The Right Move ben & jerry tell us why pulling out of paris climate deal was the right move ben and jerry tell us why pulling out of paris climate deal was the right move NNP CC NN VB NN WRB VBG IN IN NNP NN NN NN DT RB NN ben jerry tell pull paris climate deal right move
1819 Dan Rather Says What Every Person With A Moral Compass Is Thinking Regarding Sean Spicer & Trump dan rather says what every person with a moral compass is thinking regarding sean spicer & trump dan rather says what every person with a moral compass is thinking regarding sean spicer and trump NNP RB NNS WP DT NN IN DT JJ NN NN VBG VBG NN NN CC NN dan rather say every person moral compass think regard sean spicer trump
2068 Fox & Friends Ignores FBI Director’s Trump Bombshell, And Jake Tapper CALLS THEM OUT fox & friends ignores fbi director’s trump bombshell, and jake tapper calls them out fox and friends ignores fbi director’s trump bombshell , and jake tapper calls them out NN CC NNS NNS NNP NN NN NNP , CC NN NN NN NN IN fox friend ignores fbi director trump bombshell jake tapper call
3990 The Cast Of ‘Will & Grace’ Just SHREDDED Trump In HILARIOUS Musical Spoof (VIDEO) the cast of ‘will & grace’ just shredded trump in hilarious musical spoof (video) the cast of ‘will and grace’ just shredded trump in hilarious musical spoof ( video ) DT NN IN NN CC NN RB NN NN IN NN JJ NN ( NN ) cast grace shredded trump hilarious musical spoof video
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23418 BOILER ROOM – EP #47 – Establishment Hitmen & Media Hacks boiler room – ep #47 – establishment hitmen & media hacks boiler room ep _ _digit_ establishment hitmen and media hacks NN NN NN NN NN NN NNS CC NNP NNS boiler room _digit_ establishment hitman medium hack
23431 BOILER ROOM – EP #46 – Murder, Witchery, Politricks & A Manatee boiler room – ep #46 – murder, witchery, politricks & a manatee boiler room ep _ _digit_ murder , witchery , politricks and a manatee NN NN NN NN NN NN , NN , NNS CC DT NN boiler room _digit_ murder witchery politricks manatee
23438 BOILER ROOM – EP #45 – Horror Hotel, Trump Gatecrash & Cynical Ploys boiler room – ep #45 – horror hotel, trump gatecrash & cynical ploys boiler room ep _ _digit_ horror hotel , trump gatecrash and cynical ploys NN NN NN NN NN NN NN , NN NN CC JJ NNS boiler room _digit_ horror hotel trump gatecrash cynical ploy
23449 BOILER ROOM – EP #43 – Cloppers, OR Osmosis, MK Ultra & Voltron boiler room – ep #43 – cloppers, or osmosis, mk ultra & voltron boiler room ep _ _digit_ cloppers , or osmosis , mk ultra and voltron NN NN NN NN NN NNS , CC NN , NN NN CC NNP boiler room _digit_ cloppers osmosis ultra voltron
23472 #Hashtag Hell & The Fake Left #hashtag hell & the fake left _hashtag hell and the fake left NN NN CC DT NN VBN _hashtag hell fake leave

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560 Trump says AT&T plan to buy Time Warner 'not a good deal' trump says at&t plan to buy time warner 'not a good deal' trump says at_t plan to buy time warner 'not a good deal ' NN VBZ NN NN TO VB NN NNP NNS DT JJ NN '' trump say at_t plan buy time warner good deal
563 AT&T lawyer says U.S. effort to stop Time Warner deal 'foolish': CNBC at&t lawyer says u.s. effort to stop time warner deal 'foolish': cnbc at_t lawyer says _u_s_ effort to stop time warner deal 'foolish ' : cnbc NN NN VBZ NNP NN TO NN NN NNP NN JJ '' : NN at_t lawyer say _u_s_ effort stop time warner deal foolish cnbc
564 New judge assigned to U.S. lawsuit against AT&T-Time Warner deal new judge assigned to u.s. lawsuit against at&t-time warner deal new judge assigned to _u_s_ lawsuit against at_t _ time warner deal NNP NN VBN TO NNP NN IN NN NN NN NNP NN new judge assign _u_s_ lawsuit at_t time warner deal
641 Q&A: Did Sessions break the law by denying knowledge of Russia contacts? q&a: did sessions break the law by denying knowledge of russia contacts? q_a : did sessions break the law by denying knowledge of russia contacts ? NN : NN NNS NN DT NN IN VBG NN IN NN NNS . q_a session break law deny knowledge russia contact
1289 U.S. Justice Dept official should not review AT&T/Time Warner deal: senator u.s. justice dept official should not review at&t/time warner deal: senator _u_s_ justice dept official should not review at_t time warner deal : senator NNP NN NN NN MD RB NN NN NN NNP NN : NN _u_s_ justice dept official review at_t time warner deal senator
1571 Proposed healthcare bill may hurt U.S. economy: S&P proposed healthcare bill may hurt u.s. economy: s&p proposed healthcare bill may hurt _u_s_ economy : s_p VBN NN NN MD NN NNP NN : NN propose healthcare bill may hurt _u_s_ economy s_p
2548 House panel wants Google, Facebook, AT&T CEOs to testify on internet rules house panel wants google, facebook, at&t ceos to testify on internet rules house panel wants google , facebook , at_t ceos to testify on internet rules NNP NN VBZ NN , NN , NN NN TO NN IN NN NNS house panel want google facebook at_t ceo testify internet rule
2799 Blumenthal asks antitrust pick to discuss White House role in AT&T deal blumenthal asks antitrust pick to discuss white house role in at&t deal blumenthal asks antitrust pick to discuss white house role in at_t deal NNP NNS JJ NN TO NN NNP NNP NN IN NN NN blumenthal asks antitrust pick discus white house role at_t deal
3305 Q&A: What we know about U.S. probes of Russian meddling in 2016 election q&a: what we know about u.s. probes of russian meddling in 2016 election q_a : what we know about _u_s_ probes of russian meddling in _digit_ election NN : WP PRP VB IN NNP NNS IN JJ NN IN NN NN q_a know _u_s_ probe russian meddling _digit_ election
3336 Q&A: What we know about U.S. probes of Russian meddling in 2016 election q&a: what we know about u.s. probes of russian meddling in 2016 election q_a : what we know about _u_s_ probes of russian meddling in _digit_ election NN : WP PRP VB IN NNP NNS IN JJ NN IN NN NN q_a know _u_s_ probe russian meddling _digit_ election
6372 AT&T chief executive, Trump meet amid planned Time Warner merger at&t chief executive, trump meet amid planned time warner merger at_t chief executive , trump meet amid planned time warner merger NN NN NN , NN NN IN VBN NN NNP NN at_t chief executive trump meet amid plan time warner merger
6375 Factbox: Trump meets with AT&T CEO, others factbox: trump meets with at&t ceo, others factbox : trump meets with at_t ceo , others NN : NN NNS IN NN NN , NNS factbox trump meet at_t ceo others
7063 Trump, Pence to meet with former BB&T CEO Allison, others on Monday trump, pence to meet with former bb&t ceo allison, others on monday trump , pence to meet with former bb_t ceo allison , others on monday NN , NN TO NN IN JJ NN NN NN , NNS IN NNP trump penny meet former bb_t ceo allison others monday
7597 Twelve U.S. senators urge security rejection of China aluminum M&A deal twelve u.s. senators urge security rejection of china aluminum m&a deal twelve _u_s_ senators urge security rejection of china aluminum m_a deal NN NNP NNS NN NN NN IN NNP NN NN NN twelve _u_s_ senator urge security rejection china aluminum m_a deal
7686 Clinton expresses concern about AT&T-Time Warner deal clinton expresses concern about at&t-time warner deal clinton expresses concern about at_t _ time warner deal NN NNS NN IN NN NN NN NNP NN clinton express concern at_t time warner deal
7725 Clinton thinks regulators should scrutinize AT&T-Time Warner deal: spokesman clinton thinks regulators should scrutinize at&t-time warner deal: spokesman clinton thinks regulators should scrutinize at_t _ time warner deal : spokesman NN NNS NNS MD VB NN NN NN NNP NN : NN clinton think regulator scrutinize at_t time warner deal spokesman
7731 Trump says will not approve AT&T-Time Warner deal if elected U.S. president trump says will not approve at&t-time warner deal if elected u.s. president trump says will not approve at_t _ time warner deal if elected _u_s_ president NN VBZ MD RB VB NN NN NN NNP NN IN VBN NNP NN trump say approve at_t time warner deal elect _u_s_ president
9199 S&P ratchets up pressure on Alaska over budget s&p ratchets up pressure on alaska over budget s_p ratchets up pressure on alaska over budget NN NNS RB NN IN NN IN NN s_p ratchet pressure alaska budget
9951 Dealmakers say a Trump presidency would be bad for M&A dealmakers say a trump presidency would be bad for m&a dealmakers say a trump presidency would be bad for m_a NNS VB DT NN NN MD VB JJ IN NN dealmakers say trump presidency would bad m_a
14824 Venezuela says debt refinancing under way, S&P calls selective default venezuela says debt refinancing under way, s&p calls selective default venezuela says debt refinancing under way , s_p calls selective default NNP VBZ NN VBG IN NN , NN NNS NN NN venezuela say debt refinance way s_p call selective default
18133 J&F calls Brazil judge decision to freeze assets 'legally fragile' j&f calls brazil judge decision to freeze assets 'legally fragile' j_f calls brazil judge decision to freeze assets 'legally fragile ' NN NNS NNP NN NN TO NN NNS RB NN '' j_f call brazil judge decision freeze asset legally fragile
20317 Brazil judge suspends aspects of J&F leniency, asset sales in limbo brazil judge suspends aspects of j&f leniency, asset sales in limbo brazil judge suspends aspects of j_f leniency , asset sales in limbo NNP NN NNS NNS IN NN NN , NN NNS IN NN brazil judge suspends aspect j_f leniency asset sale limbo
org_title lower_title cleaned_words cleaned_pos minimal_words
1184 WATCH: Fox Host Chris Wallace Scolds Fox & Friends For Saying Russia Investigation Is Over watch: fox host chris wallace scolds fox & friends for saying russia investigation is over watch : fox host chris wallace scolds fox and friends for saying russia investigation is over NN : NN NN NN NN NNS NN CC NNS IN VBG NN NN NN IN watch fox host chris wallace scold fox friend say russia investigation
1288 Ben & Jerry Tell Us Why Pulling Out Of Paris Climate Deal Was The Right Move ben & jerry tell us why pulling out of paris climate deal was the right move ben and jerry tell us why pulling out of paris climate deal was the right move NNP CC NN VB NN WRB VBG IN IN NNP NN NN NN DT RB NN ben jerry tell pull paris climate deal right move
1819 Dan Rather Says What Every Person With A Moral Compass Is Thinking Regarding Sean Spicer & Trump dan rather says what every person with a moral compass is thinking regarding sean spicer & trump dan rather says what every person with a moral compass is thinking regarding sean spicer and trump NNP RB NNS WP DT NN IN DT JJ NN NN VBG VBG NN NN CC NN dan rather say every person moral compass think regard sean spicer trump
2068 Fox & Friends Ignores FBI Director’s Trump Bombshell, And Jake Tapper CALLS THEM OUT fox & friends ignores fbi director’s trump bombshell, and jake tapper calls them out fox and friends ignores fbi director’s trump bombshell , and jake tapper calls them out NN CC NNS NNS NNP NN NN NNP , CC NN NN NN NN IN fox friend ignores fbi director trump bombshell jake tapper call
3275 A&E Cancels KKK Documentary After It’s Revealed Producers PAID Racists To Be In It a&e cancels kkk documentary after it’s revealed producers paid racists to be in it a_e cancels kkk documentary after it’s revealed producers paid racists to be in it NN NNS NNP NN IN NN VBN NNS NNS NNS TO VB IN PRP a_e cancel kkk documentary reveal producer paid racist
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23418 BOILER ROOM – EP #47 – Establishment Hitmen & Media Hacks boiler room – ep #47 – establishment hitmen & media hacks boiler room ep _ _digit_ establishment hitmen and media hacks NN NN NN NN NN NN NNS CC NNP NNS boiler room _digit_ establishment hitman medium hack
23431 BOILER ROOM – EP #46 – Murder, Witchery, Politricks & A Manatee boiler room – ep #46 – murder, witchery, politricks & a manatee boiler room ep _ _digit_ murder , witchery , politricks and a manatee NN NN NN NN NN NN , NN , NNS CC DT NN boiler room _digit_ murder witchery politricks manatee
23438 BOILER ROOM – EP #45 – Horror Hotel, Trump Gatecrash & Cynical Ploys boiler room – ep #45 – horror hotel, trump gatecrash & cynical ploys boiler room ep _ _digit_ horror hotel , trump gatecrash and cynical ploys NN NN NN NN NN NN NN , NN NN CC JJ NNS boiler room _digit_ horror hotel trump gatecrash cynical ploy
23449 BOILER ROOM – EP #43 – Cloppers, OR Osmosis, MK Ultra & Voltron boiler room – ep #43 – cloppers, or osmosis, mk ultra & voltron boiler room ep _ _digit_ cloppers , or osmosis , mk ultra and voltron NN NN NN NN NN NNS , CC NN , NN NN CC NNP boiler room _digit_ cloppers osmosis ultra voltron
23472 #Hashtag Hell & The Fake Left #hashtag hell & the fake left _hashtag hell and the fake left NN NN CC DT NN VBN _hashtag hell fake leave

161 rows × 5 columns

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9695 Some Republican pundits, politicians remain defiantly #NeverTrump some republican pundits, politicians remain defiantly #nevertrump some republican pundits , politicians remain defiantly _nevertrump DT JJ NNS , NNS NN RB NN republican pundit politician remain defiantly _nevertrump
10607 Trump naysayers push #NeverTrump on Twitter before Super Tuesday trump naysayers push #nevertrump on twitter before super tuesday trump naysayers push _nevertrump on twitter before super tuesday NN NNS NN NN IN NN IN NN NNP trump naysayer push _nevertrump twitter super tuesday
org_title lower_title cleaned_words cleaned_pos minimal_words
562 Protesters Welcome Trump Home To His Golden Tower With The Best #RESISTANCE Display Yet (IMAGE) protesters welcome trump home to his golden tower with the best #resistance display yet (image) protesters welcome trump home to his golden tower with the best _resistance display yet ( image ) NNS VB NN NN TO PRP$ NNP NN IN DT JJS NN NN RB ( NN ) protester welcome trump home golden tower best _resistance display yet image
601 #TrumpChicken Is Now Trending And These Tweets Are Hilarious (IMAGES) #trumpchicken is now trending and these tweets are hilarious (images) _trumpchicken is now trending and these tweets are hilarious ( images ) NNS NN RB VBG CC DT NNS NN JJ ( NNS ) _trumpchicken trend tweet hilarious image
865 #BringBackObama Hashtag Blows Up On Twitter As Americans Share Memories (TWEETS) #bringbackobama hashtag blows up on twitter as americans share memories (tweets) _bringbackobama hashtag blows up on twitter as americans share memories ( tweets ) NN NN NNS IN IN NN IN NNS NN NNS ( NN ) _bringbackobama hashtag blow twitter american share memory tweet
1075 Ivanka Trump Sends Out #WorldRefugeeDay Tweet, Gets Stomped On By Twitter Users Everywhere ivanka trump sends out #worldrefugeeday tweet, gets stomped on by twitter users everywhere ivanka trump sends out _worldrefugeeday tweet , gets stomped on by twitter users everywhere NN NN NNS IN NN NN , NNS VBD IN IN NN NNS RB ivanka trump sends _worldrefugeeday tweet get stomp twitter user everywhere
1627 Trump Could Get Primaried By A Horrified #NEVERTRUMP Republican In 2020 (DETAILS) trump could get primaried by a horrified #nevertrump republican in 2020 (details) trump could get primaried by a horrified _nevertrump republican in _digit_ ( details ) NN MD VB VBN IN DT VBN NN JJ IN NN ( NNS ) trump could get primaried horrify _nevertrump republican _digit_ detail
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23458 Episode #120 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Crisis of Liberty’ with guests Jason Casella and Kim Upton episode #120 – sunday wire: ‘crisis of liberty’ with guests jason casella and kim upton episode _ _digit_ sunday wire : ‘crisis of liberty’ with guests jason casella and kim upton NN NN NN NN NN : NN IN NN IN NNS NN NN CC NNP NN episode _digit_ sunday wire crisis liberty guest jason casella kim upton
23462 BOILER ROOM – Oregon Standoff, Cuddle Parties, Guns n’ Posers – EP #41 boiler room – oregon standoff, cuddle parties, guns n’ posers – ep #41 boiler room oregon standoff , cuddle parties , guns n’ posers ep _ _digit_ NN NN NN NN , NN NNS , NNS NN NNS NN NN NN boiler room oregon standoff cuddle party gun poser _digit_
23464 Episode #119 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘You Know the Drill’ with guests Robert Singer and Jay Dyer episode #119 – sunday wire: ‘you know the drill’ with guests robert singer and jay dyer episode _ _digit_ sunday wire : ‘you know the drill’ with guests robert singer and jay dyer NN NN NN NN NN : NN NNP DT NN IN NNS NNP NN CC NNP NN episode _digit_ sunday wire know drill guest robert singer jay dyer
23469 BOILER ROOM: As the Frogs Slowly Boil – EP #40 boiler room: as the frogs slowly boil – ep #40 boiler room : as the frogs slowly boil ep _ _digit_ NN NN : IN DT NNS RB NN NN NN NN boiler room frog slowly boil _digit_
23472 #Hashtag Hell & The Fake Left #hashtag hell & the fake left _hashtag hell and the fake left NN NN CC DT NN VBN _hashtag hell fake leave

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6929 Trump attends 'Villains and Heroes' costume party dressed as...himself trump attends 'villains and heroes' costume party dressed as...himself trump attends 'villains and heroes ' costume party dressed as himself NN NNS NNS CC NNS '' NN NN VBN IN PRP trump attends villain hero costume party dress
10690 Trump loves 'the poorly educated' ... and social media clamors trump loves 'the poorly educated' ... and social media clamors trump loves 'the poorly educated ' and social media clamors NN NNS NNS RB VBN '' CC JJ NNS NNS trump love poorly educate social medium clamor
15135 Indo-Pacific? Not from where China is sitting... indo-pacific? not from where china is sitting... indo _ pacific ? not from where china is sitting NN NN NNP . RB IN WRB NNP VBZ VBG indo pacific china sit
21225 Despite derision, Britain's PM May might well be able to carry on... for now despite derision, britain's pm may might well be able to carry on... for now despite derision , britain 's _prime_minister_ may might well be able to carry on for now IN NN , NNP POS NN NNP MD RB VB JJ TO NN IN IN RB despite derision britain _prime_minister_ may might well able carry
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2480 The Internet HILARIOUSLY Mocks Trump With #TinyTrump Memes, Trump Hissy Fit In 3..2..1.. (IMAGES) the internet hilariously mocks trump with #tinytrump memes, trump hissy fit in 3..2..1.. (images) the internet hilariously mocks trump with _tinytrump memes , trump hissy fit in _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ ( images ) DT NN NN NNS NN IN NN NNS , NN NN NN IN NN NN NN ( NNS ) internet hilariously mock trump _tinytrump meme trump hissy fit _digit_ _digit_ _digit_ image
10251 COLLEGES MAY BE FORCED To Stop Pushing Qualified White Students To Back Of Line.. DOJ Will Take On Affirmative Action In College Admissions colleges may be forced to stop pushing qualified white students to back of line.. doj will take on affirmative action in college admissions colleges may be forced to stop pushing qualified white students to back of line doj will take on affirmative action in college admissions NN NNP VB NN TO VB VBG VBN NNP NNS TO RB IN NN NN MD VB IN JJ NN IN NN NNS college may forced stop push qualify white student back line doj take affirmative action college admission
10789 LISTEN TO THEM LAUGH! Undercover VIDEO Captures Diabolical Remarks At National ABORTION Federation Conference…”An Eyeball Just Fell Into My Lap..And That’s Gross” listen to them laugh! undercover video captures diabolical remarks at national abortion federation conference…”an eyeball just fell into my lap..and that’s gross” listen to them laugh ! undercover video captures diabolical remarks at national abortion federation conference…”an eyeball just fell into my lap and that’s gross” NN NN NN NN . NN NN NNS JJ NNS IN NNP NN NN NN NN RB NN NN PRP$ NN CC NN NN listen laugh undercover video capture diabolical remark national abortion federation conference eyeball fell lap gross
10851 SHERIFF DAVID CLARKE Picked For Key Position In Trump Administration..Aren’t We Lucky! sheriff david clarke picked for key position in trump administration..aren’t we lucky! sheriff david clarke picked for key position in trump administration aren’t we lucky ! NN NN NN VBD IN NN NN IN NN NN NN PRP JJ . sheriff david clarke pick key position trump administration lucky
11390 COMEDY GOLD! Bernie Sanders Has HILARIOUS Meltdown Over Repeal Of Obamacare: “If You Are Old..If You’re 55-60 Yrs Of Age And Don’t Have Health Insurance, You Will Die!” [VIDEO] comedy gold! bernie sanders has hilarious meltdown over repeal of obamacare: “if you are old..if you’re 55-60 yrs of age and don’t have health insurance, you will die!” [video] comedy gold ! bernie sanders has hilarious meltdown over repeal of obamacare : “if you are old if you’re _digit_ _ _digit_ yrs of age and don’t have health insurance , you will die ! [ video ] NN NN . NNP NNS NN NN NN IN NN IN NN : NN PRP NN NN IN NN NN NN NN NN IN NN CC NN VB NNP NN , PRP MD NN . NN NN NN comedy gold bernie sander hilarious meltdown repeal obamacare old _digit_ _digit_ yr age health insurance die video
11404 RACHEL MADDOW Tries To Embarrass Trump By Exposing 2005 Tax Returns…BACKFIRES Big-Time..Gets DESTROYED On Twitter! rachel maddow tries to embarrass trump by exposing 2005 tax returns…backfires big-time..gets destroyed on twitter! rachel maddow tries to embarrass trump by exposing _digit_ tax returns…backfires big _ time gets destroyed on twitter ! NN NN NNS TO NN NN IN VBG NN NN NN JJ NN NN NNS NN IN NN . rachel maddow try embarrass trump expose _digit_ tax return backfire big time get destroyed twitter
11960 DEFIANT DEMOCRATS Announce Effort To Rehang Painting Depicting Police As Pigs..On Police Appreciation Day [Video] defiant democrats announce effort to rehang painting depicting police as pigs..on police appreciation day [video] defiant democrats announce effort to rehang painting depicting police as pigs on police appreciation day [ video ] NN NN NN NN TO NN VBG VBG NNS IN NNS IN NNS NN NNP NN NN NN defiant democrat announce effort rehang paint depict police pig police appreciation day video
12624 OBAMA LIED To Protect Hillary..New Wikileaks Email Proves It! obama lied to protect wikileaks email proves it! obama lied to protect hillary new wikileaks email proves it ! NN NN TO NN JJ NNP NNS NN NNS PRP . obama lied protect hillary new wikileaks email prof
12779 TRUMP NAILED IT! Everyone’s Calling THIS The Best Line Of The Night..Mic Drop Moment…[Video] trump nailed it! everyone’s calling this the best line of the night..mic drop moment…[video] trump nailed it ! everyone’s calling this the best line of the night mic drop moment… [ video ] NN NN NN . NN VBG NN DT JJS NN IN DT NN NN NN NN NN NN NN trump nailed everyone call best line night mic drop moment video
13977 LOL! HILLARY’S New Anti-Trump Ad Backfires..Ends Up Being AMAZING Pro-Trump Ad [VIDEO] lol! hillary’s new anti-trump ad backfires..ends up being amazing pro-trump ad [video] lol ! hillary’s new anti _ trump ad backfires ends up being amazing pro _ trump ad [ video ] NN . NN NNP NNS NN NN NN NNS NNS IN VBG NN NNS NN NN NN NN NN NN lol hillary new anti trump backfire end amazing pro trump video
14521 HILLARY TRIES TO INJECT Social Class And Race Into Flint Water Crisis.. Immediately Regrets It hillary tries to inject social class and race into flint water crisis.. immediately regrets it hillary tries to inject social class and race into flint water crisis immediately regrets it NN NN NN NN NNP NN CC NN NN NN NN NN RB NNS PRP hillary try inject social class race flint water crisis immediately regret
16341 OBAMA LIED To Protect Hillary..New Wikileaks Email Proves It! obama lied to protect wikileaks email proves it! obama lied to protect hillary new wikileaks email proves it ! NN NN TO NN JJ NNP NNS NN NNS PRP . obama lied protect hillary new wikileaks email prof
17173 (VIDEO) REV AL SHARPTON BOTCHES THE NAME OF A FAMOUS BIBLICAL FIGURE…YES, HE’S A REVEREND.. (video) rev al sharpton botches the name of a famous biblical figure…yes, he’s a reverend.. ( video ) rev al sharpton botches the name of a famous biblical figure…yes , he’s a reverend ( NN ) NN NN NN NN DT NN IN DT NN NN NN , NN DT NN video rev sharpton botch name famous biblical figure yes reverend
18221 COLLEGES MAY BE FORCED To Stop Pushing Qualified White Students To Back Of Line.. DOJ Will Take On Affirmative Action In College Admissions colleges may be forced to stop pushing qualified white students to back of line.. doj will take on affirmative action in college admissions colleges may be forced to stop pushing qualified white students to back of line doj will take on affirmative action in college admissions NN NNP VB NN TO VB VBG VBN NNP NNS TO RB IN NN NN MD VB IN JJ NN IN NN NNS college may forced stop push qualify white student back line doj take affirmative action college admission
18583 LISTEN TO THEM LAUGH! Undercover VIDEO Captures Diabolical Remarks At National ABORTION Federation Conference…”An Eyeball Just Fell Into My Lap..And That’s Gross” listen to them laugh! undercover video captures diabolical remarks at national abortion federation conference…”an eyeball just fell into my lap..and that’s gross” listen to them laugh ! undercover video captures diabolical remarks at national abortion federation conference…”an eyeball just fell into my lap and that’s gross” NN NN NN NN . NN NN NNS JJ NNS IN NNP NN NN NN NN RB NN NN PRP$ NN CC NN NN listen laugh undercover video capture diabolical remark national abortion federation conference eyeball fell lap gross
18968 COMEDY GOLD! Bernie Sanders Has HILARIOUS Meltdown Over Repeal Of Obamacare: “If You Are Old..If You’re 55-60 Yrs Of Age And Don’t Have Health Insurance, You Will Die!” [VIDEO] comedy gold! bernie sanders has hilarious meltdown over repeal of obamacare: “if you are old..if you’re 55-60 yrs of age and don’t have health insurance, you will die!” [video] comedy gold ! bernie sanders has hilarious meltdown over repeal of obamacare : “if you are old if you’re _digit_ _ _digit_ yrs of age and don’t have health insurance , you will die ! [ video ] NN NN . NNP NNS NN NN NN IN NN IN NN : NN PRP NN NN IN NN NN NN NN NN IN NN CC NN VB NNP NN , PRP MD NN . NN NN NN comedy gold bernie sander hilarious meltdown repeal obamacare old _digit_ _digit_ yr age health insurance die video
18979 RACHEL MADDOW Tries To Embarrass Trump By Exposing 2005 Tax Returns…BACKFIRES Big-Time..Gets DESTROYED On Twitter! rachel maddow tries to embarrass trump by exposing 2005 tax returns…backfires big-time..gets destroyed on twitter! rachel maddow tries to embarrass trump by exposing _digit_ tax returns…backfires big _ time gets destroyed on twitter ! NN NN NNS TO NN NN IN VBG NN NN NN JJ NN NN NNS NN IN NN . rachel maddow try embarrass trump expose _digit_ tax return backfire big time get destroyed twitter
20620 LOL! HILLARY’S New Anti-Trump Ad Backfires..Ends Up Being AMAZING Pro-Trump Ad [VIDEO] lol! hillary’s new anti-trump ad backfires..ends up being amazing pro-trump ad [video] lol ! hillary’s new anti _ trump ad backfires ends up being amazing pro _ trump ad [ video ] NN . NN NNP NNS NN NN NN NNS NNS IN VBG NN NNS NN NN NN NN NN NN lol hillary new anti trump backfire end amazing pro trump video
21030 HILLARY TRIES TO INJECT Social Class And Race Into Flint Water Crisis.. Immediately Regrets It hillary tries to inject social class and race into flint water crisis.. immediately regrets it hillary tries to inject social class and race into flint water crisis immediately regrets it NN NN NN NN NNP NN CC NN NN NN NN NN RB NNS PRP hillary try inject social class race flint water crisis immediately regret
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3 FBI Russia probe helped by Australian diplomat tip-off: NYT fbi russia probe helped by australian diplomat tip-off: nyt fbi russia probe helped by australian diplomat tip _ off : nyt NNP NN NN VBD IN JJ NN NN NN IN : NN fbi russia probe help australian diplomat tip nyt
7 Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Dec 29) - Approval rating, Amazon factbox: trump on twitter (dec 29) - approval rating, amazon factbox : trump on twitter ( dec _digit_ ) _ approval rating , amazon NN : NN IN NN ( NN NN ) NN NN NN , NN factbox trump twitter dec _digit_ approval rating amazon
8 Trump on Twitter (Dec 28) - Global Warming trump on twitter (dec 28) - global warming trump on twitter ( dec _digit_ ) _ global warming NN IN NN ( NN NN ) NN JJ VBG trump twitter dec _digit_ global warm
9 Alabama official to certify Senator-elect Jones today despite challenge: CNN alabama official to certify senator-elect jones today despite challenge: cnn alabama official to certify senator _ elect jones today despite challenge : cnn NN NN TO NN NN NN NN NNP NN IN NN : NN alabama official certify senator elect jones today despite challenge cnn
12 Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Dec 28) - Vanity Fair, Hillary Clinton factbox: trump on twitter (dec 28) - vanity fair, hillary clinton factbox : trump on twitter ( dec _digit_ ) _ vanity fair , hillary clinton NN : NN IN NN ( NN NN ) NN NN NN , JJ NN factbox trump twitter dec _digit_ vanity fair hillary clinton
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21347 Downfall of ex-Samsung strategy chief leaves 'salarymen' disillusioned downfall of ex-samsung strategy chief leaves 'salarymen' disillusioned downfall of ex _ samsung strategy chief leaves 'salarymen ' disillusioned NN IN NN NN NN NN NN NNS NNS '' VBN downfall samsung strategy chief leaf salarymen disillusion
21349 China says nothing will stop its long-range air force drills china says nothing will stop its long-range air force drills china says nothing will stop its long _ range air force drills NNP VBZ NN MD NN PRP$ RB NN NN NN NN NNS china say nothing stop long range air force drill
21381 Canada frets over possible huge surge in asylum-seekers: sources canada frets over possible huge surge in asylum-seekers: sources canada frets over possible huge surge in asylum _ seekers : sources NNP NNS IN JJ JJ NN IN NN NN NNS : NNS canada fret possible huge surge asylum seeker source
21385 Venezuela ex-prosecutor says she has evidence of Maduro corruption venezuela ex-prosecutor says she has evidence of maduro corruption venezuela ex _ prosecutor says she has evidence of maduro corruption NNP NN NN NN VBZ PRP VBZ NN IN NN NN venezuela prosecutor say evidence maduro corruption
21396 Pro-Houthi fighters call powerful Yemen ally 'evil', escalating feud pro-houthi fighters call powerful yemen ally 'evil', escalating feud pro _ houthi fighters call powerful yemen ally 'evil ' , escalating feud NNS NN NN NNS NN JJ NNS RB NNS '' , VBG NN pro houthi fighter call powerful yemen ally evil escalate feud

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9 WATCH: Brand-New Pro-Trump Ad Features So Much A** Kissing It Will Make You Sick watch: brand-new pro-trump ad features so much a** kissing it will make you sick watch : brand _ new pro _ trump ad features so much _mytag_slang_ kissing it will make you sick NN : NN NN NNP NNS NN NN NN NNS RB JJ NN VBG PRP MD VB PRP JJ watch brand new pro trump feature much _mytag_slang_ kiss make sick
17 Mueller Spokesman Just F-cked Up Donald Trump’s Christmas mueller spokesman just f-cked up donald trump’s christmas mueller spokesman just f _ cked up donald trump’s christmas NN NN RB NN NN NNS IN NNP NN NN mueller spokesman cked donald trump christmas
22 Meghan McCain Tweets The Most AMAZING Response To Doug Jones’ Win In Deep-Red Alabama meghan mccain tweets the most amazing response to doug jones’ win in deep-red alabama meghan mccain tweets the most amazing response to doug jones’ win in deep _ red alabama NN NN NNS DT JJS NN NN TO NN NN VB IN JJ NN JJ NN meghan mccain tweet amazing response doug jones win deep red alabama
24 White House: It Wasn’t Sexist For Trump To Slut-Shame Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (VIDEO) white house: it wasn’t sexist for trump to slut-shame sen. kirsten gillibrand (video) white house : it wasn’t sexist for trump to slut _ shame sen kirsten gillibrand ( video ) NNP NNP : PRP NN NN IN NN TO NN NN NN NN VB NN ( NN ) white house sexist trump slut shame sen kirsten gillibrand video
51 Trump Sends Crazy-Time Tweet To The Wrong Account After Losing His Sh*t Over World Leader’s Remarks trump sends crazy-time tweet to the wrong account after losing his sh*t over world leader’s remarks trump sends crazy _ time tweet to the wrong account after losing his _mytag_slang_ over world leader’s remarks NN NNS NN NN NN NN TO DT JJ NN IN VBG PRP$ NN IN NN NN NNS trump sends crazy time tweet wrong account lose _mytag_slang_ world leader remark
... ... ... ... ... ...
23421 New Evidence Shows Foul Play, Cover-up by FBI and OSP in Shooting of LaVoy Finicum – DOJ Opens New Investigation new evidence shows foul play, cover-up by fbi and osp in shooting of lavoy finicum – doj opens new investigation new evidence shows foul play , cover _ up by fbi and osp in shooting of lavoy finicum doj opens new investigation NNP NN NNS NN VB , NN NN RB IN NNP CC NN IN VBG IN NN NN NN NNS NNP NN new evidence show foul play cover fbi osp shoot lavoy finicum doj open new investigation
23423 Iraq Redux: US-led Sanctions Against Syria Are Hurting Real People, Helping Real Terrorists iraq redux: us-led sanctions against syria are hurting real people, helping real terrorists iraq redux : _u_s_ _ led sanctions against syria are hurting real people , helping real terrorists NN NN : NN NN VBN NNS IN NNS NN VBG JJ NNS , VBG JJ NNS iraq redux _u_s_ lead sanction syria hurt real people help real terrorist
23441 Wikileaks: NSA Spied on UN Secretary-General and World Leaders’ Secret Meetings wikileaks: nsa spied on un secretary-general and world leaders’ secret meetings wikileaks : nsa spied on _u_n_ secretary _ general and world leaders’ secret meetings NNS : NN VBN IN NNP NNP NN NNP CC NN NN JJ NNS wikileaks nsa spy _u_n_ secretary general world leader secret meeting
23460 Trial By YouTube: Mainstream Media Use Second-hand Oregon Account to Cast Blame on Dead Rancher trial by youtube: mainstream media use second-hand oregon account to cast blame on dead rancher trial by youtube : mainstream media use second _ hand oregon account to cast blame on dead rancher NN IN NN : NN NNP NN JJ NN NN NN NN TO NN NN IN JJ NN trial youtube mainstream medium use second hand oregon account cast blame dead rancher
23477 JUSTICE? Yahoo Settles E-mail Privacy Class-action: $4M for Lawyers, $0 for Users justice? yahoo settles e-mail privacy class-action: $4m for lawyers, $0 for users justice ? yahoo settles e _ mail privacy class _ action : _digit_ m for lawyers , _digit_ for users NN . NN NNS NN NN NN NN NN NN NN : NN NN IN NNS , NN IN NNS justice yahoo settle mail privacy class action _digit_ lawyer _digit_ user

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7 Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Dec 29) - Approval rating, Amazon factbox: trump on twitter (dec 29) - approval rating, amazon factbox : trump on twitter ( dec _digit_ ) _ approval rating , amazon NN : NN IN NN ( NN NN ) NN NN NN , NN factbox trump twitter dec _digit_ approval rating amazon
8 Trump on Twitter (Dec 28) - Global Warming trump on twitter (dec 28) - global warming trump on twitter ( dec _digit_ ) _ global warming NN IN NN ( NN NN ) NN JJ VBG trump twitter dec _digit_ global warm
12 Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Dec 28) - Vanity Fair, Hillary Clinton factbox: trump on twitter (dec 28) - vanity fair, hillary clinton factbox : trump on twitter ( dec _digit_ ) _ vanity fair , hillary clinton NN : NN IN NN ( NN NN ) NN NN NN , JJ NN factbox trump twitter dec _digit_ vanity fair hillary clinton
13 Trump on Twitter (Dec 27) - Trump, Iraq, Syria trump on twitter (dec 27) - trump, iraq, syria trump on twitter ( dec _digit_ ) _ trump , iraq , syria NN IN NN ( NN NN ) NN NN , NN , NNS trump twitter dec _digit_ trump iraq syria
16 U.S. lawmakers question businessman at 2016 Trump Tower meeting: sources u.s. lawmakers question businessman at 2016 trump tower meeting: sources _u_s_ lawmakers question businessman at _digit_ trump tower meeting : sources NNP NNS NN NN IN NN NN NN NN : NNS _u_s_ lawmaker question businessman _digit_ trump tower meeting source
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21336 Indian protests after 'godman' convicted of rape kill 29 indian protests after 'godman' convicted of rape kill 29 indian protests after 'godman ' convicted of rape kill _digit_ JJ NNS IN NN '' VBN IN NN NN NN indian protest godman convict rape kill _digit_
21383 Brazil's Lula says party may field someone else in 2018 brazil's lula says party may field someone else in 2018 brazil 's lula says party may field someone else in _digit_ NNP POS NN VBZ NN MD NN NN RB IN NN brazil lula say party may field someone else _digit_
21395 Poland to allocate additional $55 bllion on defense by 2032: deputy minister poland to allocate additional $55 bllion on defense by 2032: deputy minister poland to allocate additional _digit_ bllion on defense by _digit_ : deputy minister NNP TO NN JJ NN NN IN NN IN NN : NN NN poland allocate additional _digit_ bllion defense _digit_ deputy minister
21404 Exclusive: U.S. to withhold up to $290 million in Egypt aid exclusive: u.s. to withhold up to $290 million in egypt aid exclusive : _u_s_ to withhold up to _digit_ million in egypt aid JJ : NNP TO NN RB TO NN CD IN NN NN exclusive _u_s_ withhold _digit_ million egypt aid
21416 Indonesia to buy $1.14 billion worth of Russian jets indonesia to buy $1.14 billion worth of russian jets indonesia to buy _digit_ . _digit_ billion worth of russian jets NN TO VB NN . NN CD NN IN JJ NNS indonesia buy _digit_ _digit_ billion worth russian jet

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12 Bad News For Trump — Mitch McConnell Says No To Repealing Obamacare In 2018 bad news for trump — mitch mcconnell says no to repealing obamacare in 2018 bad news for trump mitch mcconnell says no to repealing obamacare in _digit_ NN NNS IN NN NN NNP NNS DT TO VBG NN IN NN bad news trump mitch mcconnell say repeal obamacare _digit_
23 CNN CALLS IT: A Democrat Will Represent Alabama In The Senate For The First Time In 25 Years cnn calls it: a democrat will represent alabama in the senate for the first time in 25 years cnn calls it : a democrat will represent alabama in the senate for the first time in _digit_ years NN NN NN : DT NNP MD NN NN IN DT NNP IN DT RB NN IN NN NNS cnn call democrat represent alabama senate first time _digit_ year
38 John McCain Wanted Another 74 Twitter Followers, But His Plan Backfired Miserably (TWEETS) john mccain wanted another 74 twitter followers, but his plan backfired miserably (tweets) john mccain wanted another _digit_ twitter followers , but his plan backfired miserably ( tweets ) NNP NN VBD DT NN NN NNS , CC PRP$ NN VBN RB ( NN ) john mccain want another _digit_ twitter follower plan backfire miserably tweet
52 Americans Once Elected A President After He Was Accused Of Raping A 13-Year-Old Girl americans once elected a president after he was accused of raping a 13-year-old girl americans once elected a president after he was accused of raping a _digit_ _ year _ old girl NNS RB VBN DT NNP IN PRP NN VBN IN VBG DT NN NN NN NN NN NN american elect president accuse rap _digit_ year old girl
55 Sean Hannity Is Throwing A Stage-4 Temper Tantrum Over The Photo He Posed For (IMAGE) sean hannity is throwing a stage-4 temper tantrum over the photo he posed for (image) sean hannity is throwing a stage _ _digit_ temper tantrum over the photo he posed for ( image ) NN NN NN VBG DT NN NN NN NN NN IN DT NN PRP VBD IN ( NN ) sean hannity throw stage _digit_ temper tantrum photo pose image
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23464 Episode #119 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘You Know the Drill’ with guests Robert Singer and Jay Dyer episode #119 – sunday wire: ‘you know the drill’ with guests robert singer and jay dyer episode _ _digit_ sunday wire : ‘you know the drill’ with guests robert singer and jay dyer NN NN NN NN NN : NN NNP DT NN IN NNS NNP NN CC NNP NN episode _digit_ sunday wire know drill guest robert singer jay dyer
23469 BOILER ROOM: As the Frogs Slowly Boil – EP #40 boiler room: as the frogs slowly boil – ep #40 boiler room : as the frogs slowly boil ep _ _digit_ NN NN : IN DT NNS RB NN NN NN NN boiler room frog slowly boil _digit_
23477 JUSTICE? Yahoo Settles E-mail Privacy Class-action: $4M for Lawyers, $0 for Users justice? yahoo settles e-mail privacy class-action: $4m for lawyers, $0 for users justice ? yahoo settles e _ mail privacy class _ action : _digit_ m for lawyers , _digit_ for users NN . NN NNS NN NN NN NN NN NN NN : NN NN IN NNS , NN IN NNS justice yahoo settle mail privacy class action _digit_ lawyer _digit_ user
23479 How to Blow $700 Million: Al Jazeera America Finally Calls it Quits how to blow $700 million: al jazeera america finally calls it quits how to blow _digit_ million : al jazeera america finally calls it quits WRB TO NN NN NN : NN NN NNP RB NNS PRP NNS blow _digit_ million jazeera america finally call quits
23480 10 U.S. Navy Sailors Held by Iranian Military – Signs of a Neocon Political Stunt 10 u.s. navy sailors held by iranian military – signs of a neocon political stunt _digit_ _u_s_ navy sailors held by iranian military signs of a neocon political stunt NN NNP NNP NNS NNP IN JJ JJ NNS IN DT NN JJ NN _digit_ _u_s_ navy sailor held iranian military sign neocon political stunt

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