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Sort algorithms

Sort makes searches faster. Let’s cover famous sorting algorithms with their complexity and implementation. Implementation can vary a little, but the complex...


A heap is a complete binary tree, where every parent has a key greater than or equal to (max heap) or less than or equal to (min heap) its child’s key.


A tree is a data structure that represents a hierarchical relationship. A link to another node is one way (only from higher to lower, no cyclic connection),...

Stack, Queue, and Deque

Stack, Queue, and Deque are commonly used linear (ordered) data strucrues. They vary depending on the position of insertion and deletion operation.

Linked List

This post will briefly introduce about the linked list and its variations.

Intro of data structure and algorithm

A data structure is an expression of objects in computing, which describes an organization of data with rules of operations within. An algorithm is a finite ...

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Statistics about Linear Regression

Linear regression can build a statistical model which predicts a continuous numerical output using a continuous numerical input(s). Simply, it finds a parame...

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Fake news detection

I’m introducing my automative fake news detection machine learning project. Since there is no concensus theory in detection of fake news solely based on news...

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Merge various datasets with Pandas

Here, I’m presenting my code I used to manipulate and merge multiple datasets. This is part of my dancer’s business project. Hope it is useful!

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Dancer’s Business

In this project, I’ll predict a dancer’s income in five different cities in the U.S. by statistical modeling with various data. Please find many interesting ...

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